St Anthony Abbot is generally regarded as the founder and father of organised Christian monasticism, although he himself preferred the life of a true hermit. Prayers to St Benedict are often used today, and in this article you will learn some of them.
Saint Anthony of Abbot
Before knowing the prayer to Saint Benedict it is necessary to know some facts about his biography, below are some of them, it is important not to confuse Saint Benedict of Abbot with Saint Benedict or Saint Benedict of Palermo.
Saint Benedict is thought to have been born around 480, the son of a Roman nobleman from Nursia and the twin of his sister Scholastica.
In the 5th century, the young Benedict was sent to Rome to complete his education with his housekeeper, the study he mastered was rhetoric: the art of persuasive speaking, he was a successful orator, not the one who had the best argument or conveyed the truth, but the one who used rhythm, eloquence and technique to convince.
The power of the voice without a foundation in the heart was the goal of the student’s education. And this philosophy was reflected in the lives of the students. They had everything: education, wealth, youth, and they spent it all in the pursuit of pleasure, not truth. Benedict watched in horror as vice corrupted the lives and ethics of his fellow students.
Fearing for his soul, Benedict fled Rome, renounced his inheritance and lived with his nurse in a small village. When God called him beyond this quiet life to an even deeper solitude, he went to the mountains of Subiaco. Although it was not his intention to become a hermit, he lived there as a hermit under the guidance of another hermit, Romano.
One day, while living as a hermit in a cave by a lake, the devil presented Benedict’s imagination with a beautiful and seductive woman. Benedict resisted by rolling himself in a thorn bush until he was covered with scratches. It is said that these wounds on his body healed the wounds of his soul.
To find out more about St Benedict, watch this video.
After years of prayer, word of his holiness led nearby monks to seek his leadership. He warned them that he would be too harsh with them, but they insisted and then tried to poison him when his warning proved true. The story goes that the monks tried to poison Benedict’s drink, but when he prayed a blessing over the cup, it shattered.
So Benedict was alone, but not for long. The next group of followers were more sincere and founded twelve monasteries in Subiaco, where the monks lived in separate communities of twelve. He left these monasteries abruptly when the jealous attacks of another hermit made it impossible to continue the spiritual leadership he had assumed.
But it was at Monte Cassino that he founded the monastery that became the root of the Church’s monastic system. Instead of founding separate small communities, he gathered his disciples into a single community. His own sister, St Scholastica, settled nearby to lead a religious life.
After nearly 1,500 years of monastic tradition, his direction seems obvious to us. But Benedict was an innovator. No one had ever founded a community like his or run it with a rule. What is now part of history was a bold and risky step into the future.
Benedict’s Rule
St Benedict had the holiness and the ability to take this step. His beliefs and instructions for religious life were collected in what is now known as the Rule of St Benedict: it continues to guide religious life after 15 centuries.
In this small but powerful Rule, St Benedict put what he had learned about the power of conversation and oratorical rhythms at the service of the Gospel. He didn’t quit school because he didn’t understand the subject!
Scholars have told us that his Rule reflects an understanding and skill with the rhetorical rules of the time.
Despite his schooling, he understood that rhetoric was as much a tool as a hammer. A hammer could be used to build a house or to hit someone over the head.
Rhetoric could be used to promote vice or to promote God. Benedict did not avoid rhetoric because it had been used to seduce people into vice; he reformed it, which is why Benedict’s prayers are simple so that they are easy to say.
Benedict did not want to lose the power of the voice to reach God just because others used it to sink into the gutter. He reminded us: Let us consider our place before God and his angels. Let us rise up to sing our hearts and voices in harmony, in this video More Facts, don’t miss it.
In their communities, there was always a voice that read aloud during meals, to welcome guests, to instruct beginners. Hearing the words once was not enough: We want this Rule to be read frequently in the community. Benedict discovered that the strongest and truest foundation for the power of words was the Word of God itself: For whatever page or word of the Bible is not a perfect rule for temporal life, he had experienced the power of the Word of God expressed in Scripture.
