Saint Hedwig, daughter of a noble prince called Betoldo, was educated in a convent. From that moment on, her love and devotion to prayer and to the Virgin Mary were…
Nowadays, people need a lot of love, that’s why they are constantly praying, not only for love between spouses, but also for love of family, home, friends, etc. Saint Alejo…
Saint Gerard is the patron saint of pregnant women, of those who wish to become mothers for the first time, and of those who are already expecting a child, since…
Prayers in the Catholic religion are conversations that people should have with God. All the Catholic Virgins and Saints have prayers, including the prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe, but…
Prayer to Saint Raphael Archangel 21 days; know the most powerful prayers dedicated to this powerful archangel, one of the archangels closest to God, who will give you health, protection…
Need help with your husband? The angels can help you, learn today the prayer to St Michael the Archangel for my powerful husband, in more than one difficult situation in…
By praying to San Marcos de León against enemies, you will be able to ward off bad vibes from people who wish you harm. Also learn the short prayers of…
The history of Santa Inocencia goes back 300 years. Read on to discover its history and many things that will interest you. It is said that Innocence was a girl…
The Gospel of St. John mentions this archangel as one of the seven who is near the divine presence of the Lord, this name means the fire of God, here…
Saint Sara Kali is popularly known as the patron saint or protector of all gypsies. One of the main pseudonyms used by her devotees is Santa Sara La Negra. Find…