In this article, you will learn the prayer to Saint Catherine for love, in which you can ask the saint to return the love of your life to you, gentle and full of affection and love. You will also find a variety of prayers to the Saint for different kinds of support.

Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine the Virgin was born in Siena, Italy on 25 March 1347. She was the daughter of Jacopo and Lapa, and from a very young age she stood out for her intelligence. She became a nun, faithful and dedicated to the service of God. At the age of twelve (12) she took a vow of chastity.
Her parents made plans for her to marry, but her desires for life were not as good as those of her parents. When they made the final plan for her to marry, she had an unfavourable reaction and locked herself in her room, cutting off her long hair and later putting a veil on her head. As an adult, Catherine took the habit and retired to the convent of the Third Order of Penitents.
She died at the age of thirty-three (33) and her remains were buried in the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva in Rome. She was canonised in 1461 by Pope Pius II, who declared her the patron saint of Italy. Pope Paul VI made her a Doctor of the Church in 1970, and in 1999 she became the patron saint of Europe.
She is the patron saint of students, of single women, of love and of difficult cases, Doctor of the Church and Patron Saint of Europe.
Video on the history of St Catherine
Prayer to St Catherine
Lord God, you showed St Catherine your eternal love for all people by making her hands a fire that burns in your heart. She shared this revelation magnificently and lived it with heroism.
Grant that in this case we may surrender ourselves to her promises and increase our faith in her presence in every sacrament, especially in the sacrament of her forgiveness. We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. (See: Healing Prayer to the Holy Spirit)
O virgin and radiant Saint Catherine of Siena, virtuous woman greatly blessed by God. Instrument of the Almighty to work miracles, Doctor and Enlightener of the Church, called incomparable creature, enriched with the gifts you knew how to gather, with the sweet and modest virtues of wise and prudent virgins with courage and valour.
Show me the extent of the power that our great God has given you, those gifts in the evangelical virtues, especially humility, prudence, patience, kindness and care in the exercise of the duties of our State.
Blessed and beloved, virtuous Saint Catherine: the happiness that you have received to reconcile piously with God and you have obtained the grace to promote happy with his miracle continues as many needy as I have requested, listen to my humble prayer and by your divine help kindness so urgent in love my love life, in my family, in my house, I ask you to help me: (make your request).
Gather your hands in my anguish and ask for the present desperate and powerful prayer that I make before our Lord and that it be quickly remedied. I also pray for the protection that You may give me, I imitate Your virtues so that I may grow in the knowledge of the one true God and attain the happiness of the elect. Amen. Say the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Prayer to St Catherine of Siena to tame, to bind, to rule
Beloved Saint Catherine, you are as beautiful as the sun, as beautiful as the moon and as beautiful as the stars.
You who entered Abraham’s dwelling place and appeased fifty thousand men, brave as lions, soften the heart of (name of person) for me.
(When he sees me, he will desire me; when he rests, he will not sleep; when he eats, he will not eat.
He will not rest unless he comes to talk to me. He will weep for me, he will sigh for me, as the Virgin Mary sighed with her Son Jesus blessed (see article: Prayer to the Virgin Mary).
(Say the name of the person you love and at the same time stamp your left foot on the ground three times) and say under my left foot I have you either with three or four words or with your heart. If you need to sleep, do not sleep; if you need to eat, do not eat.
You will not sit on a chair until you come with me and talk to me and tell me you love me and give me all the good things you have. You shall love me among all the women of the universe, and I shall appear to you forever as a beautiful and fresh rose. Amen.
You can also see the following prayer
Prayer to St Catherine to make a man despair
My beloved Saint Catherine, by your power before the Lord Jesus Christ and by your mercy, hear my supplications and give me your help, soften the heart of (name of the person desired) for me (your name).
Saint Catherine, my beloved saint, by your great power before the Lord and by your mercy, hear my supplications and give me your help: soften the heart, body and soul of (name of the person who is despairing) for me (your name).