For prayer, Benedict turned to the Psalms, the very songs and poems of the Jewish liturgy that Jesus himself had prayed. Joining Jesus in praise of God throughout the day was so important that Benedict called it “the work of God”. And nothing should come before the work of God. Benedict believed with Jesus that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Holy Scripture
But it was not enough to say the words. Benedict instructed his followers to practise scripture reading, the study of the very Scriptures they would pray in the work of God. In this divine lesson, he and his monks memorised, studied and contemplated the Scriptures until they became part of their being.
Four to six hours a day were set aside for this sacred reading. When the monks had free time, the brothers were to use it to practise the psalms. Scripture lessons were to be recited from memory, not read from a book. On Benedict’s list of “instruments of good works” is the “enjoyment of the sacred readings”.
History of St Benedict
In a story from the life of Benedict, a poor man came to the monastery and asked for some oil. Although Benedict ordered him to be given the oil, the cellarer refused because there was little oil left. If the cellarer gave some oil as alms, there would be none left for the monastery.
Angered by this mistrust of God’s providence, Benedict knelt down to pray. As he prayed, a bubbling sound came from inside the oil jar.
The monks watched in fascination as God’s oil filled the jar, overflowed, seeped under the lid and finally tore off the lid, spilling to the floor.
In Benedictine prayer, our hearts are the empty vessel of thought and intellectual effort. All that remains is trust in God’s providence to fill us. Emptying ourselves in this way causes God’s abundant goodness to bubble up in our hearts, first with an inspiration or two, and finally overflowing our hearts with contemplative love.
Benedict died on 21 March 543, shortly after his sister. It is said that he died of a high fever on the day God told him he would. He is the patron saint of Europe and of students. St Benedict is often depicted with a bell, a broken tray, a raven or a crozier. His feast day is 11 July, so before we teach you the prayer to St Benedict, let’s learn how to pray.
How to pray to St Benedict
To make the prayer to St Benedict, we need only consider the following facts in the Bible. The Apostle Paul made reference to praying to God in the two letters he wrote to the Christians living in the pagan city of Corinth (1 Corinthians 11:13 and 2 Corinthians 13:7). Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father” (Matthew 6:6). Jesus Himself told the band that arrested Him in the Garden of Gethsemane that He could pray to His Father at that moment and be saved (Matthew 26:53).
The Bible tells us to pray in the evening, in the morning and at noon, so there is no problem with praying to St Benedict, you can do it at any time. There are several references to prayer in the middle of the afternoon: at the ninth hour. The point is that there is no wrong time to pray and that we should do it regularly.
The Apostle Paul even said to pray without ceasing, which means that prayer should be a regular and constant part of our daily life and not something that we only resort to occasionally, I leave you with a video where they explain how to pray.
How long should the prayer to St Benedict be? When Jesus chose his disciples, he spent the whole night praying, Jesus chose the 12 apostles and warned them not to pray like the hypocrites, the pagans or the scribes. If the prayer of St Benedict is prayed in solitude, it is not necessary that people see us, it is enough that the saints and God observe us.
The prayers should not be repetitive, remember that each of the prayers taught below is a model, you can take any of them and make them your own, give them your personal touch. Sometimes it is appropriate to pray in public, such as at a church service, wedding or funeral, Jesus said we should ask our Father for His kingdom to come and His will to be done, which includes praying for the work of His Church to be done.
In the Prayer of St Benedict we are also asked to pray for our daily needs, for forgiveness and for deliverance from evil (Satan). In the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7, Jesus instructs us to go into a “secret place” when we pray: “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
Jesus said that we should ask our Father for His kingdom to come and His will to be done, which includes praying for the work of His church to be done. We are also told to ask for our daily needs, forgiveness and deliverance from the evil one.
We are also told to pray for those who use us spitefully and persecute us, and James wrote in his epistle that we should pray for one another.
Paul extends this to pray for all people: I urge therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
Is there a prescribed posture for prayer? The Bible gives examples of people praying while standing, kneeling, prostrating themselves and sitting. King Solomon stood when he prayed, but he also prayed while kneeling before the Lord.
Jesus Christ, the prophet Daniel, the martyr Stephen, the apostle Peter and the apostle Paul also knelt while praying. Kneeling is a sign of submission to God, and Romans 14:11 says: “Every knee shall bow to me. In this video you will learn a prayer to St Benedict for protection.
