Find out everything you need to know about the Saint Benedict Abbot Rosary, one of the most powerful in the Catholic faith, and discover why.

The Rosary of Saint Benedict
Best known for their intercessory protection from the devil, rosaries and the medal of St Benedict are among the most powerful in our Catholic faith.
Medals, crosses, rosaries, statues, paintings and other religious items have long been used as a means of promoting and expressing our religious devotion to God and the saints.
Icons, or painted images of Christ and the saints, are particularly popular among Eastern Christians as an aid to Christian piety and devotion.

The Rosary of Saint Benedict Abbot has two medals, one on the crucifix and one in the centre.
The use of any religious article is therefore intended as a means of reminding us of God and awakening in us a willingness and desire to serve God and our neighbour.
They have also been known for their indulgence since the birth of the Catholic Church. The Saint Benedict Rosary has two medals of Saint Benedict, one on the crucifix and one in the centre.
How the Saint Benedict Rosary is made
The rosary is constructed of 32 beads, divided into 4 groups of 7 beads, with single beads on the edge attached to a central medal of St Benedict, then a single bead on the tail with a crucifix of St Benedict.

The Rosary of Saint Benedict Abbot with his Cross
The design of this rosary is based on the writings of St Benedict. There are also 7 beads in each cluster to represent the 7 sacraments.
To obtain spiritual benefits, the medal (blessed by a priest using the prayer of exorcism) can be worn devoutly around the neck, attached to a scapular or rosary, or carried in a pocket.
It is often placed at the corners of fields or on the foundations of buildings (or attached to cars) to invoke God’s blessing and protection through the intercession of St Benedict. In the prayer of St Benedict, or the Benedictine prayer, we empty ourselves to make room for God’s contemplative love.
Watch this video to learn more about the history of the Benedictine Rosary:
How to pray the Saint Benedict Abbot Rosary
Take the first medal and say Most gracious and Holy Father, give us the wisdom to discover you, the intelligence to understand you, the diligence to seek you, the patience to wait for you, the eyes to contemplate you, the heart to meditate on you and the life to proclaim you, through the power of the Spirit of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Rosary Medal of Saint Benedict Abbot
Here we leave you the prayer and novena to Saint Benedict Abbot, so that you can get to know them:
On the first single pearl: God our Father, in Your goodness, grant me the intellect to understand You, the perception to discern You, and the reason to appreciate You.
On the beads: Teach me to walk in Your ways, O Lord, with the Gospel as my guide.
On the second single bead: In Your goodness, grant me the intelligence to seek You, the wisdom to discover You, and the spirit to grasp You.
On the beads: May Your Holy Cross be my light; may Satan never be my guide.
On the third single bead: In Your grace, grant me a heart to see You, ears to hear You, eyes to see You and a tongue to speak of You.
On the beads: May I be strengthened by Your presence, O Lord, in the hour of my death.

Rosary of Saint Benedict Abbot in the form of a Key Ring
In the fourth single pearl: In Your mercy, entrust to me a conversation that pleases You, the patience to wait for You and the perseverance to long for You.
On the beads: Away, Satan, never tempt me with your vanities, for what you offer is evil.
Final prayer: Grant me a perfect end in Your holy presence, O Lord. Amen.
In this video we leave you with the St Benedict Abbot Rosary so that you can learn it and pray it at home:
Finally, we pray the following
Dear God, we praise and thank You for who You are: the Creator and Master of the universe, and our Father who loves us and sent Your Son Jesus to save us from our sins.
Dear Father, you made available your holy monk Benedict as a guide and teacher in the spiritual life of countless followers.
Filled with the spirit of all the righteous, you flooded him with the splendour of your light. In the intense radiance of that Light, his mind was freed from hindrances and he was able to see how imperfect all things are here below.
Because of this, the entire monastic community throughout the world is singing its joy, and the virtues on high with all the angels are constantly praising Your glory in song.
In this video you have a powerful prayer to St Benedict for exorcism and personal protection:
Awaken in your Church, O Lord, the spirit that animated our Father Benedict. Fill us again with your Holy Spirit so that we may learn to love what he loved and to practice what he taught.
As you filled Saint Benedict with the spirit of all the just, grant that we, your servants who celebrate his life and all the good you have achieved through him, his successors and his holy Rule, may be filled with his spirit so that we may faithfully fulfil his perfect will.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, one God, one world without end. Amen.
Finally, watch this video where we show you how to make the Chaplet to St Benedict Abbot: