The tame little lamb has really striking functions for its followers, because it can tame, domesticate and attract people. These are roughly the characteristics of St Mark, who enjoyed taming both the dragon and the lion. Learn more about the Prayer of the Tame Lamb and more detailed information.

oración del corderito manso

The meek little lamb or the Lamb of God?

People tend to associate the meek little lamb with the Lamb of God, and they are not wrong, for indeed they are quite related, if not exactly the same. References to the Lamb of God appear repeatedly in the Gospels, especially in the Gospel of John. The meek little lamb or Lamb of God was to take away every kind of stain or sin from the world, representing the docility of the animal.

According to the statutes, it was Jesus himself who preferred to suffer crucifixion in order to satisfy the dogmas of God, whom he glorified so much in life. Theologians rightly maintain that it is wrong to associate the meek lamb with human sacrifice, but rather as an instrument that purifies the world from the sins committed.

John, in his Apocrypha, gave the very resonant phrase: “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”. Meanwhile, in the readings referring to the Apocalypse, a sacrificial lamb appears in the form of a lion. Cassiodorus de Reina says that St Paul sees in Jesus a lamb sacrificed to fulfil the divine commandments of the Most High.

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The Lamb of God refers to a Jesus who shepherds his flock, or guides people to find the right path that will lead them to the eternal glory of God. The prayer of the meek little lamb or Lamb of God is infinitely realised during Holy Mass, when the parishioners embrace each other in the embrace of peace.

In its iconography, the meek lamb or Lamb of God appears with a halo on its head. In the background is a white flag with a cross. The lamb is so important in the Christian world that believers use rituals or the prayer of the meek lamb to neutralise fierce and implacable enemies.

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The lamb is known to be a quiet and docile animal. In the Bible, the lamb born in Bethlehem was so noble that it did not complain when it was sacrificed, hence it is called the meek lamb or the lamb of God. This animal is noble enough to be subdued by its Master. In a humble sense, Jesus is compared to a lamb.

The Feast of Pesach was organised by the Jews to sacrifice lambs to cleanse the world of all the stains of sin. This ceremony coincided with the passion and death of Jesus Christ at Passover, so there is another reason for associating the animal with God’s favourite Son.

In (John 19:14) this particular episode is specifically mentioned: “In the time of Pachua, many lambs were sacrificed at the same time that Jesus was suffering on the cross on Calvary. The true meaning of the sacrifice of the lambs was to cleanse the world of sin.

In the reading (Genesis 22:8), Abraham foretold that his son would be sacrificed like the lambs of the Jewish Passover. “God will provide, my son, for through the Lamb of God many souls will be saved, thus removing all the sin that surrounds the Promised Land. Jesus is the Lamb because He shows total submission, without sin or blemish to dishonour the Church and her faithful.

Rituals of the meek lamb

The meek lamb is so powerful that it can be allowed to perform binding rituals to attract or repel a person. The ritual can also be used to drive away enemies that are deadly or difficult to fight with the naked eye. The prayer of the tame lamb and its ritual has no limits, as it can drive away a gossiping neighbour, a family member who makes you uncomfortable with their bad vibes, or a third person who interferes in a couple’s relationship.

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Don’t worry, with an effective Ritual of the Tame Lamb, you’ll be able to completely subdue those pesky and tough enemies. As its adjective suggests, the Tame Lamb has a taming or dominating effect on its opponents. It is necessary to note the following materials required for the ritual:

  • A candle, if it is white it is much better.
  • A table on which to place all the utensils to be used in the rite of the tamed lamb.
  • A photo or portrait of the person you want to dominate (fundamental), because without it it would not be possible to perform the ceremony.
  • A few leaves of rue, since it is a plant that lends itself to this ritual.

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Steps to be taken

  • The candle is lit and then placed on the altar on the table.
  • The picture of the person to be controlled by the ritual should remain to the left of the white candle.
  • Place some of the plant in front of the image and repeat the prayer of the meek lamb:

Almighty God, under whose protection I take refuge, in the name of the great Virgin Mary and her blessed son Jesus, I beseech (give the full name of the person depicted) to bend his will completely. Make him/her come to me on his/her knees, begging for love and mercy in the face of my humanity. Make him/her a meek lamb to obey me in all that I command.

May he/she come to me begging for love, mercy and compassion. May he please me in all that I suggest and command. Dominate his strong will, comparable to the strength of an untamed colt. May all his evil energies be turned into blessings for me while I am under the dominion of this Magna Ritual. May his will always be at my disposal. So be it.

