Prayers to St Pancras are for health, work, money, etc. St Pancras was a boy who lived in a town near Rome. When he was 14 years old, this saintly son was orphaned and brought to Rome by his uncle to help him in the house and in the fields.
Oraciones a San Pancracio

There his uncle became passionate about Jesus Christ and was converted and baptised, but the day after his baptism he was taken prisoner in the persecution of Christians led by the diabolical emperor Diocletian. Tradition tells us that he was tortured and cruelly made to deny his faith, but the young saint had already given his heart to Jesus and refused all kinds of rewards and help.

After thanking and forgiving his torturers, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his youth to remain faithful to Jesus Christ. Pope Gregory the Great often asked the people of the city to gather around his holy tomb, so that they could all learn from this place what the witness of true Christian love is.

Prayers to Saint Pancrazio

Today, Saint Pancrazio is venerated for his miracles and prayers for work, money, love, health and many other things. There is no exact time of his fame, but once he arrived, he brought happiness, joy and prosperity to his followers.

Oraciones a San pancracio

The fame of the saint and the prayers of San Pancrazio have made him a symbol of good fortune, as his devotion has spread far and wide, and in every house you can see that he has a follower.

Prayer to Saint Pancrazio and Parsley

Oraciones a San pancracio

Glorious disciple of Jesus Christ, my gentle protector, for the prayers to St Pancras.

Since the Lord so graciously hears your prayers and helps spiritually and in time those who ask his thanks through his intercession.

Hear this petition, that in my present need, with humble trust in God’s goodness and relying on his mighty courage, I may rise up to heaven.

(Ask for the job opportunity you wish to receive).

As your love for God has encouraged you to give your life as a witness of faith, receive the same love and strength in the practice and confession of your faith.

I ask you, with an afflicted soul, to bring my present needs before God so that they may be urgently attended to; I also ask for your holy protection over me and my family, for I know that God is pleased to grant the requests of His devotees when they are for the good of their souls and His greater glory.

Beloved St. Pancras, help me with your infinite charity and give me the joy of loving our Saviour Jesus Christ more and more every day, through your mediation, O Holy Protector! I hope to see and adore you always in heaven.

Oraciones a san pancracio


Light a green, white or yellow candle, placed on the ceramic plate in front of the image and the prayers of St Pancras, and say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, a Creed and a Glory Be.

Let the candle burn or extinguish it completely. Repeat the ritual for three days in a row, always at the same time. After the three-day cycle, you can keep the ritual elements.

Pour the water down the drain. The candle remnants and the salsa branches can be disposed of in the appropriate dustbins. Keep the three coins and the rest of the ritual elements.

Once a week, you can place a fresh sprig of parsley in front of the statue of St. Pancrazio to make the prayer to St. Pancrazio and the parsley will benefit you from a glass of water as an offering. Remember that the image or seal of St Pancras must be given, not bought.

Prayer to St Pancras for money

Oraciones a San Pancracio

O glorious Saint Pancras, my blessed saint of those who suffer poverty and lack of work, who was presented to you in your beautiful childhood, so rich and flattering, with the promises of the world.

You, who renounced everything to accept the faith unconditionally and to serve our Lord Jesus Christ with a great spirit of charity and profound humility, and to whom you willingly offered your life with a sublime martyrdom, hear our prayers, we pray.

“Remembered Saint Pancras, you who proclaimed: “Come to me and I will give you all the goods,” we humbly ask you to grant us the miraculous help we need to obtain the goods we need,

Please do not abandon us in this critical situation.

We humbly ask You to consider our great difficulties and needs and to give us urgent help in the serious difficulties we are going through today: (Make the request with great faith. (See: Prayer to St Pancras for Money)

Intercede with Your beloved Jesus that through the prayers to St. Pancras our requests may be answered and quickly granted, and that we may overcome this difficult circumstance; also obtain from me a living faith that will serve as a light to us as we make our pilgrimage in this world; an ardent love for God above all things and for our neighbour as we are.