The apostle Paul wrote to the young evangelist Timothy: I want men everywhere to pray with holy hands, without anger or doubt. King David exhorted the people to lift up their hands in the sanctuary. It seems that there are several respectful ways of approaching God, depending on the circumstances, and that one does not have to take a particular position in order to be heard, so that no position is required to say the prayer to St Benedict.
From these scriptures we can see that God and Jesus want us to pray, and they have not left us in the dark about how to pray. It does not matter so much when we pray, or how long we pray, or even what position we are in when we pray. What God wants is for us to approach Him regularly with reverence and humility.
Prayer to Saint Benedict Abbot
Saint Benedict has a variety of prayers for different purposes, another saint with this characteristic is Saint Alexius, who also has very powerful prayers, the prayer to Saint Benedict the Abbot, you can resort to it for problems in love, money, business, prosperity.
In addition, you can also invoke St. Benedict to ward off enemies, for protection, deliverance, health, for work and many other things, in addition to the prayer to St. Benedict of Abbot, you can also know the miraculous prayer to St. Marcus de Leon, sure it will also help you.
Here is a miraculous prayer to St Benedict, always remember to make it with great faith and good attitude.
O holy Father, Saint Benedict, blessed by God in grace and in name, who, in prayer, with your hands raised to heaven, willingly gave your angelic spirit into the hands of your Creator, and zealously promised to defend yourself from all the snares of the enemy in the last battle of death. (Continued below the video)
Here is a video of another prayer to St Benedict which I am sure you will enjoy.
Protect me, I beseech thee, O glorious Father, this day and every day, by thy holy blessing, that I may never be separated from our dear Lord, from the company of thyself and of all the blessed. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Another miraculous St Benedict prayer below, another option that is sure to please, remember that other saints are also miraculous, for example St Catherine.
O glorious St Benedict, sublime model of virtue, pure recipient of God’s grace! Here I humbly kneel at your feet and ask you, in your loving kindness, to pray for me before the throne of God.
I turn to You in the dangers that surround me daily. Protect me from my selfishness and indecency.
Inspire me to imitate you in all things. May your blessing always be with me, so that I may see and serve Christ in others and work for his kingdom. Graciously obtain from God those favours and graces which I so much need in the trials, miseries and salvation of life.
Your heart was always full of love, compassion and mercy for those who were imprisoned or in any kind of trouble. You never refused comfort or help to anyone who turned to you.
Therefore, I invoke your powerful intercession, trusting that you will hear my prayer and obtain for me the special grace and favour for which I earnestly ask. (Name your request) Please help me. Amen.
St Benedict’s prayer for love
Most people always turn to the saints when it is difficult to find love, the prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for love is very powerful, as is the prayer to St Benedict for love that I will teach you below. I also leave you with a video of another prayer to St Benedict for love.
One of the most important parts of the journey to finding true love is faith. You have to believe in your soul mate and trust that there is someone special out there, just for you, as you say the prayer, always remember that. St Benedict, you have helped so many people through the ages, please today I ask for your help for me, you know that it is not good for man to be alone. I ask you, St Benedict, I need a companion for my life.
The Bible has shown us that finding the right partner has made many people live happily together. Bless me, St Benedict, so that I can build a family like theirs. I believe, St Benedict, that your intercession before God will help my heart to be happy in this earthly life. I pray that the loneliness in my heart will soon disappear. I pray to you, St Benedict. Amen.
To find a partner
St. Benedict, listen to this prayer with my heart, intercede for me with our dear Father, St. Benedict, miracle worker, listen to this prayer, God is first with you in my heart, in my mind and in my heavenly spirit, I want a partner for my earthly heart, please God and help me with this dream I have, I don’t want to be in this loneliness anymore.
Guide me to the right partner, you know who is perfect for me, help me to walk in faith until the moment of our first meeting. Show me how to be a partner worthy of love and then guide me through each stage of our relationship so that as we grow closer to You, we grow closer in love, joy and faith. Thank you, God, for answering my prayer. Amen.
