St Helen at sea, cross and nails went to find… This is the prayer to Saint Elena to find the lost, which is said to be very effective for those who use it.
oracion a santa elena para encontrar lo perdido

To supplement this reading, I recommend our article Prayer of Contemplation to the Holy Jesus, Son of God.

On many occasions, when people are using something, they incredibly lose sight of it.

Hasn’t it happened to you that you are writing a note and when you get distracted you can’t find the pencil you were using?

It also happens that you think you have put something in a certain place and when you look for it, it is not there.

It often happens that we start looking for things like crazy, but to no avail.

Some people say to stay calm and try to remember where you put it.

Others pray to St Helen to find what they have lost.

According to many people, this prayer is very effective in finding lost objects.

Let’s meet this saint who is an expert at finding things.

Flavia Julia Augusta Helena

Better known as St Helena, she was the first Christian empress.

She is said to have found the nails, sign and cross on Calvary.

It is believed that she was introduced to Christianity by her son Constantine, the emperor who converted and defended Christianity.

According to legend, St Helena went to the Holy Land in her eighties in search of the holy objects.

Sure enough, there she found the remains of the cross of Jesus.

Since they were not sure that it was the real cross, St Helena asked them to bring it to her.

St Helena asked them to bring a woman who was very ill.

She asked her to touch the cross and when she did, she was cured.

Then they understood that it was the real cross.

If you are interested in the subject of the cross, I recommend our article on the death of Jesus Christ.

This saint moved the relics to Rome and had a chapel built to protect them.

The Basilica of Santa Croce in Geruralemme is where these holy relics are kept.

Helen was known as a kind woman.
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As a wealthy woman, she used her money to build churches and houses for the needy.

She also restored and embellished many chapels.

This woman is remembered for her human qualities and the kindness she showed to all those around her.

As she is famous for finding the relics of Jesus, people pray to St Helen to find what has been lost.

She is believed to have the power to obtain things.


prayer to saint elena to find what is lost

Saint Helen of the Cross

Wonderful Empress of Constantinople

You who went to the mountain of oblivion

and found not only the cross but also the nails

In the place where Jesus Christ was crucified

One you gave to your son to help him rule

And the other you threw into the sea for the salvation of sailors.

I ask you to hear the prayer I make to you at this moment.

Today I make this prayer to Saint Elena to find what is lost.

Because I no longer have the mind to think where he might be.

That’s why I repeat your litany to get things done.

St Helen went to sea

Cross and nails she went to find

Just as you found the relics of the Lord.

Help me to find what I’m looking for.

Make it appear (name the lost object)

That I may have peace in my life

Help me to find (name the lost object) so that I can work.

Likewise, dear saint

I come to you today to intercede with God for me.

You who find all the things you set out to find. See prayer to Saint Elena against infidelity and to drive away lovers

May I find what I seek.

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May I find peace and serenity

And the strength I need for my life

St Helen of the sea

Cross and nails she went to seek

Seek my inner peace and the desires of my heart

Blessed St Helen, make this favour come true

Bring my prayer to the Lord

For He is known to be a good comforter.

I pray to you, St Helen

As you obtain all things

May you also obtain my spiritual peace

And never let my trust in you be shaken.

Nor let me lose the way that leads me to God.


Before praying this prayer, you should visit the church of your choice.

You should first confess your sins and ask for the blessing of the image of St Helena.

You should begin by saying the Our Father and then continue with the prayer.

While praying, look for the lost object and if you cannot find it, repeat the prayer again.

When you have found the lost object, say an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

And also thank St Helena for interceding for you with the Father.

From another perspective

I want to make it clear that this is not my intention, nor do I intend to judge anyone.

If you feel comfortable with this kind of prayer, that is your right.

But I cannot overlook or fail to tell you what the Bible says.

God’s Word says in both the Old and New Testaments that we are not to worship images.

You can read more about why Catholics worship images when the Bible forbids it.

We have a jealous God who does not like other gods or saints to be worshipped.

His power is all-encompassing, that’s why he is omnipotent, so he can do anything!

The Bible also says that He does not need anyone to intercede for you, because the only way to His Father is through His Son.

You can pray to God yourself, speak to him in your own words.

He doesn’t like vain repetitions that don’t tell him what you feel.

Open your heart to God and tell him how much you love him.