In this article we will talk a little about the questions that Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot answer, but more than that we will talk about the questions that they find difficult to answer.

preguntas que los testigos de jehova no pueden contestar

Questions Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t answer

Many people actually have a lot of questions about Jehovah’s Witnesses, in this article you will be able to write down 7 questions so that you can ask one of them.

7 questions that you can ask one of them, so that you can get the answers from a person who is really prepared in this matter.

Answers from a person who is really prepared in this matter.

Question 1)

In the April 1972 Watchtower, on page 197, the Watchtower organisation claims to be the only prophet of the world.

prophet of God here on earth, even though they have made false prophecies.

This organisation’s excuse for not giving false prophecies is always found by quoting

“Proverbs 4:18”, I invite you to read it. In response to the verse: But whether the light increases or not, it does not

that the numerous prophecies of the organisation are simply that. Now if the

New World Translation condemns false prophecy and declares that it is proof that God has not spoken through the prophets, it is proof that God has not spoken through the prophets.

through the prophets, then doesn’t that prove that the Watchtower Bible and the Society’s tract are not speaking on behalf of God?

Society do not speak from God?

Question 2)

Aren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses playing games with the Bible by introducing the word Jehovah into the New Testament?

Why does the New World Translation introduce the word “Jehovah” into the New Testament when there is clear evidence that in the original Greek manuscripts neither the word “Jehovah” nor the word “Jehovah” appears?

Testament, when there is clear evidence that in the original Greek manuscripts, neither the word

copies of the original manuscripts, contain the word Jehovah.

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I will.

preguntas que los testigos de jehova no pueden contestar

Let’s go on with the questions…

Actually, this is not about attacking the Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is just that many people have

people have some doubts, and many are the questions asked in the article,

so we will continue with questions that Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot answer.

Question 3)

Is what Rutherford says a testimony? No. In his book Salvation, published in

1939, on page 311, which is a Watchtower publication, he says: “In California there is a small piece of land where a small

In California there is a little piece of land where a house was built in the year 1929, known as the House of Princes, and the purpose of building that house is to

and the purpose of building this house is that there could be tangible proof that there is tangible proof that on earth today there are

that on earth today there are those who believe in God, Jesus Christ and his entire kingdom, and who believe that faithful men

who believe that righteous people of good will will soon return to the earth and take care of the

will return to the earth and take care of the visible affairs of the earth. Based on the confidence of the Bible

Watchtower and the Society’s tract, that it may be used by the President of the Society and his assistants

for the present time, forever at the disposal of said princes of the earth,

whereas the unbelievers have scoffed at this house, and even when it was built,

as a testimony to the name of Jehovah, and to any of the princes, if it should return to occupy the land, such a thing will be

The possession would be a confirmation of the faith and hope that led to the building of the house.

But it turns out that this house was sold in 1942, after Rutherford’s death, so it seems that the faithful were deceived.

So it seems that the believers were deceived, because the house, according to the Watchtower organisation, was to be available forever.

was to be at the disposal of the aforementioned princes of the earth forever.

I invite you to click on the following link to find out what the Bible says about divorce between Christians.

preguntas que los testigos de jehova no pueden contestar

More questions

Actually, the more we read, the more we want to ask questions that Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t answer, so let’s continue with the following questions.

So let’s move on to the following questions.

Question 4)

Did Jesus die on a stake as the Witnesses teach, or did he die on a cross as the Bible teaches?

The Watchtower organisation says that Jesus died on a stake, not on a cross, the typical Watchtower portrayal of this is that Jesus died on a stake, not on a cross.

The typical Watchtower depiction of this is that Jesus died in a stake, not on a cross. The typical Watchtower depiction of this is that Jesus died in a stake, not on a cross.

If Jesus was crucified on a cross, two nails would be necessary.

If two nails would be necessary, how do you manipulate the verse in the Bible that says Jesus had nails in his hands?

Nails in his hands?

Question 5)

Are the 144,000 sealed only Jews from the tribes of Israel, or do they include Gentiles?

The Watchtower organisation states that only 144,000 selected Jehovah’s Witnesses will go to heaven through good works and sincere efforts.

144,000 chosen Jehovah’s Witnesses will go to heaven, they are mentioned in two chapters of the Bible,

Revelation 7 and 14. As you read the verses, it is clear that the 144,000 are Jews, belonging to the ancient tribes, and here in these verses it is clear that the 144,000 are Jews, belonging to the ancient tribes.

tribes, and here in these passages the Gentiles are not included, all these witnesses are men,

and they are virgins.

I invite you to go to the following link and pray for the protection of children of all ages.

To finish with the questions

There are only two questions left that the Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot answer… let’s read them…

Question 6)

Is Jesus God incarnate or the Archangel Michael?

Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is the Archangel Michael? Why is Jesus not called Michael in the Watchtower?

Michael in the Watchtower.

Question 7)

Is it necessary to keep the law to be saved?

In your Watchtower magazine of 15 February 1983, you state that there are four requirements for salvation, according to which the second requirement is the most important.

According to you, the second requirement is the most important.

Many people have found the second most difficult requirement, which is to be able to obey all the laws of God,

To conform one’s life to the moral requirements set forth in the Bible.

Abstain from corrupt ways, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses have to obey God’s law to have their sins forgiven?

In order to partake of paradise on earth?

These were the 7 questions.

I invite you to click on the following link to pray for inner peace in our lives and in our hearts.

in our hearts.