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  • The photograph should be beaten with a bunch of rue and then kept in a strategic place.
  • The white candle is extinguished at the end of the prayer of the meek lamb.


Prayer of the meek lamb for a loved one

If your loved one has been indifferent or rebellious, you can break your loved one by praying the Prayer of the Meek Lamb. Don’t forget that the rituals of holy death also work wonders when done responsibly and with much faith. Know the prayer of the meek lamb to subdue your love below.

O meek little lamb, supreme creature, who always showed submission when you were sacrificed by the Jews, on this occasion I ask you to bind the heart of (person’s name) so that he will always remain by my side without needing to be unfaithful to me. May his eyes not see other eyes, may his mouth not kiss other lips, may his hands not touch another body, may his desires always be for me.

Bring (person’s name) back into my life as a meek lamb, as once the lost sheep returned to the blessed fold. Bend his soul to never part from me, break into his proud heart to cherish my feelings more. O my little lamb, soothe his being, bring him back to my side. I want to manipulate him (her) to fulfil my every whim.

O creature, I want (name of person) to devote all his time to me, with no more distractions to keep him away from my life. I beseech you that your love may never cease to be mine. Love me, desire me, so that I will always be in your mind to remind you every day that you love me. I conjure you to be ungrateful, through the meek lamb you will never leave me again.

oración del corderito manso

-O Lord Jesus, who by pronouncing Your holy name implies supreme power, kind Son of God who was crucified by Pilate’s order to save the whole world from its sins, You are power and You are divine light that enlightens me forever. Through the intercession of the meek little lamb, I ask you to draw back my love for (name of person), because without him/her I feel a great emptiness in my life.

Love him/her as St Mark the Lion tamed the dragon and subdued the wild lion. Be my strength at all times, so that he/she may return to me repentant and humble.

The prayer of the meek lamb for love

The prayer of the meek lamb allows you to ask for this love, to care for it, to preserve it or even to bind it. The Red Death is also a good helper in this matter, with its rituals and other useful spells for those who dare to take this step with much responsibility and courage.

-Gentle lamb of mine, noble creature of good feelings, who fell silent at the moment of sacrifice at Easter time, on this day I come to implore the arrival of a true love who knows how to value my feelings, my way of being and my heart. I rejoice in the entry into my life of that soulmate who will rekindle the spark of my love, which seems to be suffering from a long lethargy.

-Almighty God, who forever blesses the Lamb and His entire flock, bring love into my life. Turn all my moments of loneliness into pleasant companionship, so that you will always be with me in my good days and bad, in my sickness, in my successes, in my failures and in all those stages that are most celebrated when we are with the one we love.

oración del corderito manso

-A meek and generous little lamb, sacrificed at the same time as Christ suffered on the cross of Calvary. In the name of this Calvary, which I experience daily, I ask you to bring my love (name of person) back to my side. I have suffered this abandonment in the worst way, my heart has been so saddened that it does not want to know of other loves, but of the one who has marked me for life.

Let him/her come back, let him/her come back, let him/her come back to me repentant for having broken this relationship. Soothe his pride and make him understand that he will only be happy with Me. O Lamb of God, submissive animal. Let this submission pass through his heart to tame him so that he will never leave me again. Bring him back into my life, meek as a lamb, never to let him escape like a capricious beast. Amen.

-O beloved meek lamb, I kneel before your powerful and warm image at this time with the determination to conjure (name of person) because he/she has been unfaithful to me and has done evil in the name of my love. I pray that he may fail in his attempt at relationship. Intercede to be present in his mind and thoughts. May his new courtship fail in such a way that he must come back to me on his knees.

Under the meek lamb I call you, to the meek lamb I cling, by the great submissive lamb I bind you, so that you will not be happy with your lover, because you are playing with my love which has always been honest and unreserved. O holy lamb, may all loving intentions come to nothing, for playing with my feelings for him/her. Amen.

Prayer of the Gentle Lamb of the Holy Death

Santa Muerte and the Meek Lamb work in tandem to completely dominate, tame and pacify a person, drawing them back to you. It should be noted that most of these rituals or prayers are very powerful, so the speaker must act responsibly and not use these powers for no reason. In the act of domination, it can be applied to both men and women.

