St Bonaventure (also known as John of Fidanza) was a bishop, thinker, philosopher and saint. He was born in Tuscany around 1217 or 1218, although the exact date of his birth is not known, but it is certain that he died in 1274.

San Buenaventura

Biography of Saint Bonaventure

John of Fidanza was born around 1217-1218 in Florence, Italy. He was a Franciscan mystic from Albano and an Italian Cardinal. He is known as a Doctor of the Catholic Church and a disciple of Alexander of Hales.

A great influence in the life of this saint was Alexander of Hales, in fact it is he who acts as a benefactor in the life of St Bonaventure. It is said that it was he who paid for his projects and plans for the future.

St Bonaventure began his formation in the Order of Friars Minor, founded in 1209 by St Francis of Assisi. When he was properly trained, he began to teach at the University of Paris, the most prestigious university of the time, which was also his alma mater. There he studied philosophy and theology, careers on which he based his life. He obtained the status of “Master” and taught his fellow members of the Order of Friars Minor, later becoming their Minister General.

San Buenaventura

Later, he was offered the post of Archbishop of York, but he declined, preferring to remain in the diocese of Albano, where he administered the affairs of the Church.

In 1274 he was appointed to the Council of Lyon. His role there was to act as the Pope’s envoy on matters of concern. This position meant that he had to take an active part in the councils and religious activities of the time.

Throughout his work he concentrated on criticising heresies and the spokesmen who proclaimed them. As a good messenger of God, he was there to defend his heritage, so he did not hesitate for a second to confront these people of little faith.

San Buenaventura

St Bonaventure is considered to be one of the greatest representatives of the so-called “Franciscan School”, who, inspired by the philosophy of St Augustine, founded a school that upheld his thoughts. It was believed that philosophy and faith should be brought together to create a way in which there is a balance between the heart and the mind.

Back in Lyon, he was promoted to cardinal bishop of the diocese of Albano. He died in this office in 1274.

It is important to note the many works that this saint wrote. They were mainly theological and philosophical, subjects he had studied in his youth. He dedicated his life to Jesus and the Word, so they are very present in his works, which is why he is known as the “Seraphic Doctor”.

If you would like to know more about the life of St Bonaventure, we recommend that you watch this video and nourish yourself with the knowledge of the life and work of this noble and merciful saint, who was an example for many in his time and whose legacy will last for all time.

The story of St Bonaventure

The story of this saint begins when he made room in his heart for God and Jesus Christ. As is well known, St Bonaventure developed a strong attachment to the Word from a very early age. After completing his studies at the University of Paris, he dedicated himself to spreading the Word through various ministries.

Life in the Church of St Bonaventure changed radically when he was elected Superior General of the Franciscans. This happened in 1257, at the age of 35 or 36. During his time as Superior General, he travelled the world from house to house, bringing the Word of God to all the regions of the world.

San Buenaventura

In addition, there was a great difference of ideologies in the Order of Friars Minor, which divided it into two camps. On the one side were the “spirituals” who had fallen away from the Word of God, and on the other side were those who opposed them.

In response to this problem, St Bonaventure set about writing a series of letters in which he argued that there should be a balance between the two currents. One in which the word was not radicalised and the other in which it was respected. This saint was known above all for his sense of justice, which made him the Pope’s right-hand man at the time.

In the course of the struggle to restore peace to the Order of Friars Minor, the five letters written by St Bonaventure were validated and became rules that had a great influence on the Order, but they were not fully accepted because they did not satisfy the “spiritualists”.

San Buenaventura

The members of the Order had suggested to St Bonaventure that he write about the life of St Francis of Assisi. Because of his great passion for writing about the Christian faith, he fulfilled this task to the best of his ability. Among the most famous works dedicated to this saint by the philosopher St Bonaventure are the following

  • “The Poor Man of Assisi”.
  • “The Greatest Legend.

