The oracion santa muerte jesus christ vencedor is a rite used by some people to find love.

Today it is practised in many countries around the world because of its proven effectiveness.

oracion santa muerte jesucristo vencedor

I recommend our article oracion a san antonio para que me pido matrimonio, to complement this reading.

Most people want to find someone to be their life partner.

Women, from an early age, play at being a mother, and in adolescence, they dream of a spectacular wedding.

Men on the other hand, after adolescence, begin to make plans for a partner.

However, the goal of both is to find a person to share their life with.

Some people wait patiently for the person they long for.

But others are looking for the love of their life no matter what.

The faithful believers of the catholic religion seek help from the saint of their choice, and pray the holy death prayer jesus christ victor.

But how can something as sad as death go hand in hand with love?

Let’s learn a little more about this miraculous image, for those who worship it.

Santa Muerte

Although the origin of the cult is unknown, it is known that it was born in Mexico more than three thousand years ago.

The ancient cultures of that country conceived it as something normal and necessary.

They compared night and day, rain and drought, to life and death.

The Aztecs were the first to worship death.

But with the arrival of the Spanish colonisers, it diminished markedly, as they brought a religion that did not allow for this belief.

Although the Spaniards burned all the images of the holy death, they did not succeed in putting an end to the veneration.

Today, the church (Catholic, Baptist, Christian, among others) rejects this cult, as they consider it diabolical.

Catholics even refuse to give her the title of saint.

They consider that death should not be venerated as a saint, because it has not earned that title. See what Catholics believe

But this does not matter to their faithful believers, because many of them ignore it.

In the same way, they continue to pray the holy death prayer of Jesus Christ the conqueror.

It is said that the devotees of this image, ask for favours that have to do with love, work, among others, but they also offer their offerings.

But they also offer their offerings for evil things and revenge.

Symbols used in this rite
oracion santa muerte jesucristo vencedor-3

The robe

It is their way of concealing their true nature.
Just as some use it for good, others use it for evil.

The Scythe

Represents the ruthless justice with which she acts.

The World

Symbolic of his omnipresence, no one can escape the eyes of death.

The scales

A clear allusion to good and evil, justice and injustice.

holy death prayer jesus christ victor

To begin the prayer of Holy Death Jesus Christ Victor, you should thank Holy Death for the opportunity.

I also recommend that you read the Prayer of the Blood of Christ Against the Enemies.

Beloved Death, who can do all things, make (name the person)

He (she) who has always been mine

Bring him (her) back to my arms.

On my knees I beg you

Beloved Holy Death, grant me this request

Snatch him (her) from whoever has him (her)

Whoever has him (her), make him (her) give him (her) back to me

Make him respect my heart, for it longs for him.

Most Holy Death, bind him to me, make him die for me

Make him unable to be far from me

so that he misses me and wants to come back to me

May he never find another person like me

I’ll be his eternal love forever

I’ll be the only one of his dreams

The only lover of his mind and body

Holy death make his soul yearn for me

And his body to claim me

May he desire my body as I desire his.

Holy beloved death, you who can do everything

Make him come back, make him come back

May he need to look at me, may he need to see my eyes

And may he need my breath and my speech

Let him long to hear my voice

Let him miss my kisses

May he want to kiss my lips

Beloved holy death make my husband come back now

Holy Death of the ruling night

Dominate the mind of (person’s name)

Rule his actions and his heart

Lady of the night

You my holy death

Bring me my beloved, tamed and docile.

I offer this prayer to you, holy death, Jesus Christ the victor.

Let his footsteps come to me

And let his heart pour out love for me

May his body desire me

With the same passion that I desire him

My most holy death

Don’t give him a moment’s peace

Let no woman come near him

Don’t let her reach his heart

Holy Death, I beg you to be my protector

And fulfil all my wishes, my lady

May it be so until the last day and hour

When the divine heavenly Lord

Will command you to take me into His presence.

So be it done.

Ritual recommendations

It is extremely important to remember the days on which this prayer is to be performed.

It should only be done on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Only if you do it on these days will the Holy Death grant your request.

You must make an altar, in a place where no one can touch it, and the colour you choose for it will depend on your petition.

White for health, purple for open roads, green for family unity.

Yellow for luck, red for love, brown to summon spirits and black for evil.

Dear reader

I would like to recommend our article on what Christians believe today.

I have no intention of changing your way of thinking in any way.

But I want you to know the truth about all these things.

The Bible says in John 8:31-38 that only the truth will set us free.

So I urge you to read God’s Word.