When we come to the Lord’s feet after being married to a person who does not yet know Christ, the road is uphill, but here we teach you what to do in these cases and how to pray for my unconverted husband.
Find out where Jesus Christ is buried, if He did not rise on the third day as Scripture says, by clicking on the link.
Learn how to pray for my unbelieving spouse
I have heard many stories of people who have experienced bitterness after turning to Christ with their husbands, but today
But today we are going to teach you what you need to do to radically change these things in your home by teaching you how to pray for your unconverted husband.
radically in their homes, teaching the spouses how to pray for my unconverted husband and do other things that will testify to them of the love of Christ.
Testify to them of the love of Christ in you.
Most wives, when they struggle with their husbands, ignore what the Word of God says, that their struggle is not against blood, but against the blood of Christ.
that your struggle is not against blood, much less against flesh, but against spiritual hosts of flesh and blood.
against spiritual hosts of wickedness that exist in the heavenly realms.
Now that we have come to be the light in our spouses, we must under no circumstances see our spouses as enemies.
Now that we have come to be the light in our spouses, we must give example and testimony of the love of Christ that has filled our hearts, not of quarrels and disputes, which are a part of life.
This is something that goes against what the Bible says we should do and this should be the attitude of every Christian.
And that should be the attitude of every Christian, to leave their former way of life and begin to live a new life in Christ our Lord, with the help of Christ our Lord.
Christ our Lord, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
In many cases, women, after they are converted, become all the things they are told not to do; if they used to be careful in their homes, now they become careless because they decide to spend all their time in their homes.
If they used to be careful in their homes, now they become careless because they decide to spend all their time in church and leave their homes, but is this what your Lord wants you to do?
Do you know the difference between Catholicism and Christianity, where people spend all their time in church and leave their homes, but is that what your Lord wants you to do?
Do you know the difference between the Catholic Bible and the Christian Bible? If your answer is no, go to the link and find out.
Don’t fight with your husband
The worst thing you can do is to argue with your husband about your newfound faith, but instead show how Jesus is changing you and making you a better wife, mother and mother.
Instead, you must show that Jesus is changing you and making you a better woman, wife and mother for your children and for your husband, and he must notice.
for your children and for your husband and he should notice. But if you are one of those who decide to take the field with your husband and get away with it
with your husband and get away with it with the excuse that you are serving Christ, let me tell you that battle is already won.
God does not support you in this because God cannot contradict Himself.
Change your attitude towards your husband and he will change his attitude towards you.
Remember, here in Christianity the question is IF YOU CHANGE EVERYTHING CHANGES,
not how the perception of the world makes us demand that others change in order for us to change, it doesn’t work that way.
Change, it doesn’t work that way here, remember your thoughts and God’s thoughts are not even close to the same.
God’s thoughts are not even close to the same.
So you have to love your husband all the more for the love of Jesus,
so that he can see what Jesus is doing in you.
Don’t forget that you have to let go of your old ways because you are now a new creature in Christ.
So if you used to be quarrelsome and, as the Bible says in Proverbs 27:15, “like a constant leaker”,
like a quarrelsome woman, that must change.
If you’ve been irresponsible at home, if you haven’t taken care of your husband, your house and your children, you have to do a 360.
I’m not saying you have to change everything all at once, but you have to change your way of doing things.
I am not saying you have to change everything at once, but you have to change your behaviour, even though in the Bible all those who had a head-on encounter with Jesus were changed.
Those who had a frontal encounter with Jesus had their lives changed from A to Z in a single moment, as we see in the case of Saul of Tarsus.
The case of Saul of Tarsus, who before meeting Jesus was a persecutor of the Church and a murderer of Christians, to such an extent that all those who met him were Christians.
Christians, to such an extent that everyone feared him just by hearing his name.
But when he fell in the presence of Jesus, he was never the same again, and even preferred to die rather than stop doing what he was doing.
Death rather than stop doing what Christ had given him to do, suffering persecution, scourging and hundreds of other things.
and hundreds of other things that did not weaken his faith, but rather strengthened it.
The same thing that happened to Paul can happen to you, so you can learn how to pray for my unconverted husband.
Find out who Daniel was in the Bible, the one who was rescued from the lions, by clicking on the link.
He is waiting for God’s time for him.
We must not forget that God does things in His time and each one of us is included in that time and we must learn to respect it and wait in peace for God to do His work in His time.
God does things in His time and each one of us is included in that time and we must learn to respect it and wait in peace for God to do His work in our husband as He did with us.
So you just have to pray and be the best wife on the planet.
Be the best wife on the planet, maybe not so much because your wife deserves it, but out of love for the sacrifice that Jesus made.
Love for the sacrifice that Jesus also made on the cross of Calvary for your husband, every drop of blood shed was also for your husband.
Every drop of blood shed was also for him.
Your husband is a person who is lacking only the love of God in his life and who would be the right person to give him the love of God.
Who would be the best person to lend his arms, his feet, his mouth and his whole body to show it to your husband?
Cover Him in prayer
Another thing you need to do is to be determined to cover Him in prayer.
Don’t lose heart, be strong and grow in your faith every day.
My mother had to wait almost 35 years for her husband to come to Christ and it was not easy to stand firm with him.
It was not easy at all to stand firm with the bad character he had, because even we, her children, were despised by him.
Now to see him getting up to go to church with my mum and to see them praying together to get through the hard things we have to face.
It is a living testimony for my sister who is going through the same situation as my mum.
My sister is going through the same situation as my mother after she converted two years ago, but God is giving her the victory.
She has become a prayer warrior, a cover for her husband.
So we have to learn to pray for my unconverted husband.
It won’t be an easy battle, but depending on your faith and your warfare in the spiritual world, you will see the victor.
You will be able to see the victories that Christ gives you.
Make sure you know what the Bible says about adultery in marriage by going to the link.
Let God fight your battle and do what Christ expects you to do: love and forgive.