The life of St Bonaventure

According to writings, St Bonaventure suffered from severe depression and low self-esteem before he let God into his heart. He spent much of the world comparing himself to others and feeling bad about his own existence. Throughout his life he often refused to take communion because he felt he was too small.

It was only when he began to talk to God that he realised his mistake and began to change for the better. Suddenly he became a self-confident man who began his formation as a religious and a model of life.

St Bonaventure was known as a just and balanced man, a fact that allowed him to be trusted by many. For this reason, the Saint received many offers of important positions in which he was often put in a position to make decisions.

San Buenaventura

During his stay in Paris he began to write religious works. There he began to become better known for his writings, which showed his great passion for the Almighty God and the Word.

One only has to look at these works to see the great influence God had on his words. This saint was not just another believer, but sought to change the world by proclaiming the Word of the Lord. Only in this way could the lost souls wandering in the world be saved.

In conclusion, St Augustine’s life was difficult, but he knew how to overcome his problems and create love where there was only sadness. This is the effect that God has on us, he helps us in an inexplicable way in the wisest way.

The philosophy of St Bonaventure

St Bonaventure’s philosophy can be seen to be deeply rooted in and inspired by the thought of St Augustine and St Thomas, who was one of his models. Inspired by Platonic and Augustinian ideologies, he believed that faith and reason should be in balance, so that both go hand in hand.

Faith was at the centre because it could move mountains and create any kind of miracle, no matter how impossible it might seem. Reason, on the other hand, would be a tool to support Christian faith, so that a balance could be struck between the subjective and the objective.

San Buenaventura

In the same way, St Bonaventure creates a series of subdivisions to explain human knowledge in a generalised way.

  • The external light: That which is concentrated in manual work. For example: carpentry, blacksmithing, etcetera.
  • The lower light: The knowledge we acquire through experience. It is mainly rooted in the senses and how they influence our actions.
  • Inner Light: Based entirely on philosophical or spiritual knowledge. That is, it refers to people who have great emotional intelligence, who know how to deal with problems, who are mature and wiser when it comes to making a decision.San Buenaventura

The thought of St Bonaventure

St Bonaventure, a philosopher of realistic thought, proved to be realistic and just above all else during his life. This saint was known for his wisdom during his years on earth. He was the right man when it came to making decisions, for he always weighed the various options correctly.

Moreover, in his attempt to create a better world, he did not fail to attack pagan ideologies that sought only to discredit the Almighty. He hoped that those who practised these pagan ideologies and were far from the Lord would turn to the path of love, respect and forgiveness.

In his writings, on the other hand, there is great evidence of his love for God. He was a very grateful man and he knew that his very existence was due to the goodness and love of the Creator, who was able to sacrifice his own Son for us. That is why he chose to live his life to make God proud.

San Buenaventura

What does St Bonaventure mean?

John of Fidanza changed his name to Bonaventure when he became a monk. This was because he was very much influenced by the so-called “Beatitudes” as they are described in the Holy Bible.

He wanted to use them to make his love for God even clearer. The inspiration he felt for the Creator was such that he considered nothing more important than this. We owe our lives to God alone, so there was no better way to repay Him than to change his name to Bonaventure.

It was only on 4 April 1482 that Pope Sixtus IV decided to declare him a saint, thanks to the many miracles that had been attributed to him. From then on, this man of good faith was known as Saint Bonaventure.

San Buenaventura

The works of St Bonaventure

It is true that throughout his life St Bonaventure produced a large number of works inspired by various sources. In the following section we will explain some of the complete works of St Bonaventure, Doctor of the Catholic Church and one of the most important models of life and justice.

  • The life of St Francis: St Bonaventure had a great admiration for the work of St Francis, which led him to write a series of books dedicated to the life and work of this saint. Among these, the Life of St Francis stands out as a well-considered biography of this man of faith.
  • Breviloquio: This book was born out of the desire to give an explanation of Sacred Scripture, a request made by fellow religious who wished to understand the Book of God more fully.
  • Experience and Theology of the Mystery: Here he summarised the writings of Saint Augustine, with whom he shared many of his convictions. As a philosopher, he understood a lot about the works of St. Augustine, which is why he wrote this book, which tries to give a clearer explanation of the topics to be discussed.

