What is the best time to pray? Experts on religion and prayer widely recommend early morning as the best time to pray. The power of early morning prayer means that we are more persuasive when we offer dedicated prayers to God. So don’t miss the opportunity to pray.

el poder de la oración de madrugada

Importance of the power of early morning prayer

The power of early morning prayer enables many people to pray comfortably late into the night. The prophet Isaiah speaks of the importance of early morning prayer. In particular, he refers to a scene in which he found the heart of God by declaring

All night long my soul has been desperately seeking you. As long as this desire is with me, I will seek you all night long. Your judgment is very severe when the last hour comes upon me, but I will find you (Isaiah 26:9).

In the Bible, you can read between the lines of Isaiah’s text. The power of early morning prayer lies in the extent to which we seek to please God with prayer through wakefulness. Whoever prays all day long, or better still, early in the morning, the Most High will reward everyone with the benefit of glory in heaven.

el poder de la oración de madrugada

In fact, the power of early morning prayer is freer. There are not many requirements, only enough faith to converse with God in prayer (see: Prayer of Faith). The only requirement is to call the prayer in the early hours of the morning, so that the characteristic cadence and silence prevail while others are asleep.

After praying in the early hours of the morning, it is a good idea to continue praying in the morning, thanks to the Christian morning prayer, to thank God for a new awakening, for the fulfilment of all the goals we have set for the day.

The power of the morning prayer Psalm 63

In Psalm 63:1-8 we find an important night prayer that perfectly frames the power of morning prayer. You must be willing and faithful enough to pray this well-known prayer. You can do it in the comfort of your bedroom, in front of the holy image of Christ, or wherever you like, as long as it is a quiet place without much disturbing noise.

el poder de la oración de madrugada

Here is the power of early morning prayer in Psalm 63:

-O Almighty God, the head of all men. I seek you early in the morning, for I want to rejoice in you. My soul thirsts for your infinite love, which transcends the heavens and joyfully reaches the earth. I wait for you early in the morning so that you may nourish my faith even more. Protect me from all evil that may befall me before I sleep. Grant me a pleasant sleep in my body so that I may dawn a new day full of energy.

I find myself in the abyss every time I am far from You. Father God, my soul seeks You in the early morning to feel safe. My heart bombards thanks to the love you transmit in it. My lips yearn to utter Your holy divine word, like Saint Matthew who proclaimed Your beloved commandments. True God, who is One and Triune, I proclaim this dawn as your servant who wishes to glorify you until the last day of my life. Amen.

el poder de la oración de madrugada

In the case of Catholics, they can also say the Catholic morning prayer. They would be grateful for an extra day of life to make it worthwhile in every way.

The power of early morning prayer

People who are really sympathetic to religion and to God Almighty tend to gather in vigil to meet the Most High in prayer. The power of early morning prayer sometimes leads to memorial vigils to celebrate that God exists and is in each one of us.

The prayer for protection and healing in Psalm 91 serves a similar function. Through this prayer, all believers find much-needed peace in their souls.

el poder de la oración de madrugada

-Merciful God, I call on you at this hour because it is the only time I can be alone with you. I want to see your face every night forever. I hope for your blessing today and every day. I take comfort in this early morning as I dedicate this vigil to you, to acknowledge all my faults in the belief that you will forgive me. Fill my life with wisdom and blessings so that I may face all trials with joy and strength. Amen.

So ends the power of early morning prayer when we are sleepless.