To Heal a Relationship
St Benedict, the miraculous, please listen to this prayer. And help me by interceding with God that my heart may be happy and that I may have a happy relationship with my partner and with God, I pray.
Dear Saint Benedict, I offer this prayer to you to help me with my current relationship situation, to take away all the pain in my heart, I ask you to fill it with love, joy, patience and understanding.
Bless me and my partner in the name of GOD so that we never give up on the challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other and make each of us realise the value of the other. Please touch my partner’s heart and fill it with love for me.
Make our complicated relationship simple. I ask for your mercy and blessing so that we can afford to spend the rest of our lives together. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Do not lead us into temptation. Guide us wherever we go. Keep us always in each other’s hearts and minds. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer. Amen.
Prayer to St Benedict for protection
If you need protection and deliverance you can pray the Prayer To St Benedict Abbot Protection And Deliverance which is very powerful, another prayer of this type is the Prayer to St Michael the Archangel for Protection of the Home if you want another option that is very good, As above I leave you a video with another prayer to St Benedict and alejo to ward off bad vibes.
In addition to the one you met above, the prayer to St Michael the Archangel for protection at night also serves this purpose, the help of various saints will always be better, here are some additional prayers for protection.
Dear St Benedict, you are certainly a blessing, as your name suggests. By practising what you preached, you founded the monastic tradition of the West, uniting prayer with work for God, both liturgical and private prayer. Help all religious to follow your Rule and to be faithful to their vocation. May they work and pray for the world to the greater glory of God. Amen.
Glorious Saint Benedict, sublime model of virtue, pure vessel of God’s grace! Look on me as I kneel humbly at your feet. I beseech you, in your loving kindness, to pray for me before the throne of God. For you I turn to the dangers that surround me every day.
Protect me from my selfishness and indifference towards God and my neighbour. Inspire me to imitate you in all things. May your blessing always be with me, so that I may see and serve Christ in others and work for his kingdom. Graciously obtain from God my favours and graces, which I so much need in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life. Your heart was always full of love, compassion and mercy towards those who were in any way afflicted or troubled, please help them, St Benedict. Amen.
St Benedict’s Prayer for Work
If you are looking for a job, want a promotion or simply want a better job, you can pray with faith to St Benedict to help you, another saint with this quality who is often invoked for this purpose is St Isidore Labrador, remember that to be heard you must always have a good attitude and a lot of faith.
Getting a job
Getting a job is sometimes difficult, for this reason it is necessary to turn to the saints, Saint Benedict will not let you down as long as you do it with great faith and with the right attitude, to get the job of your dreams I leave you two options, one in video and one written that you enjoy.
Saint Benedict, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude, acknowledging every good and perfect gift that comes from you and from Jesus Christ. St Benedict, I thank you for all you have done and all you will do.
St Benedict, I ask You to place Your hand on a task, I trust in Your ability to prosper me at this time. St Benedict, take hold of my life and teach me to prosper in this season. May the Holy Spirit bless the fruit of my hands, my heart and my mind so that I may find opportunities to prosper in this season, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Another option you have for this type of prayer is the St Martin Caballero Job Prayer, which is also very powerful if you are looking for a new job or a promotion. If you are not satisfied with that, here is another prayer to St Benedict for work.
Thanks for employment
Saint Benedict, I thank you that you have good things in store for those who love you, for those who are called according to your purpose. Even before I was born, your hand was at work in the very fabric of my being, and throughout my adult years you have been by my side, providing for me in good times and in times of need and crisis.
Open my heart as I seek the right kind of work. Protect my mind, cover my thoughts, that my mind may be alert to your guidance and my spirit sensitive to your impressions. I pray that you will open the door to a job that will bring fulfilment and happiness. A job that not only meets my needs, but allows me to give freely to the needs of others.
A job that extends the reach of His work, His kingdom and His will on this earth today. I ask all this in the mighty name of Jesus, my beloved St Benedict and friend, Amen. Below is a video of a prayer to St Benedict for work.
Ask for a promotion
Finally, I leave you with a prayer for promotion in your job, always remembering to pray with a lot of attitude and above all with faith, so that your prayers will be heard and you will achieve what you desire.