-Holy Death and Gentle Lamb, two spectacular powers that I invoke on this occasion because I need a supreme power to help me in this particular case. I wish to enjoy the joys of your virtues, holy, true and wonderful insignia. Grant me every favour I am about to ask, in the name of Almighty God, together with the Holy Trinity, whose powers are distributed in three beautiful representations.

oración del corderito manso

O holy death of mine, obedient lamb of my soul, do not fall on deaf ears the request to conjure (name of person) so that he/she does not live a moment of peace, torment him/her, drown him/her in dark and tenebrous thoughts. Mortify him every day so that he will always have me in his thoughts. May he not be able to eat well, may he not be able to sleep comfortably, for I will always be in his thoughts and I want him to return meek as a lamb.

O majestic Death, who with your mighty scythe has conquered thousands of followers, like the meek lamb sacrificed to satisfy the Jews at their feasts, I invoke you on this occasion to dominate both the body and the spirit of (name of person), for you will not have a moment of peace until you come to me begging for forgiveness and mercy.

oración del corderito manso

I want to see you on your knees before me, kissing the ground I walk on. When I pierce the needle of this candle, your will will be at my mercy. You will be docile as a lamb and I will submit to you in whatever decision I make with you. As the needle works to pierce, so will I be present in your mind as a constant pricking that will forever remind you of Me. Your ingratitude will be reduced by this incantation.

Holy Mighty Death, who in conjunction with the meek little lamb fills your devotees with emotion by possessing infinite taming powers, on your behalf I wish to subdue (name of person) to be at My mercy and to do My Will, completely dominating yours. He shall not have a single minute’s peace until he returns to me meek and docile. I want to dominate all areas of his life until I see him completely hypnotised under His glorious names.

May he return to Me, may he worship Me, may he do My Will only, so that nothing and no one else can monopolise his thoughts. So be it.

oración del corderito manso

-O most holy death, mighty queen of all darkness, whose powers transcend to the point of mediation with the meek lamb sacrificed at Easter and resurrection time. I ask for your protection and help at all times, so that the following request I have come to make may not be overlooked. Intercede in the mind of (person’s name) that he may think only of me and spend his time only for me.

Interrupt his sleep when he wants to sleep, so that he only falls asleep when he is with me. Let peace disappear completely, so that he only gets peace when he shares his moments with me. I want to make his body my temple, my refuge, my home and his mind my own mind. Fulfil each of these requests to the full, O Queen of the Supernatural, my holy death, my great meek little lamb. Amen.

oración del corderito mando

The meek little lamb has the most remarkable power of all: the power to subdue all kinds of enemies, from the quietest to the most threatening, that exist in your life. In the same way, you can rely on the prayer of St Mark of Leon against your enemies, which is just as fundamental as the prayer of the meek lamb.

-O victorious Jesus Christ, who suffered the worst humiliations on the cross for the salvation of all of us, your sinful children. You who exemplify the goodness and nobility of the meek little lamb, I ask You on this special occasion to overcome (person’s name) because I cannot do it on my own. May he/she stand before me humbled and ask for forgiveness for all the offences committed in my name.

-Lamb of God, You who have succeeded in partially suppressing all the sin that covers the world, subdue all my enemies, from the most helpless to the strongest, for all seek to harm Me with their wickedness. Dominate each of their hearts so that they do not achieve their aims, so that in their minds there is only the possibility of coming before Me on their knees to humiliate them.

As Saint Lazarus was able to overcome death through the work of prayer established by Our Lord Jesus in the tomb, so by His power and the power of the meek lamb may You overcome My adversaries until they repent under My humanity to scourge them.

Two needles here, three lashes there, from this moment I want to bind you to do My will and to humiliate you as the most powerful enemy I have. I want to end you as you wanted to end me, with your intrigues, insults and dissensions. Because of the insults, jealousies, persecutions and lawsuits you wanted to seek without any need.

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Bring me their humanity, that I may enjoy an enemy who begs for mercy. O meek lamb, bind the minds of my enemies completely, so that their wickedness may not achieve its goal. May the hand of justice also intercede, so that none of these evildoers may have their way.

-Blessed, meek little lamb, I beseech You to deliver me from all the temptations of the devil which are embodied in each of my enemies. Free me from the vices they try to offer me to fall into sin. Drive away the gossip they spread to slander my image before my loved ones. Drive away the third parties who seek to break up my relationship, for with their discord they seek only mistrust and strife.

