Today you will learn The Prayer to San Cayetano to thank, if the Saint helped you in any inconvenience you had in your life, and you just want to thank him you are in the right article learn how to do it below.

Oración a San Cayetano para agradecer

Why Thank The Saints?

Oración a San Cayetano para agradecer

Many people are constantly praying for the intercession of the Saints, but they forget to thank them, after that, by not being grateful for what they have received, the graces that God (See: Promise of God in the Catholic Bible) and the Saint gave them are not repeated anymore, do you not belong to this group of people?

We should thank the saints through prayer so that more faith and love will be produced in our lives. If you are struggling with your faith in Christ, this kind of prayer will also help you, because the saint will bring you closer to Him; also, if you are struggling to love your Christian brothers and sisters, give thanks so that it will be easier to love them.

If you have any measure of faith in Christ and any love for the saints, e.g. St Cajetan, it is only because God has worked it in you! And to grow in them, you will need God to continue the work He has begun! And be encouraged because God has promised to do just that (Philippians 1:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).

Secondly, we should be thankful for our friends and loved ones who do not believe in Christ or love His Church. No matter how hard their hearts are right now, there is always hope for them, because God can work faith and love in the hardest of hearts! He can bring anyone to faith in Christ through the Gospel (See: Praying for the Blood of Christ Against Enemies)! Don’t let the unbelief of others make you despair.

oración a San cayetano para el dinero

Finally, thank the saints for all the good things in your life and for the bad things that have taught you a great lesson; all this will fill you with strength and you will be a better person every day of your life; remember that when God and the saints fill you with graces, multiply them and give testimony to other people so that they too may be blessed by God and the saints.

What is the prayer of thanksgiving to St Cajetan?

Oración a San Cayetano-para-abundancia y prosperidad

Now that you know why we should thank the saints for the graces we have received, learn the prayer to Saint Cajetan, so that your graces may be multiplied for you and yours; if you want another type of prayer, you can learn the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel for the protection of the home.

O dear Saint Cajetan, because of your great humility, Jesus granted you special blessings, visions and mystical experiences because of your union with Him. While you were contemplating the mystery of the Incarnation, the Virgin Mary appeared to you and placed the Child Jesus on your lap. You clung to the child and made your heart your dwelling place.

Oración a San Cayetano para agradecer

Jesus really loved you and His Mother trusted you, that is why you are a great saint who works extraordinary miracles and one of them you did for me, today I humbly thank you for your intercession before God for me.

I thank you a thousand times for this great favour you have given me, a devoted servant, you know that thanks to this miracle my life has improved a thousand times and I am much happier, I thank you Saint Alejo in the name of Jesus.

I also want to thank you, my God, that I no longer have to live under condemnation, that you have truly set me free, that I am a new creation and that I no longer have to live under hardship. Thank you Lord for giving me an indescribable joy. Thank you Lord for giving me time to mature in you. Amen.

This prayer of thanksgiving to San Cayetano is very easy to pray, you just have to have a lot of faith and a good ability, remembering that in addition to praying thanks to the saint, we must multiply everything that is given to us to help other people who are going through a difficult time.

Finally I leave you a video with another prayer of thanksgiving to St. Jude Thaddeus, in addition to this prayer you can also learn the super miraculous prayer to St. Charbel is also very powerful, I am sure you will like to learn it, do not miss it.