    The following video is an explanation of “The Sublimity of Writing” according to St Bonaventure. This work was written many years ago with the intention of explaining certain aspects of writing. It is highly recommended that you watch it, as it will help you to better understand what this saint was trying to show in works like this. In the same way, the reader is invited to search for the writings of this man and to get to know the complete works of St Bonaventure.

St Bonaventure Quotes

In the sayings of St Bonaventure there is great evidence of his love for Christ and His Word. If we go back to his writings or to the sentences he said during his lifetime, we can see how much the Word meant in his life.

St Bonaventure was not only a good man, but throughout his life he tried to help the helpless and to protect those who could not do it on their own.

In fact, in many of his writings he says that one cannot attain the love of God unless one loves and protects one’s neighbour as oneself. He practised this throughout his life, for far from being stuck in prayer, he decided that the best way to worship his Father was to make sacrifices for those in need.

San Buenaventura

Church of San Buenaventura

The most famous of these is located in Seville, Spain, on Carlos Cañal Street in the old town. This church has a long history that goes back many years, since before it was a church it was a parish located in a Franciscan school.

San Buenaventura

This school was opened between 1600 and 1605, but the plans for the church were drawn up by Juan de Segarra and Juan Bernardo de Velasco, and it was completed in 1626.

Two centuries later, in 1810, the school was invaded by the French, who used its facilities as barracks and arsenal. This act had many repercussions, as many works of art were destroyed and stolen by the soldiers.

It was only after the French had been driven out that the reconstruction of these buildings could begin, and the Franciscans and people of good faith collaborated in every human way to restore the glory of this sacred temple. And so, with the greatest faith and admiration for San Buenaventura, they rebuilt the church that had been destroyed by the fiends.

San Buenaventura

It can even be said that soon after, many priests and faithful began to build houses around the school. They wanted to give it the greatest attention so that a good deed could be done in the name of the saint.

Its architecture is beautiful in design and detail, and it is undoubtedly a temptation to admire the beauty of its walls and perfectly thought-out constructions. As soon as you enter, you can appreciate the richness of the construction and the hard work that has gone into making it the beautiful heritage that it is today.

It can be said that this beautiful church is a great attraction for many tourists. This is due to the majesty of its architecture, which, far from being pretty, is brilliant. Decorated with countless sculptures and paintings of great renown, it creates an atmosphere of culture and faith that promises to amaze even the most sceptical.

If you want to see churches of great architectural beauty, we suggest you visit the Sanctuary of Fatíma or the Church of Our Lady of Fatima. Its majesty will leave you in awe and you will also learn more interesting facts about the Virgin of Fatima.

Prayer to St Bonaventure

Today we bring you this prayer to St Bonaventure, dedicated above all to those who wish to change their hearts and turn them towards the life of the Lord. If you wish to pray it, we place it below.

San Buenaventura

O great and merciful

St Bonaventure.

Today we ask you

to help us with the

forgiveness of sins.

As human beings

we are sinful by nature,

we want to be able to justify ourselves

with our spirituality.

O Saint, you who know

of the banalities of

of men, grant us

forgiveness and help us

pay for our mistakes

so that we may build a better world

a better world in which we can all

can be united

as one.


Below is a video of a prayer by St Bonaventure, if you like you can pray it and be inspired to be better every day. Remember that these prayers need a very strong emotional charge to be effective, so don’t limit yourself and pray with your heart.

Novenas, on the other hand, are another great source of opening doors to God and the saints around you. Today we recommend that you make a novena to St Rosary or St Patrick, you can learn a lot from them and you can get a closer connection with this saint.