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May all the evil they wish upon me not be returned to them, but multiplied in blessings for my cause. Let them know that their wickedness will make the final judgement against them merciless. Gentle little lamb of my life, forgive all the falsehoods of my adversaries. If anyone approaches with evil intentions, drive him out of my life forever. Let their evil deeds not interfere with my daily life.

O merciful Lamb, I hope that You will hear every request made in these humble prayers, so that I may live joyfully in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Prayer of the meek little lamb for the leader

With a prayer to the meek little lamb for the boss, you can ask your boss at work to be more docile to you when you feel injustice or despotism on his part. You can also pray to St Michael the Archangel for a job, so that any boss will appreciate your efforts and talents.

oración del corderito manso

-Almighty God, Creator of all that is seen and created on earth, Father of visible objects and invisible souls, may the following prayer be heard in the name of the meek little lamb. O holy lamb, soften the heart of my boss, tame his character so that he can best cope with a working environment that is suitable for me to carry out my duties diligently.

I hope that the workload will not be heavy with the attitude of my boss, O gentle lamb, help him to be warmer and more attentive to his employees. Tame him as St Mark did the wild lion that was about to attack him. Let him know that to be a good boss one must not be overbearing or arrogant. Help me, O Lamb of God, purifier of sins, not to give up my job in the face of so much harassment and abuse at work.

To reinforce the prayer of the meek lamb, if you are unemployed, this is the perfect occasion to invoke the prayer to St Cajetan for urgent employment.


oración del corderito manso

Prayer of the meek lamb to tame, to rule and to bind

-Gentle Lamb of Mine, noble creature of good feelings who was silent at the moment of her sacrifice at Easter time, I come today to implore the arrival of a true love who knows how to appreciate my feelings, my way of being and my heart. I rejoice in the arrival of this soulmate who will rekindle the spark of my love, which seems to be suffering from a long lethargy.

Lord Jesus, only begotten Son of the Almighty, who suffered the worst humiliations on the Cross for the salvation of all of us, Your sinful children. You who exemplify the goodness and nobility of the meek little lamb, I ask You on this special occasion to overcome (name of person), for I cannot do it by my own means. May he/she stand before me humbled and ask for forgiveness for all the offences committed in my name.

oración del cordeito manso

Lamb of God, You who have succeeded in partially suppressing all the sin that covers the world, subdue all My enemies, from the most helpless to the strongest, for they all seek to harm Me with their wickedness. Dominate each of their hearts so that they may not fulfil their intentions, so that in their minds there is only the possibility of coming before Me on their knees to humiliate them.

The prayer of the meek little lamb to subdue a man

Through the prayer of the meek lamb, women can bind a man they are interested in, like or love. But that’s not all, because they can count on the 7 powers of the Holy Death, represented in all its colours, to manifest all its power.

-O meek, gentle, quiet and powerful lamb, I am frustrated that I do not have the man I love by my side. On this special day I ask for your power to bind (name of the man you wish to control) who has failed me in every way. Make him come back to me totally humiliated by the offence he has done to me until he begs for forgiveness and I forgive him.

You of all people know, because in the name of God we have sworn this love, that I love him. That is why I long to keep him in my life forever. O lamb, I bind him, I rule him, I love him. I want to have His will completely, to treat Him as I please, as He played with me. Amen.

The Prayer of the Meek Lamb What is it for?

The prayer of the meek lamb has several functions, including the ability to dominate, tame, subdue or bind anyone you see fit. In most cases, the prayer is combined with the effective power of the Holy Death to create an extraordinary fusion capable of responding quickly to the pleas of the faithful.

It must be remembered that the prayer of the meek little lamb is very powerful, so it must be made with full judgement and discipline. If the prayer is directed to the wrong person, it can cause serious problems for the speaker. However, this is often not the case because people who are able to pray this kind of prayer have good reasons for doing so.

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Finally, those who come to the prayer of the meek little lamb with the firm conviction that they will receive a grace from you, must have much more than faith to achieve the desired success.

How does one pray the prayer of the meek little lamb?

To make the prayer of the meek lamb, it is necessary to make an altar of flowers and rue. In the case of taming a person, it is essential to have a photograph of the person to speak in front of a face to be tamed.

The room in which the ritual or prayer of the tamed lamb is to take place should be spacious and dark, so that the only lighting is the white candle (although many devotees overlook the colour in favour of whatever candle is available at the time). It should be airy and strategic, unless you wish to share your space with someone else who wishes to pray the meek lamb prayer.