Every night, before we go to sleep, we thank God for the day he has given us and we say the night prayer, padre linero, to ask him to watch over our home while we rest.
oracion de la noche padre linero

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Evening is the time to relax and rest from the day.

Many families use dinner time, when everyone is together, to talk.

They talk about how everyone’s day has been, the things that have happened and the plans for the next day.

When we go to rest, we say the night prayer, Father Linero, and we thank God for the day we have had and for the blessings we have received from him.

We also ask him to watch over our sleep, to keep his eyes open over our home day and night.

And if it is His holy will, may He give us another day of life.

This is the duty of every human being, but sometimes tiredness overcomes us and we put it off until tomorrow.

Maybe the next day things get complicated and we get home late, and we put off our prayer for the next day.

And so the days go by until we forget to do our once-daily night prayer.

Without thinking that every night God waits for your words and your thanks.

Not because He needs them, but because He likes your prayers.

So, every night, remember to say the night prayer, Father Linero, to thank God for each of the blessings He brings to your life.

I recommend our article What is the prayer of God according to the Bible.

Who is Father Alberto Linero?

He is the most famous priest in Colombia because of his slogan “The man lives”.

Father Alberto was born on 20 October 1968 in Santa Marta, Colombia.

The son of Carlos Alfonso Linero Masa and Rosina Gómez, he is the eldest of six children.

Alberto Linero studied philosophy at the Juan XXIII Regional Seminary in the city of Barranquilla.

He holds a diploma in theology and a master’s degree in social communication.

This priest came to prominence with his slogan “Man is alive”.

This slogan has earned him some critics, but many more supporters.

He himself says that in his home town it is common to use the word “man” among friends.

Just as brother, pana or güey is used in other countries around the world.

And since he once read in John 15:14-15 that he was not a servant but a friend of God, he decided from that day on to call him as he called his friends.

This, of course, did not sit well with his more recalcitrant colleagues in the guild.

They called it “inappropriate, as is the way he addresses the faithful”.

The point is that this father has managed to win the affection and respect of the people.

His positive energy has captivated young and old alike.

And most importantly, he carries the Word of God in his message.

If his evangelistic work reaches as many people as he does, then he has done his job.

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It is thanks to this priest that the night prayer, Father Linero, has become popular and is requested in all the countries where the programme is broadcast.

night prayer father linero

My Lord, my God and my Father

Thank you for loving me first.

Thank You for showing me that I am of great importance to You.

I know you want the best for me

Just as you want me to be happy and fulfilled.

Thank you, Father, for breaking the chains that bind me

And free me from the prejudices that make me feel worthless

From the absurd ideas that don’t let me think freely

From the memories that try to keep me in the past

So that I can’t see your face when you manifest in my present.

Thank you for your immense love and for your constant presence in my life.

For that is the best thing that can happen to me every day.

With your presence I can enjoy every one of your blessings.

Today as night falls

I ask you to heal my heart of any fears

that may arise that would keep me from drawing near to you.

That keeps me from acting and responding to you with all the love you deserve.

Tonight I want to tell you that I love you from the depths of my being.

And I trust that you will keep my sleep

To take away any nightmare or disturbance that tries to get to me.

I thank you for watching over my sleep like a loving father

And I bless you in the powerful name of your son Jesus.


This is a beautiful prayer to pray every night before you go to bed.

If you stop and think for a moment, you will realise that you owe everything to God.

If you come home tired, it means that God has given you a job.

He also gave you a house to protect you from the night and the cold.

God, in His infinite mercy, gave her a family to wait for her return to talk to her.

He gave him a bed to rest in.

And above all, he gave her the prayer to talk to him.

How can we forget to thank God every night?

Dear reader, I would like to recommend our article Who is the Lord of Hosts in our lives.

I invite you, dear friend, to open the doors of your heart to God.

Let Him be the One who dwells in the centre of your heart.

Then you will see that every morning your first thought will be of Him.

Just as when you go to bed, before sleep overcomes you, your last thought will be of Him.

God bless you.