Many first-time mothers are filled with a series of doubts and fears because of the uncertainty. That is why today I bring you the prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for pregnant women, so that all goes well.
I suggest our article What is the prayer of faith to receive salvation to complement this reading.
When a woman is pregnant, it is the sweetest moment she can experience.
Just knowing that a little person is growing inside of you makes you feel so blessed.
The fact that your baby responds to daddy’s voice and your encouragement is like nothing else.
These are the happiest moments that you will never get to experience again, unless you get pregnant again.
But when you get pregnant for the first time, you have mixed feelings.
The duality that characterises first-time mothers does not allow them to be completely happy.
Although they want the moment of birth to come, they also want to have their baby always in their womb.
They long to meet him, but they know they can take better care of him in the womb.
And the fear of the uncertainty of the imminent moment of birth keeps them in constant tension.
Many of them, and especially many of their mothers, turn to their grandmothers’ traditions to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Some grandmothers teach their granddaughters to pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe for pregnant women.
Others pray directly to God, because God works miracles in people who have faith.
prayer to the virgin of guadalupe for pregnant women

The main concern of pregnant women is that their baby is well.
For this reason, first-time mothers and those who have not given birth before make the oracion a la virgen de guadalupe para las embarazadas (prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for pregnant women).
While the baby is in the womb, you can only trust what the obstetricians say.
Put all your trust in God and what He will do for you and your baby.
But you won’t get over that fear until you hold your daughter in your arms.
Most Catholic women entrust their pregnancies to the Virgin Mary.
By praying to the Virgin of Guadalupe for pregnant women, they feel more secure.
But who is this Virgin to whom they entrust their pregnancy?
The Virgin of Guadalupe
Legend has it that around the year 1500 or so, there was a Mexican Indian called Juan.
This gentleman was walking through a very dry area in the state of Puebla when he had an apparition.
It is said that she “identified herself as the Mother of God”.
And she asked him to go to the religious authorities of the town because she wanted them to build her a church.
Apparently, the indigenous man went several times, but the authorities ignored the request.
The word of an uneducated Indian was of no value to them.
One day, after so much insistence, the bishop asked him for proof of what he was saying.
And so the Virgin told him to go to the top of the hill where she had appeared to him and to cut flowers of all kinds.
The Indian went up a little sceptical, given the conditions of the area.
But when he got there, he found a great variety of flowers, just as the Virgin had said.
He took the proof he wanted to the religious authorities, who were astonished to find the image of the Virgin on the clothes of this humble Indian.
Since then, the Virgin has been known as the Virgin of Guadalupe.
And there are millions of Mexicans who not only pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe for pregnant women, but also worship her.
The Mexicans affectionately call her “Morenita Guadalupana” (the little Virgin of Guadalupe).
And in Mexico she is worshipped with real devotion. For more information, read our article on how tall the world’s tallest Virgin of Guadalupe is.
Facing our fears
It is natural for women to feel a little anxious when they are pregnant.
It’s not so much the moment of birth, because many people think it’s the fear of pain.
No, it is the immense responsibility of carrying a child inside you.
Until the moment the baby is born, the mother has the greatest responsibility.
For first-time mothers, the fear increases.
Women who are already mothers have a bad habit of scaring new girls.
Now you’ll know what’s good”, “You don’t know what to expect”, “I’ve been in labour for I don’t know how many hours”…” are just some of the things they say.
These are just some of the things that will be said to you in the waiting room of the doctor’s surgery or to your family and friends.
The best thing to do is to turn a deaf ear to these comments!
Besides, the Bible tells us to be courageous in Joshua 1:7.
Similarly, the Bible tells us in Exodus 23:24 not to worship or honour images of a false deity.
Most Catholics think that because Mary is the mother of Jesus, she has the power to intercede for them.
This is wrong!
The only one who can intercede for you before God is her son, Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 says that no one can come to the Father except through Jesus.
Mary knows this because she was a mother!
Yes, she was the mother of Jesus and nothing else.
You too will soon be a mother, and there is no prayer more powerful than a mother’s prayer for her child!
Dear friend
I invite you to learn how to study God’s Word for our edification.
Open your heart to God.
But do it with a willing heart.
Ask Him to forgive all your sins and to write your name in the book of life.
Acknowledge Him as your Lord and Saviour.
And fear not, my friend, for God has promised to be with us forever.
Be strong and of good courage, for God will be with you.