Dear St Benedict, please reassure our hearts in this world of uncertainty, as we reconcile what we want with our real needs, as we seek higher values in the midst of material loss. As we remember the richness and abundance that comes from your creation, and know that as you move us from fear to love, we will be enriched with the treasures of spirit and peace. Amen.
St Benedict’s prayer for money
If you are in need of money this prayer will be of great help, if you want another option you can also turn to St Jude Thaddeus, he is also very powerful in these cases. A new day has dawned amidst this ethereal horizon, St Benedict, with gratitude we watch the wonder of the sight of the sun rising in the east. We pray fervently that these golden rays may reach all people here on earth.
No one can surpass God’s generosity and care for us, St Benedict, we know that without God’s help we cannot even lift a finger. Without His permission we cannot obtain the benefits of money. Therefore, we will strive hard to work for our own strength. We know that the greater the effort we make to earn our money, the greater the reward.
We are ready to serve you as we work hard. We are confident that with our perseverance and your blessing, abundance will manifest in our efforts. Grant us your guiding hand so that whatever financial gains we make, we will not forget that they all come from you, and that our wealth will serve as a tool to keep us righteous and to help those in need. Amen.
Another very effective prayer when you need immediate money is the prayer for St Jude Thaddeus to get urgent money another St Benedict prayer for prosperity below.
The vast universe exists because of the unlimited power of our Lord GOD. The sun, the moon and the ocean reveal their divine energy, I ask you, St Benedict, to intercede for me before our Saviour.
And tell him that without this, without all that he has not given us, we could never stay alive in this world, that we thank him for all these good things that you have created that make our lives meaningful and worth living.
Please, St Benedict, intercede for me, for my family, that GOD may give us food, shelter and financial means in our worldly existence. May He find our work worthy of financial reward.
May You see fit that we deserve to earn good money for our efforts. May you bless us with peace, prosperity and happiness for the rest of our lives. We know that nothing happens without your great blessing. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
If you are still not satisfied with the prayers I have taught you above, I leave you with a video of another prayer to St Benedict that will help you with money, enjoy.
Prayer to Saint Benedict for Health
Saint Benedict will help you if you have health problems, you should only pray as I have indicated above with great faith and a good attitude, another option is the prayer to the Holy Spirit For Health is a very powerful prayer if you have a disease that ails you.
St Benedict, heal me with fresh growing leaves, may your heart be refreshed with flowers, this spring to reveal its glory and promise that you will be renewed.
May God fill you with sunlight, St Benedict, may your body be warmed by the sun and may it shine to cut the darkness and promise happier times.
May God fill you with a healing wind, may your sorrows be replaced by a new hope that blows through the hardships you have suffered and leaves you in a new love. Amen.
I present my mind, spirit and body to You, come and take me as a living sacrifice, You have seen me day by day and every day, can I ever glorify and worship You? Amen.
Health is very important for us because without it we have nothing, another option for this purpose is the Health Prayer of the Mystic Rose, if you want more prayers to help you with your health continue reading this article.
Saint Benedict, please cover me, cover me with your mighty hand, your hand is on my life, my life is a gift, a gift from God, please Saint Benedict, help me to keep my life healthy, precede me before God who keeps all things in balance.
Ask Him that I may balance every need and care in His loving heart, a heart that loves with truth, hope and peace. His peace is given so that we can walk freely, free from fear, knowing that God is with us. Please, St Benedict, ask God to cover me with His mighty hand, His mighty hand of protection and God’s health. Amen.
If you want a prayer of St. Benedict for health and deliverance watch this video, it is very very powerful and effective always remember to do it with a lot of faith and with as I have mentioned in continuous occasions with a very good attitude the saints and God will listen to you.
It is also a very powerful prayer to St Jude Thaddeus for health if you want to improve your health, Finally I leave you with the following prayer.
St Benedict, I rest under your mighty wings of love, I dwell in your sweet heart. I know that there is healing in your touch. Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration and trust in your goodness. You, St. Benedict, intercede for me before our Lord, our Saviour, I dwell in your tender arms.
St Benedict’s Prayer for Business
If you want to start your own business or improve the one you have you can turn to St Benedict the Abbot, he can help you start your business, if you want the help of another saint you can pray the prayer to St Benedict for business.