What is needed for the prayer to St Bonaventure?

It is normal to wonder what is needed to make an effective prayer to St Bonaventure, so here are some tips to follow so that the request can be fulfilled to the letter if the Lord so desires.

In order to make an effective prayer, it is important to have a number of schemes that can help you in making your request. Often we sin by asking for wishes or miracles without really needing them or wanting them in our hearts, so today we are going to give you a series of tips to help you stay on track.

San Buenaventura

  • Have faith. As human beings, we often make the mistake of asking God without believing in His power and the glory that surrounds Him. So today we advise you to have the utmost faith in God, remembering that only He can grant the forgiveness or miracle you are asking for.
  • Get organised. It is of the utmost importance that there is organisation and concentration on your part when it comes to prayer. Try not to be distracted when you are praying.
  • Make a schedule. To avoid being overwhelmed, organise your time and avoid problems between tasks. Avoid praying in the middle of two tasks or jobs you have to do. Rather, we recommend that you do it when you are free, avoid stress and try to have everything properly organised to pray to St Bonaventure.San Buenaventura

We will now show you how to pray. It is recommended that you watch the following video which will give you clear instructions on how to pray. It is highly recommended for those who do not have much experience in the area of prayer.

Below is a series of prayers that can be used for various problems or longings. For greater effect, they should be repeated for at least a week, and it is recommended that they be accompanied by an Our Father, three Hail Marys and three Glory Be’s.

Prayer to St Bonaventure for unrequited love

It happens to all of us to have a harmful or unrequited love. That is why today we offer this prayer, which asks for the intercession of St Bonaventure to help us overcome the painful stage of not being reciprocated by the person we love.

San Buenaventura

O great and mighty St Bonaventure!

You who are holy, good and loving

of God’s commandments.

I am no one to ask this of you,

yet here I am today, prostrating myself at your feet

today, prostrate myself at your feet, with as much humility as I can

humility that it is possible for me to demonstrate

through this prayer.

Today I must confess that I have a love

which does not correspond to me, I do not ask you to make it mine.

I am not asking you to make him love me, but I am asking you to take this pain away from me.

to take away this pain and

help me to overcome it

to go on with my life.

I have suffered so much

because of this love,

so today I want you to make me understand

that sometimes things happen for a reason.

I believe in your wisdom, so I ask you to protect me from myself

to protect me from myself so that I can be a better person and

to be a better person and to leave behind

and leave behind the sorrows that follow me. Amen.

San Buenaventura

If you would like to pray more, we recommend the following prayer for unrequited love. It can help you with many aspects of this stage, so accompany yourself with your faith and discover spirituality together with this video.

On the other hand, if you wish to continue in the world of prayer, we invite you to pray the prayer of St Augustine, a great example in the life of St Bonaventure, who based part of his thought and philosophy on the ideals of this saint.

Prayer to St Bonaventure for illness

No one wants to get sick or see their loved ones in a situation that affects their health. It has been proven that fear of sickness is a common factor among people, so today we have decided to bring a prayer of St Bonaventure to avoid sickness in the home. If you are in a similar situation, do not hesitate to pray this prayer to protect your family or loved ones from illness.

San Buenaventura

O great St Bonaventure, holy and humble servant of God

and humble servant of God

On this day we wish to pray to you

for the good of this family

of this family. Protect us from

sickness and also

show us the way to overcome

sickness or difficulty.

or difficulties. It is easy to feel

in a world full of evil, but today

evil, but today

we long for you to

give us the ability to

faith under all things.

Watch over us, protect us and love us

in the same way

as God loves his children.

And so be it, forever and ever, amen.

Forever and ever, amen.

Below is a video of a prayer that helps with sickness. It is recommended that you use it as a means of petitioning God, for only He has the power to heal the sick.

Another good option is to pray the prayer of protection to St Michael the Archangel, the prince of the angels who watches over us from heaven. With this prayer you can ask for the protection of our divine protector.