Saint Faustina Kowalska was a woman who grew up in a family of eight siblings, where she was the third, brought up under values and principles, this girl grew up with the gift of serving God. When she was five years old, she had a precious spiritual encounter, stayed and discovered the prophecies of Saint Faustina Kowalska.
The prophecies of Saint Faustina Kowalska
The prophecies of Saint Faustina Kowalska were surprising because some of them are still valid today; let us remember that this woman was of Polish origin and was entrusted by the Lord our God to spread this passion and devotion for the Divine Mercy, as Saint Agueda did. At no time did it seem strange to Saint Faustina that she should be given such a precious gift as prophecy.
It was announced through the prophecies of St. Faustina Kowalska eight years before the beginning of the devastating and terrible last world war, which lasted in her time; among her predictions was also that the city of Warsaw would be bombed and, more amazingly, she also foretold the year and day of her death.
One day the Lord said to St. Faustina Kowalska: “Write this, that I will tell you, before I return again as a just judge before all, I will approach all as a worthy judge of mercy, anticipating the day when justice will be done, a sign will be shown in heaven which will be for the people who dwell on the earth, no light will be extinguished both for the firmament and for the whole planet earth.
It is then that the sign of the Cross will appear in the sky, in those wounds that were made for Me on the Cross of Calvary, both in the hands and feet, will come out luminous rays that will illuminate the earth for a few moments.
He also said: I love Poland, with great love, you must be faithful and do my will, she will be worthy to be raised in power and great holiness, she will be the spark that I will light so that the world will prepare to receive me in my last coming. Let us continue to know the prophecies of St Faustina Kowalska.
It is revealed that the spark of which our Lord speaks in this prophecy is Pope John Paul II, whose pontificate has been fruitful, full of holiness and good works; this saint has already prepared the world for the Second Coming of our only Saviour and Redeemer of all times, in the midst of that distressing time that has rocked the boat that Peter was leading, he has led the Church towards two ways of salvation, which are the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, and the Holy Eucharist.
In her last work she is very revealing, she says come, get up now, the time and the hour have come, the trial is coming, the tribulation and the pontiff and his church will be overthrown, it is time to get up, the hour of darkness is near. In 1935, an angel appeared to St Faustina Kowlaska, like St Clare of Assisi, the executor of God’s justice, and she was frightened, she saw thunder and lightning in his hands.
At that moment, the saint realised the wrath of God against His children and the punishment that the earth would receive, and she began to cry out to God, asking for infinite mercy.
But the woman’s pleas were powerless, the wrath of God was so great that she could not believe it, it was at that moment that she also saw the Holy Trinity, majesty and holiness flowed, but at the same time a voice within her spoke to her and she cried out unceasingly for peace and salvation for her people.
This angel, who came to fulfil the justice of God, became impotent before the cry of this woman, who cried out to God for mercy, and therefore he could not carry out such a punishment, the words she used to ask God for mercy were these: “Good Father, at this hour I offer you the body, the blood and also the soul of Your beloved Son, our Lord, for our sins and the sins of the whole world, for His holy painful Passion, I ask you to have mercy on us and on all.
With holy prayer and faith, as well as the devotion and cry of Saint Veronica, this woman was able to implore the mercy of the living God, who appeased His wrath against us. Watch this video.