When he sees me, he will strive for me; when he sleeps, he will not rest; when he eats, he will have no appetite.
(Say the person’s name three times in a low voice, tapping the floor very hard with your left foot). Under my left foot I have you either with three or four words or with your heart.
If you need to rest, you will not rest, if you need to eat, you will not eat, you will not sit on a chair until you come to me to talk to me and tell me that you love me, that you need me, that you desire me, until you come to give me all the good that you have and give me your affection and your love.
You will love me alone (say your name) among all the women of this universe and I will appear to you forever as a beautiful and fresh rose. Saint Catherine, I call to you with all my heart, with all my passion and love, turn your generous face towards me and obtain for me what I so much desire and need: (now say the request with great faith).
My Saint Catherine, do not fail to grant me the help I ask for, ask our Lord for my troubles and obtain for me urgent help, I trust in you, my Saint of love, I beg you, I ask you to intercede for me here on earth, so that one day I may thank you in glory. Amen.
Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories. The prayer should be said for nine consecutive days. On the first and last day, light a pink candle.
Prayer to Saint Catherine of War
St Catherine, daughter of God the Father, teaches me to discover in him an immutable reason and to live with gratitude and the joyful conviction of being his beloved children. St Catherine, teach me to listen to your voice with faith and love, to know more and more how God knows us and to recognise him as the Lord of our lives.
Catherine, Lady of a great and beautiful spiritual family, welcome us as the fruit of your powerful prayer; receive us as disciples listening to your wise teaching, embrace us as children trusting in you; teach us to be brothers, different but united: sharers of the same fire of love in Christ, agile in helping the Holy Church, pure in intention, heart, words and deeds.
My Holy Catherine, Lady and wonder of the Holy Spirit, bold and prudent, generous and penitent, pure and fruitful, humble and already blessed, pray God for us: mercy, who covers our past with your wisdom and illuminates our present and heavenly glory, be our future, at the feet of the slain and victorious Lamb, next to Jesus Christ and close to you forever.
No one has ever come to you without becoming better, so let your mercy shine upon us and through your prayer let grace bear its fruit in our lives in time and for all eternity.
Prayer to Saint Catherine for love
My blessed St Catherine, you who loved the Lord without measure, you will understand my pain and disappointment, what a great and true love makes one suffer. I want to ask you to help me to conquer (the person’s name), to touch his heart with your loving hand.
I (your name) want to have him, I want him to love me, I want him to be always by my side, I want to be with him in good times and bad, in joy and sadness, I want to be with my love always and forever.
Help me, my Saint Catherine, to win his love as you have won the love of your dear Jesus Christ. Help me, for I desire with fervour to be in his heart as you were in the heart of the Lord.
Saint Catherine, do not abandon me, make (name of person) love me, love me, desire me, think only of me, live for me.
Glorious Saint Catherine, you who have found love, affection and understanding in Jesus Christ, you will know how to listen and understand my request, grant me what I ask of you out of love, I thank you, my holy friend, for listening to my prayers. This is through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias.
Prayer to Saint Catherine to recover a love
Glorious Saint Catherine, defender of love, you who could imagine that so many people are united, I ask for your intercession to achieve the reconciliation with my love that I so much desire.
Saint Catherine, you who have much power for this, grant this favour so that my petition may come to you to receive your blessing.
Saint Catherine, you who protect perfect loves and without lies, you who have virtue and who are so proclaimed in the whole universe.
Give me the possibility to restore my life, to tame and bend the heart of my beloved (name of person) so that I can have access to him again.
I ask you to be my intercessor and take my prayers and supplications to God so that He can make my life a place of love, a life of peace, harmony and tranquillity, without arguments, without hatred, without resentment.
You can work miracles, my beautiful Santa Catalina, I ask you to help me with love, happiness, positive desires, good judgements and to help me to be successful in love.
Saint Catherine, you who can do everything, tame the heart of (person’s name) and restore his love in me, make him come back to me immediately, because I love him from my heart and it is my desire to save and improve our relationship and our love, bring him to me gentle, passionate and full of obliging and welcoming passion.
