There are many people who dream of hitting the lottery jackpot, so they pray to the holy death to win the games of chance and start a new life.
oracion a la santa muerte para ganar juegos de azar

To complement this reading, I recommend our article Praying for Work and Money from the Holy Death.

Many people dream of winning the lottery and using the money to solve their problems.

That is why they pray to the Holy Death in the hope of winning the lottery.

Because they believe that by winning the lottery, money can improve their lives.

Although they say that money does not bring happiness, others argue that it is the comfort of the poor.

Of course, it is not bad to earn a little extra money to live more comfortably.

But statistics say that it is very difficult for a person to win the jackpot.

If you look at it, people spend more on gambling than they actually win.

The purpose of gambling is to make money.
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But the Bible says, “We must beware of all covetousness” Luke 12:15.

But just as the purpose of the gambler is to win money, so is the purpose of the owners of these games.

This is why the gambling industry always advertises million-dollar prizes to attract more people.


And who isn’t attracted by the idea of winning easy money?

The bad thing about gambling is that people begin to see luck as a mysterious force.

And prosperity can only be achieved through it.

But the Word of God says that gambling is evil in His sight – Isaiah 65:11-12.

I recommend our article Wonderful Prayers of the Holy Death to Make Easy Money.

Prayer to the Holy Death to win at gambling

God is immensely wise, and thanks to the manual of life that He has left us in His Word, we can become as wise as He is.

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How many stories have you heard of gamblers who lost everything because they gambled?

That is why God exhorts us not to lose perspective by trusting in the luck that may come our way.

If it were luck, you wouldn’t have to pay for it.

Nor would you have to pray to the saints to win games of chance and change your life.

Unfortunately, some people find it easier to put their trust in a lottery ticket than in the owner of gold and silver.

Than in the owner of the gold and silver, and by the way, we are his co-heirs.

But it is not our task to judge, but on the contrary to try to guide in the best way.

That is why it is up to each one to make the prayer to the Holy Death to win the games of chance, or the one he/she thinks is best.

As for the Holy Death, in other countries it is a death cult.

Although it was born more than three thousand years ago, it is still alive today.

It is believed that it was the Aztecs who started this tradition.

They also worshipped the sun and the moon, day and night, and life and death.


Today, the Catholic Church categorically rejects this type of worship as satanic.

Likewise, the Christian Church, along with some other religions, does not look kindly on this ritual.

The Holy Catholic Church flatly refuses to confer the title of “saint” on her, believing that she has no merits to deserve it.

If you want to know the holy death prayer of Jesus Christ Victor, click on this link.

Although Catholics venerate hundreds of Marian invocations, they reject the cult of the Holy Death.

But this does not matter to his devotees, who continue to worship and venerate his image.

The Holy Death is distinguished by the fact that she wears a tunic that serves to hide her true nature.

Many followers use her favours for their own love and wealth.

However, there are also those who use her for evil and malicious purposes.

In one hand she holds a sickle with which she doles out her merciless justice.

And in the other hand she holds a world, representing her outreach to all people.

Last but not least, some images have a scale, which means that the Holy Death gives her justice with justice.

Prayer to the Holy Death

Blessed Holy Death

Mistress of the destiny of mankind

I raise my prayer to you today to pay you my sincere homage.

O dear Holy Death

Mistress of gold and silver

I come humbly to your feet, so that you may give me your succour.

Dear Holy Death

Who knows all that happens

I beg you to lower your gaze and see what is happening to me

I know that without you I am nothing

And that without you I am worthless

That’s why I come humbled before you, so that you give me your support

Blessed Holy Death

You know my situation

That’s why I beg you to make me worthy of your blessing

I need happiness to smile on me

These days I’m going through a bad situation.

And since you are the owner of gold and silver

I know you can give me the solution

I only ask you, blessed mother

That you allow happiness to come into my life

So that I can enjoy a comfortable life with my family.

I know, dear holy death

that you have never left your faithful devotees unanswered.

So I turn to you, confident that you will give me your help.

I pledge myself to you to be your faithful devotee

To honour and worship you until you decide to call me to your side.

In the name of all the blessed souls in Purgatory.


If you liked this reading, I recommend our article on having faith in Christ in spite of the difficult trials that come your way.

God bless you very much.