Know today the prayer to Saint Benedict in Latin, Saint Benedict the Abbot is one of the greatest protectors against the attacks of the devil, the Order of Saint Benedict has great power over the devil, if you need to be exorcised and blessed this is the prayer you need.

Oración a San Benito en latín

St Benedict Medal

Medals, crosses, rosaries, statues, paintings and other religious items have long been used as a means of encouraging and expressing our religious devotion to God and the saints (see: St Catherine). Icons, or painted images of Christ and the saints, are particularly popular among Eastern Christians as aids to Christian piety and devotion.

Oración a San Benito en latín

The use of any religious article is therefore intended as a means to remind us of God and to awaken in us a willingness and desire to serve God and our fellow men.

With this understanding, any use of religious articles as if they were mere charms or had some magical power to bring us good luck or better health is rejected,

In this article the direction of the amulet is not towards witchcraft, it is more towards the catholic side of it, so let’s continue with the prayer of St. Benedict in Latin.

Prayer to St. Benedict in Latin

The exorcism and blessing of the medal of Saint Benedict is in Latin, if the blessing of this medal is done under this language this is the original prayer, if you want a prayer in Spanish you can opt for the prayer to Saint Raphael the Archangel for protection.

Oración a San Benito en latínAdjutorium nostrum in nomine  Domini.

Qui fecit caelum et terram.

ut fiant omnibus, qui eis usuri sunt, salus mentis et corporis: in nomine Patris + omnipotentis, et Jesu + Christi Filii ejus, Domini nostri, et Spiritus + Sancti Paracliti,

The above is the beginning of this prayer and very few priests say it in this language, usually it is said in the mother tongue of the country where the faithful are, this is translated into many languages, Spanish, English, Greek, Italian, etc.

In the same way, I leave you a video with the complete prayer in Latin, so that you can listen to its correct pronunciation, also with much more information about the prayer to Saint Benedict in Latin. Read on and you will find the full translation.

If you want a priest to bless your medal, you can have the prayer written in your own language and in Latin, and let him choose how to do it, remembering that some of them do not speak the original language in which it is written, as it has not been used for a long time.

The Our Father In Spanish

The English translation is as follows Our help is in the name of the Lord. Who made heaven and earth.

In the name of God the Father, who made heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them, I exorcise this medallion against the power and attacks of the evil one. May all who devoutly wear this medallion be blessed with health of soul and body.

In the name of the Almighty Father, of the Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, and of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, and in the love of the same Lord Jesus Christ, who shall come at the last day to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Amen.

Oración a San Benito en latín

Almighty God, the boundless source of all good, we humbly ask you to shower your blessings on this medal through the intercession of St Benedict. May those who wear it devoutly and sincerely strive to do good be blessed by you with health of soul and body.

The grace of a holy life and the remission of the temporal punishment of sin. May they also, with the help of your merciful love, resist the temptations of the wicked and strive to exercise true charity and justice towards all, so that they may one day appear sinless and holy in your sight. This we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen. (The medal is then sprinkled with holy water).

Oración a San Benito en latín

When the medal of St Benedict is asked to be blessed, many priests and people do not know that it should be exorcised and blessed with this prayer. Most priests simply bless it in the shape of a cross. Therefore, when you ask for your medal to be blessed, make sure you print out this blessing so that you have it handy and have exorcised holy water with you. The priest may not want to do it in Latin, so prepare it in Spanish as well.