If you want to know what will happen if you stop fulfilling Santa Muerte’s requests in return, or stop worshipping her, read on to be warned.

Pact with Santa Muerte

In principle, there is a ritual performed by those who wish to be faithful followers of Santa Muerte, in which a pact is made, a commitment to follow her. This must be taken very seriously because, according to experts in the field, this pact is not a game and it is impossible to make it without faith, loyalty and sincerity to Santa Muerte for the rest of one’s life. Also, ask Santa Muerte to make the sacrifices you have promised and find out what no one has told you about her.

However, it is said that Santa Muerte knows beforehand those who seek her to be her devotees with all the faith and devotion she requires, and she also knows those who seek her only to please themselves in certain moments of need, and they test her to see if she fulfils the request.

That is why it does not respond to the requests of such people, because they test it beforehand without the faith and action necessary to make the request come true. Because work is a joint effort. For example, they ask for a job but do not go out and look for it. Or they ask for a partner and do not go out to meet other people.

Santa Muerte asks for a favour in return

Basically, she asks for absolute trust and faith and that nothing be asked of her that could harm another person. There are some commandments that have been dictated by her so that her faithful followers know what they have to do to obey her. If you are interested in learning more about Santa Muerte, you can find it in this link.

Commandments of Santa Muerte

It is said that because Santa Muerte knows human behaviour very well, and because faith and trust are of vital importance to her, as well as respect and loyalty, there are some commandments that have been dictated by her so that her faithful followers fulfil them to the full:

  1. Fear me not. Fear not death: If there is any fear of it, it is because there is no confidence in its services or in it.
  2. Love life. Enjoy it fully. To approach it, one must love life and what it offers.
  3. Only those who know and respect Me can worship Me. Ask to be known and respected.
  4. Show Me your love. Make Me an altar near you. It is the request for an altar where requests can be made and honoured.
  5. In My sacrifices neither silver nor gold will save anyone. No one can be saved no matter how much wealth he has from his offerings.
  6. Never promise me what you cannot or will not keep. If you make a promise, be sure you can keep it.
  7. Think carefully about the things you ask of Me, for there is no impossibility or regret for Me. Let not the requests be full of hatred or rancour, which may cause problems for the one who asks.
  8. Do not abuse My power or My Name. Let them always ask for good and not evil for the benefit of the believers.
  9. Set aside a day for my prayers. It is said that the 1st and 9th of each month are days of prayer and devotion to Santa Muerte.
  10. Always remember that I am here by God’s command not to destroy what He has created, not to destroy the world. That is to be a protector of other beings and of nature.
  11. Do not give false reports, do not become an accomplice of the wicked to support injustice. This is to be honest and just. Always do good.
  12. Do not share my altar with other saints. Ask for absolute faithfulness.

What not to do when praying to Santa Muerte

It is necessary not to promise things that cannot be fulfilled in the end. Nor anything that could harm anyone. In return, Santa Muerte asks that you never ask her to do anything negative for anyone, and that you never fulfil the sacrifices you make to her.

In return, Santa Muerte asks that no harm be done to anyone. No deaths, no sacrifices. Anything requested in this way will be returned to the person who made the request, because according to the faithful followers of Santa Muerte, she will never grant such a request, as she only grants requests of kindness and love.


The approach of the two people talking in the video below is interesting. It has a lot to do with the idea that if you want to do harm, you end up being the one who gets harmed.

What do you think… is Santa Muerte dangerous?