The Holy Death is a very venerated figure in Mexico and grants favours of all kinds, this according to its colour, the red Holy Death is specific for favours in love, the opposite of the black Holy Death that grants even the darkest favours, here we show you the offerings to the Holy Death.
Ofrendas a la santa muerte

What offerings does the Holy Death like?

Some are general and others are according to your request, but the most common are always flowers that are placed on her altar, usually roses, gardenias, carnations, tuberoses, among others. Those who always pay homage to her always use red or white roses.

Ofrendas a la santa muerte

Cigars or cigarettes can be offered, which should be smoked before the sacred death, the smoke helps to remove the negative energies and purifies the altar, another of the offerings that are taken are liquors or wines, which should always be served in glass glasses, never plastic ones, the most used are aguardiente, tequila, rum, aniseed or beer.

Ofrendas a la santa muerte

Water is one of the offerings that should never be missing, it should also be served in glass glasses, it should be mineral water and should not be renewed for more than 15 days, it means life, fertility and also purity, incense is also an important part of the offerings to the Holy Death, its main function is to purify the environment.

The bread must be frequently placed near the image of the Holy Death on the altar and it must be changed at least twice a week. Fruits are an important part of the offerings that the Holy Death likes, they must always be fresh and the most used are red apples and for some specific rituals the yellow ones.

Candles, sweets, money, perfumes and even people’s personal belongings are also part of the offerings that the Holy Death likes.

Offerings to the White Saint Death

Ofrendas a la santa muerte

The White Saint Death, as her name suggests, is dressed in white and is responsible for bringing peace and represents purity, so the offerings to the White Saint Death can be rum served in a glass cup, not plastic, melted black chocolate and if not coffee.

When it comes to offering flowers, white roses are best, as well as white candles, all together help to protect the White Saint Death, incense and tobacco are ideal accompanied by bread on the altar.

Offerings to the Red Death

The red Saint Death is the specialist in love, she is consulted in cases where the couple is gone, or even when you want to get a true love, the offerings that the red Saint Death likes start with the flowers, which are usually red roses, the colour that characterises her and identifies her with love.

Ofrendas a la santa muerte

Fruits are part of the offerings to the sacred Red Death, including tomatoes and apples, especially red apples, which make the altar more harmonious for the favour requested. Wine is part of the offerings to the Red Death.

To complement the altar of the Red Death, it is always good to offer cigars, incense, water and bread, always remembering that liquids should be served in glass cups, never in plastic ones.

Offerings to the Holy Death for Love

Ofrendas a la santa muerte

Offerings to the Holy Death always vary according to the favours you wish to obtain; when it comes specifically to love, the red Holy Death is the specialist in these cases. In the case of love, it is best to start with flowers, and the most commonly used are roses and red candles scented with essential oils, which symbolise love and passion, among other things.

It is an important part of the rituals related to love is always offering incense, cigars or cigars, which with its smoke produce a purification of the altar and all those bad energies that may be, preferably red fruits, bread and water are elements that should be missing on the altar of the Holy Death to offer and receive their favours in terms of love is concerned. Watch this video.