One of the most difficult stages we can face as human beings is financial or economic bankruptcy. Getting out of such a ruin is often very complicated, but with the San Expedito prayer for money you can regain your good fortune.

oración de san expedito para el dinero

San Expedito prayer for money

By consulting San Expedito, you will have the opportunity to ask for your financial well-being or, on the contrary, for its restoration. It should be noted that this saint fulfils the most improbable wish that any devotee can present.

However, before praying the prayer of Saint Expeditus for money, the speaker must first know the prayer of faith, as it is the most valuable of all prayers. With this prayer you will experience a financial rebirth, the multiplication of your fortune and the careful management of your interests.

-O venerable Saint Expeditus, holy martyr, who takes care of every help we need. O mighty saint, who reigns with the Most High in heavenly paradise. On this day I am sad and without consolation, because my money has been lost little by little without profit. I ask you with great urgency to help me remedy my financial brokenness. I would be grateful if you would fulfil this humble prayer.

oración de san expedito para el dinero

My Expedito, our Expedito, everyone’s Expedito. This lack of money has caused me great depression. O Saint, grant that I may once again enjoy economic abundance. Remove from my mind the possibility of squandering what I have proudly earned. Hear my lamentations so that I may be able to feed my family. O Saint of the Impossible, take away the worries and troubles that keep me from resting day and night. Amen.

Remember that you can also ask the Holy Golden Death for help. She will help you to make your work more successful and to earn more money.

St. Expeditus Prayer for Fast Money

To make money quickly and easily, with honesty and dignity, you can go to San Expedito. Just pray with great faith.

oración de san expedito para el dinero

-Saint of the impossible, generous man who saved people from all their tragedies. Be the captain of all my income, that I may invest it in lasting projects and not in transitory things. Provide abundantly and quickly much money to pay off all my debts. Bring the greatest prosperity into my life, so that I may continue to cultivate my success at this time.

Help me to strengthen my fortune in order to help my neighbour. O majestic Expedite, merciful Martyr who turns your gaze to the most helpless Christian. See to it that I maintain my good fortune, so that I may fulfil my duties as head of the family. Money comes and goes, so I pray that it will never stop coming for my sake, because if it does not, I will be bankrupt. Amen.

Another way to earn money, but you are unemployed and you do not get a job that suits you, it is time to pray the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel to get a job.

oración de san expedito para el dinero

St Expeditus Prayer for Lost Money

Everyone makes the mistake of making bad investments. We can fall victim to scams that can leave us in total ruin. By making a San Expedito prayer for money, you will recover what you have lost, just like San Dimas, the saint known as the good thief, who has the same purpose.

O San Expedito, I feel that I have already lost some of my money in bad investments. Give me the wisdom and courage to face this situation. Fill me with optimism and faith to go out and earn a living and not deprive my loved ones of money. Free me from these financial shortcomings that are the result of my mistake. Do not allow me to fall into absolute ruin to the point where I think of begging.

oración de san expedito para el dinero

Be generous to me and for my sake, O Expedite Martyr. I hope I can count on your support to succeed. Give me the will I lack to get out of this problem. May my family and I not suffer extreme hardship. I ask for God’s intercession that you listen to these humble words with firm attention.

Almighty God, I am learning from this costly mistake and I pray that You will give me another chance. I want to prove that I can recover from this financial loss. I long for all doors to be opened for me to enter with happiness and abundance. Remove from my soul all the sorrows that keep me stagnant. May my depression be transformed into optimism so that I can go out and face the world and recover my lost finances. Amen.