They are part of the worship of the Church and are the priest’s ministers when he celebrates Mass, but what is the correct

altar servers wear during these liturgical ceremonies?

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It is also important that you know what the activities for altar servers are within the liturgies by clicking on the link.

Find out what the activities are for liturgies and ceremonies.

Altar servers are the priest’s assistants during liturgies, they are children or young people who serve Christ.

Many serve in the Church until they are 25 or 30, which is the age limit for serving as an altar server.

as altar servers.

These children must have a heart to serve and be sure that this is what they want to do.

Their passion is so great from an early age that they begin their service within the Church at the age of 8 or 9.

According to the Catholic Church, they have no official dress code to wear to ceremonies.

Therefore, in many countries they choose to wear a red alb and a white robe.

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This is what they wear almost everywhere, but there is no official dress code.

This is what is used in most churches, but it all depends on the priest in the parish.

But in countries where there is no official dress, altar servers have to dress very well because

they are serving

That’s why it’s not recommended that they wear trainers or jeans.

They should dress as correctly as possible, but I have also been in parishes where they are a little more relaxed.

more relaxed

I tell them that it depends on the priest of the parish.

But the rest of the time they wear the red alb and the white roquette.

So the altar boy’s costume varies according to the place or country he is in.

You can also find out how to make an altar boy’s tunic by clicking on this link.


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The ceremony may be as follows, depending on the parish:

  • The ceremony begins with a pilgrimage around the church or wherever the priest decides.

The first altar servers are without the vestments of an altar server, they are in their normal clothes when they enter the church.

They are seated in the first pew of the church.

  • Immediately after the Gospel and the homily.

Initial counselling and citation of those who intend to become altar servers.

  • Reading of the commitment and responsibility of the altar servers. They all respond together.
  • They are then blessed and given the albs.
  • The family then comes and helps to place the alb and roquete on the new server.
  • The older servers come forward and embrace him, welcoming him and inviting him to ascend to the presbytery.
  • Another thing that can happen, if they wish, is that the former ministers of Holy Communion can formalise the renewal of their commitment to Christ and the Church.
  • The prayer of the faithful begins, which will probably be said by the parents of the new ministers.
  • After the prayer after Communion, the new and old altar servers can say the prayer of the altar servers.

To make your child’s altar dress, you should ask the priest which dress is worn in your parish.

This is the end of the ceremony of the installation of the new altar servers in the church, it is a beautiful thing to see.

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Applicants must meet the following requirements

Candidates must have made their First Communion.

They must know how to bow faithfully.

They must also know how to make the sign of the cross.

They can be men or women only if their church is in harmony with the ability to serve in the tabernacle.

of women altar servers.

Since the ministry of altar servers is not accepted in all countries or cities, this acceptance depends on what the bishopric and the Church have decided.

and parish priests.

But in those where it is allowed, women can serve as acolytes during the liturgy.

But many people think that this is a job for young men only.

You can also learn how to be a good altar server in the service of Christ by visiting the link above.


When you arrive at church, you should begin to prepare for your task.

Remember to wear dress shoes, not slippers, as they will show when you put on your tunic.

They should be clean, as well as your person and your clothes, remembering that you will be serving Christ and you must

Wear the best you have at home.

If you are a woman, wear your hair loose, because sometimes you will carry candles and it is dangerous for the flame to come into contact with your hair.

with your hair.

Do not wear high heels that make it difficult to carry the candles, they should be low, comfortable shoes that do not slip on the floor.

You are not allowed to chew gum in church.

It is considered a sin if you have eaten anything an hour before communion, so if you have, do not take communion.

vestuario de monaguillo

You should only drink water an hour before communion.

If you know the costume of an altar server, you should find out how to make it or buy it.

And if you are not going to receive communion for it, you should not be present during the ceremony.

You should make your way to the sacristy, which is probably where the altar servers’ robes are kept if you don’t have your own and the church provides them.

If you don’t have your own and the church provides one, try to find one that fits your shoes and isn’t too short.

And when you are there, do not speak loudly or make a mess, speak to your companions in a whisper.

Put on your suit and make sure it is buttoned properly if there are any buttons or zips that go all the way up.

Once you are properly dressed, go to the Deacon or Priest, as is customary, and ask him to tell you what each server’s role will be.

Find out what the role of each server will be.

Find out what it means to be an altar server in the Catholic Church by clicking on this link, which will clear up any doubts you may have.

Now that you know what an altar server’s costume is, you can decide whether to make it or buy it.