Where does it say in the Bible that Mary had more children?
Throughout the ages there has been much speculation as to whether or not the Virgin Mary had other children besides Jesus, this is due to the different religions as each one presents their argument to say what is true for them. It is the Protestants who say yes, while the Catholics say no, it is a confrontation since these Christian churches separated.
According to the Bible, the Virgin Mary had more children.
The Protestants who believe in Christ (Evangelicals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Adventists), but affirm that the Virgin Mary had more children after him, these are based on some biblical verses to assure that it is so, they assure that Jesus had brothers and sisters, since in repeated occasions the word “brothers of Jesus” appears.
Matthew 12:46
“While He was still speaking to the crowd, His mother and brothers stood outside trying to talk to Him.
John 7:5
“But even his brothers did not believe in him.
Acts 1:14
“They all continued in prayer with one accord in the company of certain women, and of Mary the mother of Jesus, and of his brothers.
Mark 3:32
“Listen, your mother, your brothers and your sisters are outside, and they are looking for you”.
As you can see there are several passages in the Bible where Jesus’ brothers and sisters are mentioned, but nowhere is there any reference to when the Virgin Mary had them, but for Protestants this is evidence that Mary was not always a virgin, and that after giving birth to Jesus she had children with her husband St Joseph.
The Virgin Mary had other children besides Jesus.
On the contrary, Catholic believers insist that Mary was always a virgin and had no other children besides Christ, the Catholic Church explains that what is written in the scriptures of the Holy Bible when it refers to the word “brother” is that this is how he was called, is that it was the name given to any close relative, such as an uncle, cousin or nephew, since in the Hebrew language none of these words of kinship existed; as for what it says about James, Joseph, Judas and Simon being brothers of Jesus, it refers to them as such because they were close to him. There is no certainty that the Virgin Mary had other children, and that is why she ascended to heaven.
They explain that when we speak of brothers, they do not necessarily have to be children of the same mother.
John 19:26-27
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing by her, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son! Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother! And from that hour the disciple took her into his own house”.
The events of this verse took place at the time of Christ’s crucifixion, Jesus entrusted one of his trusted disciples, John, with his mother, so he said to him, “Here is your mother”, as a form of protection for her, so that she would not be left alone.
There are many reasons to believe or not that the Virgin Mary had more children, it all depends on our position of faith and depending on which side we are on, because for members of the Protestant Church if there are these other children of the Virgin, while for the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, Jesus had no more siblings and Mary was always a virgin. in none of the prayers to the Virgin is mentioned that she had more children.
In the following video, a Catholic priest explains why followers of this religion believe that the Virgin Mary had no other children.
How can we prove that Mary had more children?
The scholars of the Holy Scriptures, being Catholics, came to a different conclusion, and that is that Joseph, being older than Mary, could have had sons and daughters before marrying her, because he had already been married before and had several children, perhaps the ones that the Scriptures call the brothers of Jesus, but there is no certainty that this was the case, it is just another conclusion that Catholicism has come to.
In the same way, they analyse that when we speak of Mary’s children, nowhere in the text does it make it clear that it is the same Mary who is the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, since there were other women called by the same name, for example Mary Magdalene.
This will always be the great question that divides the Christian religions, because for each one it will be what they say and they will not give the reason to the other.