Most benevolent son of Saint Pancras, grant us all happiness on earth so that we may attain that of the holy paradise.

Recite the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Repeat the prayers to St Pancras and the prayers three days in a row.

Prayers to St Pancras to win the lottery

Oraciones a San Pancracio

O glorious saint, Pachratius, you who proclaimed the following words: “Come to me and I will give you good things”. Look at me here, I see, what you see is what I am!

My Saint, intercede for me before our Lord Jesus Christ, so that my hands and my pockets will never be empty.

Thanks to the prayers to St. Pancras, help me to reach happiness on earth and the prize that gives me happiness, well-being and rest.

St. Pancras, Son of God, look at my precarious situation, my needs and burdens, hear my prayers and give me your attention,
Extend your favour and blessing and bring my prayers to San Pancrazio as soon as possible. Saint Pancrazio help me, I know you can do it, you are a special benefactor of the needy, you do not deny protection to those who ask with faith.

Prayer to Saint Pancrazio for happiness

Glorious St Pancras, especially, counsellor in obtaining health, money and labour, patron saint of those who have serious difficulties, miraculous child, who always goes with your help and with love we receive your help, pray to Almighty God for me.

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Faithful servants of Christ to the point of martyrdom, good for your humility and devotion, increase me in faith, hope and perseverance with the greatest zeal in charity and love of God and neighbour.

For love and devotion, I confess, I come to you with great confidence to ask for giving me the grace I need, especially health, work and enough to solve my worries and burdens of money, I beg you, holy charity, do not leave me alone my emergency problems:

(Now, with great faith, I hope for the petition).

Thank you for listening, St. Pancras, for the holy atmosphere that is due when we need it, thank you for your precious patronage, thank you for the favours that we have received and that we can still give.

Lord, God of mercy, of your mercy and of your greater glory and of the good of my spirit, I come to your glorious God, blessed by St. Pancras, to obtain from your goodness the grace that I specifically ask of you and all the goods that suit me to live and die in holiness. So it was.

Pray the prayers of St Pancras for three days, and every day pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Pray to St Pancras to get a job and keep it.

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God, from all evil and danger that besets this sinful world. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (See: Healing Prayer to the Holy Spirit).

Jesus Christ, I have committed sins and I repent for having profaned Your name. I ask for your forgiveness now, for I know that you will lead me on the path of good.

Lord, my Father and full of goodness, I come to you at this time seeking your divine help and guidance to find a decent and suitable job according to the gifts you have made possible for me.

I come to the union of your glorious martyr, the young Saint Pancratius, so that with my divine help my cry may reach you.

I want to make good use of the talents that you, in your infinite goodness, have given me and multiplied for my soul, and I remember well, but I need the ability to do this and I expect a good job that will give me the necessary support to earn my family and this is what is confirmed and what suits me myself to sanctify myself.

And to you, child who loved Saint Pancrazio, help me in this attempt not to fall into despair, I trust that you will always help me and for this I will thank you forever and ever, because I will be your devotee, your faithful follower and I will always seek you as my family.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Pray all these prayers to St Pancras for nine consecutive days.

Saint Pancras prayer for business

O glorious Saint Pancras, martyr for the love of Jesus, who in your short life never ceased to praise and bless the Lord, and you have received the crown of glory for being faithful to the end;

Oraciones a San Pancracio

A blessed child, full of virtue and charity, endowed with a heart as great as your faith.

Intercede for me before the throne of the Most High, pray for my distress and agitation, and with His infinite mercy and goodness, grant me, if it is Your will, that You may pursue and uplift this business:

(name of business, or agency, or office), or office, or work).

Beloved St Pancras, kind and generous, who comforts us and helps us quickly when financial and work problems dominate us, and always comes to our side to relieve us in the most serious difficulties:

I ask him to help me to remedy this bad situation in which my economy and my business are placed.

With great confidence in his power before the Lord, I ask him to pray to Saint Pancrazio to grant me his favours.

With all humility I ask that I may have the necessary means to grow and prosper, I am not seeking riches but I need to get out of so many problems and arrears and have the needs of my house well covered.

