Our family is the most important thing we have, so many people pray the prayer of St Benedict for the protection of the home, to keep it safe from all evil and danger.
If you would like to know more about this saint, I recommend our article on Latin prayers for the protection of spirits.
There comes a time in our lives when we want a home of our own.
Some people are attracted by the idea of living alone, so they become independent and get their own house.
Others dream of having a family and a home of their own.
Either way, home is our refuge, the place we want to come to at the end of the day.
And even if we have had a wonderful holiday, at the end of the day we always want to go home.
That’s why some people call it “home sweet home”.
No one wants to lose their home for any reason.
On the contrary, they try to keep it like a silver cup at all times.
There are many who would do anything not to lose their home.
Just as there are those who pray the prayer of St Benedict for the protection of their home.
Let us learn a little about the life of this saint to whom they entrust such an important task.
Benedict of Palermo
Benedict of Palermo was born in Nursia, Italy, in the year 480.
His family was well-off, which enabled them to send him to study in Rome.
Benedict studied philosophy and letters, and was fluent in Latin.
But at the time he was studying, that city was little less than Sodom and Gomorrah.
If you want to know more, click on this link: How to read the Bible in order to understand it and put it into practice.
The diversity of nationalities, customs and beliefs made that city a den of corruption.
Saint Benedict did not agree with this kind of behaviour.
As soon as he finished his education, he left for a quieter city where he could meditate.
Saint Benedict’s escapes
So he moved around until he found the perfect place for his spiritual growth.
Living isolated among the rocks and undergrowth for several years, his skin became tanned.
One day some shepherds came upon him on the mountain and, because of his appearance, mistook him for an animal.
But when Benedict began to preach to them, they were fascinated by his wisdom.
Soon the news spread that there was a man of great spirituality, a miracle-worker.
The shepherds and many people prayed St Benedict’s prayer for the protection of the household.
And again St Benedict, overwhelmed by the harassment of the people, fled from that place.
The story of this saint tells us that even the priests wanted to kill him.
They were jealous of him because they knew that he had a great spirituality.
But they could not succeed because when he blessed the food, he noticed that it was poisoned.
He immediately uttered a prayer, which gave rise to a medal that some people wear for protection.
It is said that when he uttered the Latin words, the wine cup broke into a thousand pieces.
And the priests were stunned by what they saw that day.
This was the life of St Benedict, working miracles, rebuking the enemy and on the run.
One day, as was common at his age, St Benedict fell ill and died with his loved ones.
Saint Benedict’s prayer for the protection of the home
Virtuous Father Saint Benedict
Glorious teacher of life and spirituality
Just man, full of goodness and charity
Benedict, faithful servant of Jesus Christ
who found in him consolation and peace
By your silent prayer in the monastery
You nourished your spirituality, making it invincible in faith and unshakable in hope.
You who have a heart full of love for God and humanity
We ask you to encourage us with your sweet and precious presence.
Therefore, we pray to you the prayer of Saint Benedict for the protection of the home.
Enter this link home protection prayer my 4 corners for more prayers
You are the helper par excellence and you are the powerful intercessor before the throne of the Lord.
I ask you to protect me from the dangers that may befall my home and to intercede for me before God.
St. Benedict, you who are the terror of demons, by the power of the Cross keep away from my home all evil influences.
Protect my home from envy and from eyes that look at me with evil.
Deliver my family from evil tongues and gossip, from treachery, falsehood and selfishness.
Protect us from every unscrupulous person who wishes to harm my home and my family.
I confidently beseech you
Protect my home from evil spells, witchcraft and sorcery.
Cut off and dissolve all works of black magic
on my home and family
Banish all that would harm our lives.
Blessed St Benedict, you who have power over evil
I place my fears in your hands to deliver me from all evil.
Protect my home from dangers and enemies, from sickness and misfortune.
O glorious St Benedict, you who conquered the devil and triumphed over his deceptions
Protect my whole family and my home in a special way.
Grant us what we ask of you in this prayer in faith.
And give us your special care and love.
Guide us to practise all your teachings.
And give us of the love you have given to your neighbours
So that we too may share it with our neighbours.
Help us always and do not let us stray from the path that leads us to God.
I can also recommend our article Prayer for a peaceful night’s sleep and a restful day’s rest.
There is a verse in the Bible that says: “I will lie down in peace and sleep: for you alone, O Lord, make me feel secure” Psalm 4:8.
Only God, who is almighty, can make us feel secure.
You can ask Him not only for your home and family, but also for everything you need!
Only God can save your life.
May God bless your life at all times.