With your holy blessing, so be it, I trust in your power and mercy. Amen.
Say the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Creed.
Prayer to Saint Catherine for the return of your partner
Saint Catherine, you who hold the power of love in your hands, I fervently ask you to help me to return to my partner (name of the person you want me to return to), to come now behind me (your name) who is falling, humiliated, asking for forgiveness, wanting to return.
You, blessed Saint Catherine, help me to leave and forget any woman who may be in his head, keep away from (name of the person you want back) any woman or man who interferes in our engagement, and look at me today in all times, now and always wanting to be with me, you are sure that I (your name) am the woman for him.
That (name of the person you want back) cannot live without me and that I am always in his thoughts. Now, wherever he is and whoever he is with, he will look for me because his thoughts are of me. And when you go to bed, dream of me and when you wake up, think of me and love me, when you eat, think of me, when you walk, think of me and in every moment of your life.
May you want to see me, feel me, caress me with love, may (name of the person you want me to return to) want to embrace me, kiss me, take care of me, protect me
My Saint Catherine, I implore you, I beg you that he may feel for me (your name) an unusual desire such as he has never felt for any other person and will never feel.
So that he can find pleasure only with me, because I feel him only for me, and that I want to feel that his body belongs only to me, that he has peace only when he is well with me.
I thank you, my Saint Catherine, for the work you have done for me and I will forever enact your name as payment for helping me to get my partner (name of the person I want back).
Bring him into my arms passionately, lovingly, devotedly, faithfully and full of desire.
I put all my trust in you because I know you will bring him back, my beautiful Saint Catherine. For you have the strength that God has given you.
Pray nine Our Fathers, nine Hail Marys, nine Glorias, for nine days in a row.
On the first and last day light a red candle in the name of the saint.
St Catherine of Alexandria for single women
Catherine stuck to prayer, and the scholars were not only amazed by the young woman’s irrefutable arguments, but even converted to Christianity. St Catherine of Alexandria was a courageous woman and is the patron saint of single women and students and is celebrated every 25 November.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria is one of the most sought-after saints in the world, and for years has been considered the most sought-after saint on the entire European continent, much more so than the Blessed Virgin Mary. And although her story seems impossible and unsupported, her cult as a patron saint dates back to the 4th century, where countless monastic complexes have been dedicated in her name and where her body is venerated as an insignificant relic.
Prayer to St Catherine of Alexandria for single women
Blessed Saint Catherine of Alexandria, you who are adorned with virtues and knowledge.
With all my hope and respect, I ask you to raise your voice to the throne of the Most High and intercede for my love life, for my partnership, because I have not yet found the immortal and true love on my path.
You, who are the protector of couples and the conqueror of the impossible, pour down from the heavens where you dwell the fiery radiance of your mercy to heal my singleness and make it possible for me to fulfil my deepest desires.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to St Catherine for protection
St Catherine, for your extraordinary charity and the good you have done for the world, you are
You are praised and blessed throughout the world. Oh, turn your charitable face towards me, that you may protect me from every evil and danger that may befall me. Convinced of Your great and powerful protection, I call upon You with all my will and love to beseech You that through Your prayers I may obtain the favours I so ardently desire (ask here what is desired).
You had the great mercy to favour your neighbour, which you received from our Lord, and the most incredible miracles, becoming the joy and hope of all, you cannot fail to hear the prayers of those who come to your heart.
Yes, my Saint Catherine, show once more your power and your radiant compassion, so that your name may be ever more holy and exalted. Grant that, having experienced your most effective intercession here on earth, we may one day thank you in heaven and enjoy with you eternal happiness. Amen.
Say an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
Prayer to St Catherine of Siena to overcome temptations
Glorious Saint Catherine, may your prayer to Saint Catherine, full of the wisdom and grace that the Lord has given you, help me to be like you, so that I may not fall into the temptation of evil. I want to look like you so that I may have all the admirable knowledge and faith to be witnesses of Jesus in the world. Help me to acquire faith and knowledge so that we can always give reasons for our faith and also for our hope.
