In the Catholic religion there are many saints with a great variety of credentials, and with them a great number of faithful followers. Among these saints we find Saint Cono de Teggiano, considered the patron saint of happiness, and here we will learn about him and his prayers.

San cono de Teggiano

History of Saint Cono of Teggiano

Saint Cono de Teggiano was born on the 3rd of June 1854 and died on the 3rd of June 1872, becoming one of the youngest saints to become a member of the Catholic religion. From an early age he showed great interest in joining Catholicism, with the full support of his parents. According to his story, the saint’s hometown is the province of Salermo, Italy.

It is important to note that Saint Cono of Teggiano was an only child and his parents thought long and hard about the idea of their son becoming a Catholic. However, Cono’s desire was so strong that he disobeyed his father’s wishes in order to fulfil his own. Cono ran away from home and, in order to go unnoticed, did not give his real name at the monastery where he arrived.

Despite this, Saint Cono’s parents soon tracked him down and the saint realised that his parents were in the monastery. Saint Cono of Teggiano was in crisis and the only place he could find to hide was in a kitchen oven used to bake bread. When lunchtime came, the cooks turned on the oven to heat the bread. Amazingly, St Cono emerged from the oven without any burns, so much so that it seemed that even the heat did not affect him while he was in the oven.

When St Cono’s parents heard of this miraculous event, they understood that it was a message from God not to interfere with their son’s decision to serve in the Church. With this, the mission of St. Cono of Teggiano was already written, he was to be with God to praise Him at all times and in all places, and the story of the oven is considered to be the first miracle of this saint.

Despite the short time that Saint Cono spent at the monastery, he showed great interest in participating in the religious activities that took place there. This earned him the respect of all the monks who lived in the monastery. Before he reached the age of 20, Saint Cono received his first message from God, telling him that he would soon be with him. St Cono died on 3 June 1872.

Recognition as a saint

Even before his death, both the people and the monks of the monastery began to call him a saint before his beatification process. The Church of the Annunziata was to witness this important appointment and on 3 June 1871 Pope Pius IX declared him a saint. The mortal remains of Saint Cono of Teggiano are now kept in the same monastery where he came to consecrate himself to the Christian life.

There was a time when Italy was shaken by earthquakes and only the chapel of San Cono remained standing after each of these telluric events. Nowadays, Saint Cono is not only known as the saint of luck and gambling, but also as the patron saint of plagues and earthquakes, especially in Italy.

Why is he known as the saint of luck?

It is not known with much certainty at what point in the history of Saint Cono of Teggiano he became the patron saint of gamblers and good luck. It is thought that the tradition originated in Uruguay, the country in South America where this saint is most venerated. It is most likely in Uruguay, as this is the country where this saint is most venerated.

San cono de Teggiano

This is due to the great passion that Uruguayans have for the game, and every time they place a bet or make a “quiniela”, as they call it, they invoke the saint to grant them luck and win. This tradition has spread throughout the continent and today he is recognised as the patron saint of good luck.

Devotion to Saint Cono in Florida

At that time, the Italian diaspora took the cult of San Cono to other parts of the world, with the city of Florida in Uruguay being one of the centres of the saint’s devotion. The descendants of the immigrants built a temple in honour of the saint, which became a centre of pilgrimage both locally and internationally. In this place the saint’s feast day is celebrated every 3rd of June, and since 2001, by decree, every 3rd of June is a day off in this town.

The image of San Cono that can be seen today in the city of Florida was brought from the city of Teggiano in Italy. It was requested by Italian immigrants living in Florida. The image arrived in the country in 1970, and since the chapel was under construction at the time, the person responsible for housing the image was Blás Aloy, an Italian immigrant born in Teggiano.

Four years after the arrival of the image, the construction of the chapel of this saint was completed. In October 2011, a delegation led by the Mayor of Teggiano accompanied the image of Saint Sleeping Cone on a week-long visit to the city of Florida, after which the image was returned to Teggiano.

San cono de Teggiano

Prayers to Saint Cono

Now that we know the history of Saint Cono of Teggiano, it is time to learn about his prayers. They are very varied and for all occasions, especially for good luck and gambling. Here are some of the prayers you can use to invoke this great saint.

Prayer to say every day

It is always good to pray to a saint every day, to guide us in our daily lives and help us make the right decisions. Here is a prayer to Saint Cono of Teggiano that you can pray every day:

Saint Cono, you who help the humble by teaching them how to succeed in the game of chance, help us to get everything we want, that we may be lucky in gambling and that in every business I do I may make a great profit, that I may have wealth to help others.

Holy Cone, give me luck, money and work, thank you for blessing me, thank you for giving me joy, for having achieved what I want. Thank you for helping me to live with our Lord, thank you for strengthening and consolidating my faith, and thank you for being so charitable and kind, thank you for giving us good financial resources and living in prosperity.

O Holy Cono, when you were young you left this world and gave your soul to the Most High, you gave us a message of humility, you helped the most needy economically, I am your devotee and I always receive your blessings. Listen to my prayers and supplications, dear Saint Cono, to help me in the game.

Dear Saint, you are blessed in heaven and on earth. I pray that you hear my voice in this prayer, I am here to ask for your heavenly help, I come to pray, let us get better in this difficult situation, help me in my work and games. Amen.

