Many people want to get out of poverty, so they pray to Uriel for easy money and gambling luck to see if it will change their lives.
oracion a uriel para el dinero

To complement this reading, I recommend our article Who is the Holy Spirit for Christians and His Spiritual Significance.

Many people dream of becoming rich and living a life of luxury and comfort.

So they pray to Uriel for easy money and to win the lottery.

Because this is the only way for a person to get rich quickly.

Never mind that the only people who get rich from this idea are the owners of the lottery agencies.

Although statistics show that the chances of this happening are very low, there is no way to stop a gambling addict from quitting.

Most of these people do not realise that they are losing more money than they are winning.

But they trust in their luck and in their saints, and so they pray to Uriel for money.

Some people put their hopes in their saints and angels.

They believe that they have the power to bring them luck and change their lives.

This is the case of Uriel, which we will discover today, because people ask him to give them money.

I recommend our article Praying to God for a Miracle.

Let us know who the Archangel Uriel is.
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He is one of the seven archangels and is known as the angel of the presence of God.

He is known as one of the seven spirits who stand before the throne of God.

His name means “The Fire of God” and represents the full power of the Spirit of Life.

The flame of fire, which is his greatest attribute and by which he is known, represents his mission to awaken the consciousness of man with the fire of truth.

He usually carries a book or scroll, representing his role as a divine watcher.

It is said that he keeps track of the thoughts, feelings and deeds of all human beings throughout their lives.
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This archangel is distinguished by being dressed in red, orange and gold, colours associated with fire and its power to transform.

These colours are also associated with the destruction of evil and spiritual enlightenment.

According to legend, this archangel was worshipped in ancient Christianity, along with Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

This was the origin of the cult of angels.

But at the Council of Rome in 745, Pope Zacharias banned the name of the archangel Uriel.

And he ordered all his images in the churches of Rome to be destroyed.

Uriel today

But despite this ban, the archangel Uriel never left the minds of the faithful.

Even today, in South America, there are images of Uriel dating back to the 17th century.

The Eastern Orthodox Church venerates the image of this archangel and commemorates him, along with the other six archangels, on the eighth of November.

The Anglican and Coptic Churches also include the archangels, as the Book of Enoch has always venerated him.

In the apocryphal gospels of the Bible, it is said that the archangel Uriel helped John the Baptist to survive the massacre ordered by Herod.

According to these books, he took him and his mother to Egypt and reunited them with the Holy Family.

According to the Book of Revelation, Uriel is the angel of repentance, he is the one who holds the key to hell, who will open the door on the day of judgement.

He is the patron of those who wish to eliminate ignorance.

He protects teachers, priests, spiritual leaders, rabbis, philosophers, gurus and others.

As the Archangel of the Ruby Flame, he encourages service and is the leader of the Guardian Angels.

Through his divine flame, he spreads truth and wisdom throughout the world.


These qualities make Uriel the archangel protector of spirituality, wisdom and truth.

In the company of the guardian angel, Uriel watches over people.

So that their path may be straight, as well as their vision.

With the light of his flame, he awakens in men the desire to serve and the consciousness of attaining the glory of God.

Prayer to Uriel for money

O divine archangel Uriel

Loving protector of mankind

We come to you today to worship you and to show you our sincere admiration.

Blessed Archangel Uriel

You who are in heaven at the right hand of God

Who grants the wishes of all who love you

we come before you, surrendered, to make the

Prayer to Uriel for money

That you grant me what I so long for

For I need to earn a lot of money

To pay my debts and live the way I want to live

Blessed Archangel Uriel

I ask you to allow happiness to come into my life

And end this world of drought

Of drought in love and drought in money

Change my luck so that I can be comforted

For I’m tired of so much poverty

That’s why I turn to you, to give me a little of your greatness.

I am confident that You hear prayers

And leave no petition unanswered.

Final exhortation

Everyone has the right to believe in what he wants and to ask whom he wants.

However, I find it imperative to give you some advice.

Because it is not through prayer that you will change your life, unless it is the prayer to God for a miracle that you can find in this link.

Ask God to give you the energy to keep working and thank Him for the job you have.