With these offerings to Santa Muerte you can learn how to make effective prayers to Santa Muerte, stay tuned to the article below which will give you the right information about Santa Muerte.
There are countless prayers and petitions that are made to the Santísima Muerte, on this occasion we will teach you the meaning and use of each of the offerings to the White Virgin that are necessary in her altar.
Remember that, as a popular Latin symbol, her devotion, adoration and celebration are always full of colour and ornamentation, so we recommend that you do not lag behind when you want to make a petition to the Blessed Death.
Do you know how to make an altar to Santa Muerte?
Offerings to Santa Muerte
As we have already explained, Santa Muerte is one of the most famous Latin beliefs in the world, so its devotion, worship and celebration are always loaded with immense colour and ornamentation, so we recommend that you do not lag behind if you want to make a petition to the Santísima Muerte.
As everything visual in this life has a meaning and symbolism, the offerings to Santa Muerte are no exception, and so we will briefly explain the definition and function of each of the following examples:
Because of the infinite power and multiple uses of chocolate in general, it is placed on the altar of Santa Muerte, it is the one that predominates over the other sweets offered to the White Virgin.
Chocolate has the power of emotional and sentimental stimulation, so it becomes a great ally in the altar of Santa Muerte.
It is also very useful in motivating people to give up all their negative energies at the moment of making the prayer to Santa Muerte.
Chocolate is also often used to make prayers to Santa Muerte for love, for themes related to couples, feelings and love in general. At the same time, honey is one of the indispensable elements in the altar of Santa Muerte, also used for themes related to love, especially love.
The flowers
When we offer flowers to Santa Muerte, we worship and thank her for her presence, for centuries flowers have been a feminine symbol and a symbol of pleasure for the one who receives them, that is why flowers in the altar to Santa Muerte have become indispensable.
The function of offering flowers to the White Virgin is to make her feel comfortable and adored by those who pray to her, so we recommend that you use fresh flowers in good condition to be able to make the offering.
If you decide to use roses in particular, do not forget to remove the thorns and do your best to polish the sides of your offering very well.
This offering is very personal and will depend on you, what we recommend is that you use a good wine or liquor that is in good condition and presentation to make a worthy offering to Santa Muerte.
Do not pour the liquid in plastic or dirty glasses, know that when you make an offering you must do it in the best way, in the best presentation, that is why we recommend you to use glass cups or glasses.

Fruits are also a decorative element, they make the offerings to Santa Muerte always full of colour because of the naturalness and freshness of the fruit.
As for the meaning that surrounds the offering, we find that they are linked to the rituals of money, for their colour and abundance, as well as for the sweetness that everyone desires and that generates attraction in people.
The same effect is sought by people who offer fruit to Santa Muerte.
Water is a fundamental element not only in the altar of Santa Muerte, but in all altars, it is one of the most indispensable spiritual elements in the whole world.
Because of the immense energetic power that water has, it is placed in the altars, through which we humans can channel our energies, it acts as a conductor or an energy settler.
The same recommendation that we give you when you serve your liquors, we will give it to you with the water, refrain from pouring the liquid into plastic or dirty glasses, know that when you make an offering, you must do it in the best possible way, in the best possible presentation, that is why we recommend you to use glass cups or glasses.
Also, make sure that the water you use is mineral, in your case extremely clean, without any impurities, remembering that with the respect you treat Santa Muerte, will be the respect you receive from her.
For centuries, incense has been associated with spirituality and there are countless rituals in which incense is always present. Similar to water, incense has the function of purifying the energies of people and the environment itself.
At the same time, it gives the feeling of peace and tranquillity that the place where the altar is placed deserves and needs, because of its delicate aroma, it serves as a perfect offering to worship and thank Santa Muerte, remembering to always use incense inside and outside the house.