O glorious Saint Benedict, exalted model of all virtues, pure vessel of God’s grace!
pure vessel of God’s grace! See me kneeling humbly at your feet. I implore your loving heart to pray for me before the throne of God.
I turn to you in all the dangers that surround me daily. Protect me from my enemies, inspire me to imitate you in all things. May Your blessing be with me always, so that I may avoid what God forbids and avoid occasions of sin.
Graciously obtain for me from God those favours and graces by which I am so much sustained in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life. Your heart was always so full of love, compassion and mercy for those who were afflicted or troubled in any way.
You never left anyone who turned to you without comfort and help. Therefore, I invoke your powerful intercession in the confident hope that you will hear my prayers and obtain the special grace and favour for which I so earnestly ask (mention your common purpose), if it is for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul.
Help me, O great St Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to be ever submissive to His holy will, and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven. Amen.
In addition to the prayer I taught you above you can also use the prayer to St Jude Thaddeus for business which is also very powerful, if you want another prayer we have the following.
My partners and I have started a new business. We ask for your blessing, St Benedict, to guide us on our way, to keep our hearts pure and sincere, to bless us with the spirit of cooperation, to resist all greed and dishonest temptation. That we may serve our own with as much grace as You serve us. Hear our prayer, O Lord, that our business may reap the right profit and the right course. Amen.
Prayer to St Benedict against evil
If you have spiritual problems, any sickness, you need help because you feel an evil coming upon you, this prayer can be of great help, if you want another option for this type of evil, you can make the prayer of the Blood of Christ against all evil.
Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary, angels, archangels and Saint Benedict, descend upon me. Please purify me, Lord, show me, fill me, use me. Banish from me all the powers of evil, destroy them, overcome them, so that I may be healthy and do good works.
Banish from me all sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, evil spells, snares, curses and the evil eye; diabolical infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is evil and sinful, jealousy, perfidy, envy; physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, diabolical ailments.
I command and offer to all the powers that be, by the power of Almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, to leave me forever and be sent to eternal hell. Where they will be bound by St. Michael the Archangel, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, our guardian angels, and where they will be crushed under the heels of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
The prayer to St Michael the Archangel against all enemies and evil is also very powerful for this purpose, if you want another way to protect yourself from evil, please consider this additional prayer below.
Dear St Benedict, I thank God for showering you with His grace to love Him above all else and to establish a monastic rule that has helped many of His children to live full and holy lives.
Through the Cross of Jesus Christ, I ask you to intercede that God may protect me, my loved ones, my home, my possessions, my goods and my job with your holy blessing today and always, so that we may never be separated from Jesus, Mary and the company of all the blessed.
Through your intercession may we be delivered from temptation, spiritual oppression, physical sickness and disease. Protect us from drug and alcohol abuse, impurity and immorality, offensive partners and negative attitudes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for the St Benedict Medal
The medal of St. Benedict must be blessed by a Benedictine priest or by a priest specially authorised. [The blessing can now be given by any priest (Instr., 26 September 1964, can. 1168).
Dom Gueranger goes on to say that the medal is powerful even without the Benedictine blessing: “There are three solemn prayers of the Church for the blessing of the medal.
The first prayer is an exorcism of the evil spirit to remove its evil influence, with the fervent request that the medal be for the good of the wearer’s body and soul. The second prayer is a fervent supplication:
O Almighty God, Giver of all good gifts, we humbly beseech Thee, through the intercession of the holy Father St. Benedict, to bestow Thy blessing on these medals, their letters and characters designed by Thee.
May all who use them and strive to do good, obtain health of body and soul, the grace of salvation, the indulgences granted to us, and, with the help of Your mercy, escape from the snares and deceptions of the devil, and appear holy and blameless in Your sight. Through Christ our Lord, amen.
The third prayer is very impressive for its detailed and solemn remembrance of the agony, sufferings and death of Our Lord. After the blessing, the medals cannot be sold or the blessing will be lost. The medals must be purchased before the blessing.