San cono de Teggiano

Prayer to win the lottery

This prayer to San Cono de Teggiano will bring you luck and help you win the lottery, you must say this prayer so that with the help of this saint your good disposition will bring you the expected results.

Holy and powerful one, I come to you with great humility to ask you fervently to listen to my prayers, to protect my family so that nothing is lacking, to give me the strength and fortitude to work. San Cono, I have many financial problems to solve urgently and the money I have is not enough. I will play a part, luck will be with me and my numbers will be given, the lottery will give me good prizes and I will be able to pay.

Saint Cono, take away all the evil that approaches me, take away all the bad vibrations, take away all the negative things, take away all the bad shadows. Drive away misfortune, the enemy or the envious who come. With this prayer, dear saint, I ask you to come to me with everything positive, bring good vibrations, good luck and get enough money to solve all the problems and also attract wealth and prosperity.

Dear Saint, I need you not to leave me in this lucky streak, if it were not for you I would stop winning, you gave the number, it is the one that came out, I have bet a lot and I have improved what I have won. I already have enough to pay my debts to people, I will pay every penny and you, San Cono, I will light you up with flowers, I will send a bouquet to your altar. Amen.

Prayer to win at bingo

We should know that bingo is a game of chance that is quite accepted in society, even played at family gatherings. There are bingo games where a lot of money is involved and this tends to be very attractive to many people. These types of bingo games are run by “gambling houses” and usually the house is the winner.

This is where the players gather, buy their cards and hope that luck will accompany them to win this great prize. Bingo is a highly entertaining game that is contagious to everyone, and to invoke luck in this game you can say this prayer to San Cono de Teggiano to accompany you:

My God and my Lord, you who can do everything,

grant me good fortune,

With your help and that of Saint Cono

I will make this money mine,

that I need to win at bingo

Help me in this game of chance.

Saint Cono, allow me to win the first prize

of the bingo machines,

Thank you in advance for the help

that you are going to give me,

I am worthy of your mercy

to obtain good winnings.

I have put all my hopes in you

because I know that you will help me,

I ask you with great faith in this game of chance,

accompany me as always, so that I may win.

Saint Cono, I need you to be close to me,

be present in all the games.

I play with great faith,

may luck be with me

I have encoded all my solutions in him.

I pay my creditors,

I catch up with everyone,

I solve my problems

and have some money left over.

Thank you for giving me this miracle.


Prayer for happiness

As we have seen throughout this article, Saint Cono of Teggiano is the saint of luck, so we have brought you this prayer so that you can attract luck not only in a game, but in your everyday life.

Divine Cone, saint of gamblers, come to my prayer, luck smiles on us, come to me and stay forever. Give me luck, open the way in all my business, luck will be with me because Saint Cono will protect me. I raise my prayers and supplications to you, under your protection I take refuge, do not leave me in oblivion, attract the luck I ask for, abundance and prosperity.

Holy Cone, attract abundance, send us wealth and serenity to have it, holy love to obtain it. Dear Saint, do not leave me, do not forsake me, remember me, be with me always. Attend to my requests, I will be grateful all my life, happiness will smile and accompany me. You are my protector, the love I have for you is infinite.

Give me health, faith, confidence, money and jewels too, improve my material well-being, I will give myself luxury and splendour, I will earn enough to live well. Luck is with me, give me success in what I do, take care of my rights and my property, take care of us and favour us, be with me always and forever, I owe you everything, in you I trust in Saint Cono. Amen.

Praying to win at the casino

When you go to play in a casino, the odds of winning are greatly reduced because the venue offers a number of games that have varying odds of winning a prize.

Often the lucky streaks are not with us and this causes us to lose a lot of money, this always leads to the player deciding whether or not to stay. If you decide to stay, you should have an amulet or holy card of St Cono with you at this time. You can ask Saint Cono for luck at the casino with the following prayer.

O Lord of Luck!

I come to you to ask for your favour in gambling,

I am in a chaotic situation

I have lost a lot of money,

I am in debt to the casino and I don’t know how to pay it back.

Help me to get out of this unpleasant situation!

Lord of Miracles, I want a lot of money,

I do not desire wealth

but enough to pay what I owe.

Help me to earn so that I can pay,

Give me the miracle to improve my situation.

Grant me the miracle to improve my income.

Saint Cono, humble saint

I am a man who works, but I like to gamble,

I play in the casino, sometimes I do badly,

Sometimes I do well,

I ask for luck to be with me always,

I know that you will help me,

I am your faithful believer.

Thank you for blessing me, it gives me strength,

It gives me confidence and I trust in happiness.

Saint Cono, kind saint, saint of the players,

intercede that I do not gamble compulsively,

that I win more often,

that my favourite number is repeated

and allow me to beat the casino.

Saint Cono, this is my prayer to you,

Give me happiness, money, work and love.

Increase my hope and confidence in gambling,

Be with me tonight, I’m going to gamble and I want to win.


In this article we learned about Saint Cono de Teggiano, a saint known for bringing good luck, but also for protecting us from earthquakes and plagues. Although he died so young, this saint left a great mark on the Catholic religion, so much so that there are many prayers around him to praise and worship him for all that he has given us. You may also be interested in the following articles:

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