There is no one who lives in a community who has not prayed to St Benedict to keep away bad neighbours.
oracion a san benito para alejar malos vecinos


To supplement this reading, I recommend our article What are the miracles of Jesus and why are they not seen today.

Many people have had to pray to St Benedict to get rid of bad neighbours.

This is a kind of bad weed that grows in many places and is very difficult to remove.

Those who have had the misfortune to have this type of neighbour know that it is better to move out than to lose your head.

There is a type of person who seems to arrive in a community with the sole purpose of making life miserable for the other residents.

They are so annoying that not even the police can keep them out of their homes.

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For this reason, people pray to San Benito to keep bad neighbours away, so that they leave and never return.

We all want to live in a community where there is peace and quiet.

Even more so in your own home, the place where you can rest and spend time with your family.

But what happens if you can’t be in your own home because the neighbours won’t let you rest?

The ideal is to go politely and ask people to be quiet.

Or better still, try to reconcile so that everyone can live in peace.

But if you have annoying neighbours who won’t listen to reason, it’s best to get a justice of the peace.

I recommend our article “Sayings of Trust in God for Moments of Trial and Joy”.


Let’s find out who St Benedict is

Benedict of Palermo was born in Italy in the year 480 in a town called Nursia.

Benedict’s family was very wealthy, so he had the opportunity to study in Rome.

In Rome he studied philosophy and letters, and while he was there he perfected his Latin.

That city was mad because it was like the Sodom and Gomorrah of his time.

Because of the diversity of customs, because of the many nationalities and beliefs, Rome was a den of iniquity in those days.

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Benedict did not share this kind of behaviour, so he left as soon as he finished his studies.

He chose a quieter village where he could meditate and further his spiritual development.

He moved from village to village until he found the perfect place.

He lived there for a long time, isolated among rocks and weeds, and his skin became tanned.

One day some shepherds came across him in the bush and were frightened, thinking he was some kind of beast.

But Benedict calmed them down and began to preach everything he knew, and they were fascinated by the wisdom of the saint.

A new departure

But very soon the news spread that there was a miracle-working saint on the mountain.

And all the people were looking for a way to reach this complicated place.

Benedict was overwhelmed and harassed and had to flee the place.

This saint possessed great spirituality, so much so that the priests themselves wanted to kill him out of jealousy.

But the attempt was in vain, because when Benedict blessed the food, he noticed that it was poisoned.

At that moment he said a prayer in Latin, which was later engraved on a protective medal.

And according to witnesses, the cup of wine broke into many pieces.

They were amazed at what happened that day.

This is how St Benedict lived, sometimes working miracles, sometimes rebuking the enemy, sometimes fleeing.

But like all people, Benedict’s time came to die.

He fell seriously ill and died with those he loved most.

Discover how we can receive divine healing and miracles from God when we need them.

Prayer to Saint Benedict to ward off bad neighbours

People who believe in Saint Benedict entrust him with all their problems.

They pray to him for love, happiness, health and to ward off bad neighbours.

According to experts, the prayer to St Benedict to drive away bad neighbours is very effective for those who pray to him.

O blessed Saint Benedict

Saint of my devotion

You who performed so many miracles before you went to God.

We come to you today to offer you our devotion

And to humbly tell you that you are the Lord of my heart.

Blessed Saint Benedict

Saint of my devotion

You who are an expert in distancing yourself, I ask you for a solution.

It’s that I have some neighbours

Who make every day of my life bitter

Because they don’t know how to live together and they don’t want to leave.

That’s why I ask you, Saint Benedict of my heart

Instill in them the desire to leave

So that they may spare us the pain

To continue to put up with their bad behaviour

Blessed Saint Benedict

Saint of my devotion

I know that we must be tolerant of our fellow men

But it is that these people do not understand reason

And there is no way for them to understand how to live together in community.

That’s why we come to you, dear Saint Benedict.

So that you may put your hand on the earth and put it out of the way.

You who are at the right hand of God

I ask you to intercede for me before his face

That he may give me his support

Blessed Saint Benedict

Saint of my devotion

On this day I am sure that you have heard my heart.

I know that you have never left a faithful devotee unanswered.

Therefore, I am confident that you will no longer knock at my door.

If you enjoyed this reading, I recommend our article on biblical texts that speak of the peace that passes all understanding.

There is nothing in this world that can give you the peace you long for.

Only in God can we find the greatest peace and love.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as the one you just read.