Prayer to St Benedict for separation
If there is a third person in your relationship, do not hesitate to turn to this saint, simply pray the prayer to St Benedict
I recite this incantation so that the spirit of hatred and the living spirit, judgement, thought and form of (person A) and (person B) may not be together, nor speak, nor eat at the same table, nor share chairs or a bed.
May they not be together, may the hatred between (A) and (B) be such that their paths are always separated, may Saint Benedict use the power of the 4 winds to separate these two paths and bring one of them home well many miles away.
May the power of the spirit of hate between (A) and (B) make them unable to communicate, may the only thing between them be war, destruction, separation, that if they feel any love it will quickly wither like a flower.
Please, Saint Benedict, that the relationship between (A) and (B), which has caused me so much harm, be finally broken, and that the spirits of hate, which bring about justice in my favour and completely break the love in the eyes between (A) and (B), that they be separated forever, that they never be together again, help me, Saint Benedict, that they be broken and separated forever, so that they cannot be together or talk or eat together.
If (A) and (B) are together, may the hatred between them be eternal, Saint Benedict, separate their paths, call upon the powers of the 4 winds so that each of their paths will be far apart and bring one of them home many miles away.
May the power of the spirit of hate and (A) AND (B) not be able to communicate, and if they do, may it only be war, destruction, separation, may they not be able to stand each other. Please, Saint Benedict, may the relationship between (A) and (B), which has caused me so much harm, be finally broken, and may the spirits of hate bring about justice in my favour, and may the love in the eyes of (A) and (B) be completely broken. Amen.
Prayer for the return of your husband
If you have problems with your husband and want to improve your marriage, this prayer to St Benedict will surely help you, if you want more, I leave you another prayer to St Benedict.
St Benedict, intercede for me before God so that my husband will come back to me. I pray that you will remove all the bad things that influence his thinking and restore him to the right thought of love for me.
I ask you to come back to me with open hands so that I can rebuild the relationship with my dear husband, St Benedict, I know there are virulent energies in him at the moment and I ask you to remove them from his life and get rid of them in the name of Jesus, I pray.
Before this prayer to St Benedict intercede with our wonderful God to bring my husband back to me, I wait patiently and understand more every day.
St Benedict, I ask that my husband returns to me with an open heart and open arms. Please, St Benedict, tell God to bring my husband back and get rid of all the bad things that are happening to him. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Novena of St Benedict
St. Benedict is one of the saints with prayers of this kind, another saint with this characteristic is St. Cajetan, some novenas only require you to pray the same prayer for nine days, while others require you to pray different prayers for each of these days, for example the novena of St. Augustine. Below is the prayer for St Benedict.
Option one
Great Saint Benedict, sublime model of virtue, pure vessel of God’s grace! Look on me as I humbly kneel at your feet. I beseech you, in your loving kindness, to pray for me before the throne of God.
Protect me from my selfishness and indifference towards God and my neighbour, and inspire me to imitate you in all things. May your blessing always be with me, so that I may see and serve Christ in others and work for his kingdom.
Graciously obtain for me from God those favours and graces which I so much need in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life. Your heart was always full of love, compassion and mercy for those who were afflicted or troubled in any way. You never left anyone who turned to you without comfort and help.
Therefore, I invoke your powerful intercession, trusting that you will hear my prayers and obtain for me the special grace and favour I earnestly ask.(state your petition) Help me, great St Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to walk in the sweetness of his loving will, and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven.Amen.
Option two
Another way of praying to St Benedict is the novena to St Anthony of Padua, always remembering to pray with great faith and with a very good attitude, the prayer that I will teach you below, you must pray it for nine days and at the end pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
Glorious Saint Benedict, who taught us the way to religious perfection through the practice of self-conquest, mortification, humility, obedience, prayer, silence, retreat and detachment from the world, I kneel at your feet and humbly ask you to accept my gift.
I need your special protection (he makes his request) Intercede with the Blessed Virgin Mary and place it before the throne of Jesus. Do not cease interceding for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace to meet God face to face one day, and with you and Mary and all the angels and saints to praise Him for all eternity.
O St. Benedict, most mighty, do not let me lose my soul, but obtain for me the grace to find the way to heaven, to adore and enjoy the most holy and adorable Trinity for ever and ever! Amen.