Get this from heaven, I will get the best and my business will be well protected and free from misfortune. Ask me for wisdom and understanding so that I may manage my business well and that money may multiply and yield; ask me to send strength and protection to overcome any setbacks and give me patience so that I may not despair.

Deliver me from all evil that may arise in this world. Deliver me also from all those who harm me. Remove from my path the stones that may cause me to stumble, let me find all open doors, both suppliers and those who finance me, and that I may then see my problems solved: (state the business and what you want in particular).

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Blessed are the prayers to Saint Pancrazio, because in you is my thought, because in you I leave my pains and my troubles, I need my business to receive and to increase sales with my customers and to increase buyers and to face deliveries and to keep away bankruptcy or arrears with suppliers.

Intercede for me, my saint, my castle, for my troubles and my worries, get me out of this situation I am in, because it is the livelihood of my family and those who depend on it. I (here I say your name) will work with dedication, total devotion and honesty so that the customers and clients who come to my shop day after day are satisfied with their purchases and the treatment they receive (see: oracion a san pancracio para el trabajo y el dinero rápido).

I (here you say your name) thank God for all the help he sends me, and yet I hope to wait for his blessing. For you, my saints, I will keep you in my prayers and tell those in need how good and how wonderful you are and how effective you are when called upon in faith.

This is through Jesus Christ, our brother and Lord. So be it.

Say three Our Fathers, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be. The prayer and the prayers are said three days in a row, can be said at night or at work before opening the door to customers, and a green or white light is turned on each day.
It should be repeated at least once a month so that the business is always protected and prosperous and abundant in customers and money.

It is appropriate to have a picture (or print) of the miraculous and powerful Saint Pancrazio in the shop.

Prayer to St. Pancrazio for Sales

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Saint Pancrazio

Glorious Saint Pancras, member of the Holy Family of the Apostles, who, with the help of the mercy of the Most High, succeeded in obtaining peace on earth and glory in heaven;

You who, as a publican, did not hesitate to leave everything and follow the Master to the end of your earthly life; You who, after the Lord’s Ascension, inspired the Holy Spirit; You who proclaimed the Good News of the Lord’s Resurrection; You who proclaimed the Good News of the Lord’s Resurrection and the glory of heaven.

You who have proclaimed the good news of His Word, I ask you from my heart to intercede for me and pray to God that everything will help me in my business.

(Name the business you have or are going to start),

I put all my faith in you, I put all my hopes and dreams and I trust in the mercy of the Lord so that the investments I have made will quickly bear fruit.

I know that it is possible to get out of this misery, so I need to increase the clientele and sales to increase the money and income,

to be able to pay the bills that are piling up, to solve my family’s financial problems, and to create other jobs for people who need them.
and create other jobs for people in need.

I ask for your help so that I can: (say what you want to get for the business)

Through the prayers of San Pancrazio, I will leave my business to you, give me back the joy of seeing it flourish, I will make an effort in everything that depends on me, and I will put all my effort and enthusiasm into making it work perfectly, I will offer very good quality in my products, I will be encouraging, attentive, patient and courteous to those who come to buy, so that they leave satisfied and come back soon.

San pancracio, clear and open my ways of working, and make that I can advance on the path of success, guide me in the good. attend my business as yours. You can make it flourish. May everyone who enters the shop feel well looked after and happy with their purchase, and feel the need to return to my shop; make it prosperous and have good benefits, to get out of ruin, to live with dignity and have peace and tranquillity, and so that I can give some to the needy.

I ask this through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Almighty God, our brother and Lord. Amen.

Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias. Say the prayers to San Pancrazio and the prayers three days in a row, it is advisable to do it in the same shop, in the morning, before opening the door to the customers.

Prayer to San Pancrazio to attract customers

Oraciones a San Pancracio

O my good Jesus, my Redeemer, I cherish You with my soul, with my body, with all my mind, with all my strength and with the spirit You have given me.
and with the spirit You have given me.

