One of the most commonly requested prayers is for a spouse, whether it is for a job, for conversion or for the restoration of a marriage. Today we will learn how to pray for my spouse in times of trouble at home.

como orar por mi esposo

Become a prayer warrior for your husband.

Wives have a responsibility to pray for their husbands at all times, remembering that they are the helpmeet.

Husbands fight tremendous spiritual battles in the midst of their authority in the home.

As we all know, they have been appointed by God to be the head of the home, with the responsibility to maintain, guide and provide security within the home.

To maintain, guide and provide security within their home, to protect their wife and children.

And the devil knows that if he attacks the head, he can destroy the whole home.

That is why learning to pray for my husband is a must for every Christian wife.

If you want your husband to be a man of faith and to be able to overcome the difficulties that come his way.

When your husband is going through difficult times, you have a duty to intercede for him before God.

Sometimes we forget the tremendous power of prayer to protect our husbands from the wiles of the devil.

The wiles of the devil.

And perhaps that is why we become quiet, with nothing to do but complain about what is happening to us.

We need to change our position and consider the option of becoming true warriors.

We need to replace complaining with prayer, tears with prayer, sadness with prayer so that you can see changes in your life.

changes in your life.

como orar por mi esposo

We need to forget that we are the weaker sex and rise up in God to fight for our husbands.

There are already too many divorces in the world that could have been saved by effective prayers that we as wives can do.

There are already too many divorces in the world that could have been saved by effective prayers that we can pray as wives.

Who better than you to start helping your husband spiritually?

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Learning to pray effectively for my husband

Learning to pray continually for your husband is a task that requires commitment, forgiveness and faith.

The devil will try to weaken you and use your emotions and feelings to hurt you and make you give up.

The first thing you need to do is to keep your faith that God will work in your husband.

The second thing is not to lose heart despite the circumstances you are going through.

The third is not to be intimidated by the things you see in your husband, but to learn to see him through the eyes of Jesus.

And this is where you will need God’s support the most, you cannot lose heart.

Sometimes we lose battles because we let ourselves be guided by what we see or feel, and faith goes far beyond that.

Let us not forget that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

And this is something to keep in mind when we feel resistance from our emotions.

We do not depend on our eyesight, “we live by faith and not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7.

Knowing how to pray effectively for my husband will bring effective results.

Requirements I need to fulfil in order to learn to pray effectively for my husband

  1. Stop constantly complaining to my husband and start complaining to God.
  2. Rise up in daily prayer and begin to wrestle with the spiritual hosts that are keeping my husband from being the same.
  3. Understand that our battle is not against your husband, but against what is working within him.
  4. Begin to see your husband through the eyes of Jesus.
  5. Pray that your faith will not waver in difficult times.
  6. Bow your knees to God so that you can stand in the battle.
  7. Do not lose heart!!!!! You must overcome because you can do all things because Jesus Christ will strengthen you.

You can also find a prayer for a seriously ill family to be healed by clicking on the link.

Now that you know how to pray for my husband, you can get started.


“Lord and dear God, before Your presence I am bending down to intercede for my husband, I want to lift up this prayer to You through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.

for my husband, I want to lift up this prayer to You through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross.

Trusting that your ears and eyes are upon this place where I am now.

My Lord and God, I know that nothing is impossible for me and that is why I give this burden to you.

Because I feel that I can no longer bear it, I feel weak and I feel like giving up.

But I remember that I am your daughter and that makes me once again rise up in prayer,

to stand in the gap for my husband.

You more than anyone know and understand the problems we go through in our marriage and you know my husband’s weaknesses.

and you know my husband’s weaknesses in these difficult times he is going through.

I pray Lord that You will help him to get back on his feet, that You will strengthen his weaknesses.

And give him the tools so that he can overcome these things that he is going through.

Help him Lord to draw closer to you, break his pride and make him obedient to you.

that he may understand that apart from you, he can’t achieve anything, that you are his strength

his driving force and the only one who can pull him out of the hole he is in.

I rise up today in prayer for him, that his spirit may be lifted up in your strength my God.

I understand that we are in the hollow of your hand and you do not forsake us.

I entrust my marriage to you, that we may fulfill the promise we made before you,

that we may keep the promise we made before you

Lord we are in difficult times and only you can help us.

Teach me to be a help meet for him, and teach me to be a prayer warrior for my family.

I lift up this prayer to you in Jesus’ mighty name, amen and amen.”

como orar por mi esposoBut don’t think that this prayer alone will work, you must be constant and firm in your faith.

You should intercede daily for your husband.

You can also find out what makes evangelicals different by clicking on the link,

Often we lose because we give up, fight tirelessly for your marriage.

Learn how to pray for my husband and your marriage and for God to change your life.

So that you can influence your husband in a positive way.

I leave you with this scripture that is fundamental to the process of becoming a warrior for the Lord.

I hope you will find it helpful.

Ephesians 6:10-17
Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil;

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Take therefore the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with the girdle of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet have been shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked;

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;