Above all, may I be more interested in knowing the truth and acting on it. Give me the courage not to succumb to temptations and not to transgress the limits of this world; help me to light my way with your wisdom.
Defend me, as You defended Yourself against the imperial wise men, I do not want to be an instrument to convert souls against the grace of God. May my life be lived to give glory to God and to lead others to salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to St Catherine for work and difficult cases
The prayer to St. Catherine brings many benefits for our life, that is why it is so important to do it with constancy and devotion and fervour, with great faith, devoting all our commitment and she will help us in our work, in extremely difficult cases, she will help us greatly. Say the prayers daily.
St Catherine, help me in this difficult case, give me the way out and the solution, remove from my life what does not allow it to flow, give me wisdom and intelligence to find the solutions, fill me with patience. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Catalina for work
O blessed St Catherine, who is glorified by the world for your amazing virtue and for the good you do to the most afflicted.
Stretch out your hands to me and give me your loving consolation in this sorrow that so touches and oppresses me today (ask here what is desired).
O Saint Catherine of Siena, always generous and full of compassion, turn your image of charity towards me so that you may come to my aid.
If, O Seraphic Virgin, you once again demonstrate your power and your radiant generosity, help me to obtain as soon as possible a good, dignified, prosperous and secure job, employment or business that will give me economic stability and the possibility of improvement and progress in my professional and personal growth.
I (your name), trusting in your powerful and efficacious protection, call upon you with all my strength and affection, asking you to obtain for me, through your prayers and your powerful intercession before our Lord Jesus Christ, the favour that I so ardently desire and that I find very difficult to obtain on my own (ask here for the desired job).
You, who were a strong woman and full of mercy, who, in order to help your neighbour, obtained from God the most amazing miracles, becoming the joy and hope of all, you cannot fail to help those who invoke you, because you come forever to listen to the prayers of those who come with hope and confidence to your gentle heart, that heart which you received from the Divine Redeemer in heavenly ecstasy.
Grant, dear Saint Catherine, that, having experienced your most effective intercession here on earth, we may one day be able to thank you in heaven and enjoy with you eternal happiness. I ask this through your beloved Jesus Christ, our Brother and Lord. Amen.
In this prayer to St Catherine you should say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias. Say this prayer for seven days in a row.
Prayer to St Catherine for difficult cases
Oh my St Catherine, what impossible things you have achieved, you are the sweetest and most loving of our caregivers, I ask for your help to restore all my hopes, I implore your enormous help to God between my heart and his Son Jesus and those who are willing to comfort me, I call on you who are willing to open your arms to encourage me and offer me relief and a solution when all seems lost.
St Catherine, powerful and loving virgin, today I rise and seek your heavenly protection, for without you and God’s support I am nothing. My sweet and loving woman, use the special radiance you radiate from on high to light my path. Comfort me and help me to soothe the grief I carry in my soul.
I appeal to your great heart to hear my plea. My venerable, pure and blessed St Catherine, by the unlimited power that God has given you, I humbly ask you to give me your help and mediation in this difficulty, with the hope that I have placed in your sweet and blessed hands: help me to do (what needs to be done).
I am infinitely grateful to you for having listened to my prayers, because I am sure that my prayer has been heard by you, and although it is very difficult to solve, I am sure that once it is in your hands, it will certainly be fulfilled, since no one is ever disappointed when he asks for your favours, no matter how impossible they are.
O blessed Catherine, you who pray to the impossible, pray to God for my distress and sadness, I place all my hope in this prayer, I trust in your ever loving protection. My beloved Catalina, bless my life, do not cease to guide me in different ways. I will follow you with much faith, humility and devotion. This is how it was.
So be it. So be it. So be it.
The prayer to St Catherine should be recited three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias. Pray the prayer with great faith for seven days. You can thank Saint Catherine for the favours you have received or may receive by lighting a white candle and making known her name and how grateful you are to her.