I thank You, my Lord, I praise You, my Christ, I praise You and I bless You and my heart is full of graces because I know that You have always been with me.

That is why I come to You once again to ask for Your mercy and Your kindness. I come to You humbly, with hope in my hand, to ask You to help me in this need and to be able to improve in my business.

You know my sorrows and the needs I carry on my shoulders, these my needs, my heavy financial burdens.

I need my sales and my business to advance very quickly, because with the effort I have and for the dedication I will thank you for life. My dear Lord, I have created a business to be the livelihood of my family and other people, I do not want to have to close it, but the debts and lack of money are causing me suffocation and uneasiness and I do not find the way to solve it, so my beloved Jesus, I come to You with confidence, I ask You to help me with Your abundant blessings:

Bless my business, my stalls, my premises and the buyers that we are here, the investments so that I acquire the goods with wisdom, all the steps that I take so that I do not make a mistake, and give patience to my creditors because I want to fulfil the obligations contracted with the people who have given me their unconditional support.

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Do not leave me alone in this difficult situation that I have to face, guide me, show me the way and the steps that I have to follow, and send me the necessary strength so that happiness and prosperity accompany me.

Blessed be the prayers to Saint Pancrazio, that I may leave in you my bad desires and despairs, that I may need my company to receive the happiness, to increase the sales with my customers and to increase the buyers and to face the cancellation of debts and to keep away the bankruptcy.

Fill my well-constructed business with love, abundance; let me have plenty of employment, increase my clientele and keep the clientele I already have, let the sales flow and not stagnate, do not let despair and despondency invade me, let me improve and progress, above all, give me your generous help:

(say what needs to be achieved).

I will continue to perform the prayers to St Pancras. struggling with faith in this adversity and having hope in You, I implore You to help me achieve success and prosperity for the benefit of all who depend on this work, for the welfare of our families and the customers who come to us, that we may all be satisfied, that every being, subject, who enters my business may multiply to meet the needs of my household and those who work in this business.

My Lord Jesus, you who love me as God loves you, have mercy on me, stretch out your mighty arms and give me security and peace of mind, give me your love, your comfort, your strength, your help.

I will be Your follower today, I hope to be Your follower forever on this earth as in heaven, in the divine paradise where I hope to thank You forever and ever and never to be separated from You again. Blessed are You forever, Lord! So be it.

Pray the Creed, the three Our Fathers and the Glory Be. Pray the prayers to St Pancras every day.

Prayer to St Pancras for Love

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Glorious Saint Pancrazio, with a great spirit of love and affection you gave your youth with the love of God and of Christ, now, from the depths of my being, I want to ask you to help me find a solution to a great obstacle that afflicts my soul.

I ask You to fill all my loved ones with love and affection and that we may all live in beautiful harmony with respect and humility. Love can do all things and I know that you will hear my prayers.

You who gave your life for the Most High God and His Son, I beg you with all my love, for the love you have for them, help me so that in my home there is no lack of affection, love and understanding of God my Father Creator.

Pray an Our Father, Hail Mary, Creed and every day pray the prayers to St Pancras.

Video of the prayers to Saint Pancras for love:

St. Pancratius Prayer for Health

Oraciones a San Pancracio

Glorious Saint Pancras, beloved martyr of God, faithful follower of Christ until they took your life.

You who are the advocate of those who have problems and come to your special help and protection, help me to achieve health and work. With all your holiness, for the love of God, you knew how to keep yourself always in a state of grace, therefore I implore you to help me in this medical need.

Be today and always my intercessor, my conciliator before our Lord, the Most High, dear miraculous saint, so that He will listen to the supplication that I make to Him, presenting it through you, since in this way it will be more pleasing to Him: (Make the petition)

With the love and devotion that follow you, intercede with the Most High for my health, so that with your help I may obtain the favour I desire, for the greater glory of God and of my soul. In gratitude, I give you your sprig of parsley and two candles, red and green.

Make the petition for one week and pray the prayers of St Pancrazio.
and pray every day: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.