A prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting to thank her for the miracle of a healthy and happy motherhood, and an original novena dedicated to her.

oración a la virgen de la dulce espera

How to pray this prayer to Our Lady of the Sweet Waiting

This prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting is to thank her for the blessing of having become pregnant, to ask for her protection, to ask for her health for the new creature, to ask and let her know the happiness you feel for your maternal state, at the beginning it is recommended to make the sign of the cross, pray the Hail Mary, make a short prayer to the Archangel Gabriel for being the Angel of the Annunciation and at the end pray the Our Father, accompany this act with candles and roses or white flowers as a sign of purity for the new angel who is on his way.

Prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting in thanksgiving


I thank you for the new life that I carry within me, it is something wonderful that makes me see things in a different way, it fills me with tenderness and great admiration for the creative work of our God that continues through me, I am happy to be a mother, I ask you to watch over this new being, its movements are a caress and I dream of its face, its eyes, its hair, I thank you for giving me the gift of being able to conceive a new being, I thank you for your help at the hour of its birth, its movements are a caress and I dream of its face, its eyes, its hair I thank You for having given me the gift of being able to conceive a new being, I thank You for Your help in the hour of its birth, may nothing disturb my serenity and may I live this wonderful adventure trusting in Your Providence. Amen.


the virgin of sweet expectation in gratitude 2

In this prayer to the virgin of sweet expectation, I pray to you most holy Virgin, for this sweet hope, which I keep in my womb, I am eternally grateful for having granted me the immense gift of a life, living in me, humbly thank you for choosing me as an instrument of your love, in this sweet expectation, help me to live in a constant attitude of surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ, grant me a pure, firm and generous maternal heart, I beseech you in this prayer to the virgin of the sweet expectation, that my baby may be born healthy in body and that you keep away any evil. Amen.


Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Expectation in Thanksgiving 3


Holy Mary, who has had the inexpressible joy of a holy motherhood, sanctify my sweet expectation, bless this joyful hope that is in me, embrace me and my baby with the tenderness of your gaze, I thank you for always watching over us, and may your image of repair and peace dispel all my fears and sorrows.


Almighty God, because He has done great things in me and a son is to be born of me, fruit of a love that You have blessed, allow the Holy Spirit to cover me with His holy presence during these blessed months of my sweet waiting, to You I dedicate this prayer of sweet waiting, Holy Mary, Queen of Mothers, I thank God, Jesus Christ, the wonderful and always near Guardian Angel, for taking care of us in this my sweet waiting. Amen.

Normal Childbirth Prayer,Suggestions


It is advisable to pray to the Archangel Gabriel, to the Blessed Virgin Mary and an Our Father, accompanied by lilies, flowers or white roses, remembering that this prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting is to ask the Virgin Mary for her protection in all the moments of childbirth, to achieve the necessary serenity and have a happy birth, that we lack nothing, neither food, nor medicine, nor personnel prepared for these emergencies.

Prayer of thanksgiving for a normal birth


Most holy Mary, you know the anxiety and suffering of mothers who are expecting a child, the uncertainties that arise when the hour of delivery approaches, I ask you in this prayer of sweet expectation for a happy delivery, so that my baby may be born healthy, I promise to guide him according to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that he may walk on the path that God has marked out for all of us, Most holy Virgin, Mother of the Divine Child Jesus, I thank you for your maternal protection. Amen.

Prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting for Pregnancy, Recommendations

In this prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting to become pregnant, it is suggested to pray to the Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of the Holy Annunciation and patron of pregnant women, to read a few paragraphs from his Roman Martyrology, to dress in white and, if possible, to accompany this act of faith with white lilies, but roses or flowers of the same colour, and also to dedicate candles or a white candle to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting.

Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting to become pregnant


Holy Virgin of Sweet Waiting, Mother Adorer of Life, I place myself in your hands and I give myself to you with all the love of my heart, I love you and I believe in your infinite goodness, our Lady, may the divine commandment “be fruitful and multiply” be fulfilled in me, I ask you in this prayer to the Virgin of Sweet Waiting, help me with the grace of motherhood.


Intercede for me before the Most High, so that His plan of creation may be fulfilled in me; give me, Virgin of Sweet Expectation, the patience and serenity to hope in Your mercy and to obtain the grace to become pregnant; Most Holy Virgin Mary, of Immaculate Conception, whom You have protected in Your womb, our Eternal Redeemer, intercede for me and obtain for me, before Jesus, Your Son and my Redeemer, the grace to become pregnant and to be a mother. Amen.

Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting to get pregnant,2


O God, who in your great love made the Virgin Mary, Mother of divine grace, Immaculate Conception, of your Son Jesus, our Master and Saviour, through this humble prayer to the Virgin of sweet expectation, and through her merciful intercession, grant me the grace which I humbly implore of you, I beseech You, if it is Your holy and most sacred will, to send the Breath of Life to my dear family, so that with the birth of a new creature we may know even more the happiness of living according to Your sacred mandates, and that this new being may know You, love You, serve You and praise You for all eternity.


O God, in this simple prayer to the Virgin of Sweet Waiting, I call upon You, through the power of the Holy Spirit, our great Consoler, to grant me the joy I so long for, that of becoming pregnant. Listen to the intercession which the Virgin Mary, Mother of the divine Child Jesus, makes for me, to whom you have given the joy of living the blessing of a beautiful motherhood, and for this she was blessed among all earthly women, because it was the fruit of her holy womb which brought us the good news for our salvation.

I want to educate in the Holy Scriptures the son, the daughter, that you grant me, so that I may have the wisdom to proclaim your words; therefore, give me, I beg and implore you, the opportunity to become pregnant, I know that you are with me in this prayer to the Virgin of Sweet Waiting, and I thank you, today and always, for granting me this great favour that I ask of you, may everything be according to your holy will, the one and supreme God. Amen.

Prayer to Our Lady of the Sweet Waiting to become pregnant,3


Most holy Virgin Mary, who among your many holy titles, I come today to prostrate myself before your venerated image in this prayer to the Virgin of Sweet Waiting, that I may become pregnant and, according to your divine grace, enjoy motherhood, and that the man I love may be worthy of a fruitful fatherhood, that our bonds of love may grow stronger and more united each day, bless our family and our love, so that we may be the source of new life.

Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven and Earth, you who love children so much, who are among us confessed sinners, the only ones who can see you because in their eyes reflect their innocent souls, in them there is no evil whatsoever, give me the grace to become pregnant and thus have my expected maternity and my beloved his longed for paternity, in this prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting, I ask You to intercede for us before Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, so that I may become pregnant and that all may be according to the plan of our God, the One and Only, the Most High. Amen.

Novena to the Virgin Mary, suggestions for its implementation


In this novena to the Virgin Mary, in her invocation of the Virgin of Sweet Waiting, it is suggested to make it nine days before the day of the Annunciation, the birthday of the Virgin Mary or the day of the Immaculate Conception. It is also ideal to make it the day after the confirmation of the pregnancy, for nine hours, preferably accompanied by the father of the child, with candles, white flowers or roses, incense of roses and white clothes.

It is also recommended to pray to the Archangel Gabriel at the beginning of each day of the novena or at each hour, to read a biblical passage about the Annunciation, to pray from the common prayer book one dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to accompany the act with white candles, preferably white lilies, symbol of innocence, but also pink or flowers of the same colour, to wear light clothes, although usually all in white.

Prayer to the virgin of the sweet waiting, Novena


Daily prayers:

Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the Repentance of Sins: (Psalm 51:3.12), Prayers; Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be.

Recitation: Hail Mary, full of grace. Amen.

For those who wish to receive the grace of a son, for the intention with which we pray this novena.

Novena; Day 1: God gives us life.


Reading-Luke 1:28-31,38-

Reflection: Mary spoke these words through her faith. And so, through her, life came to us. Fully woman, she entrusted herself unreservedly to God, showing herself to be completely open to the action of the Holy Spirit, and in this response she gave herself to cooperate with God’s grace.

Prayer: At the beginning of this first day of the Novena, we express our love for you, we come to you with confidence to ask you for our needs, allow us to imitate your surrender to God, understand our request, answer our prayer: We respond to every intention: Through Mary, the Virgin of sweet expectation, we pray to you, God, and we pray for fathers and mothers who desire a child, for all the people of our country, for the intention with which we pray this novena.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we ask you, God our Lord.

Jaculate: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 2: Almighty God inspires us to watch over life.


Read: Luke 1:39-45.

Reflection: Elizabeth’s words at the time of the Annunciation reaffirm the faith in God that Mary will show throughout her life and that will help her to face all the adversities that come her way.

Prayer: Holy Mary, our Mother, intercede for us before your Son, teach us to serve our fellow men, to follow the path of your devotion, to watch over life as a gift from our God, so that we may walk with hope and faith the paths that lead us to fulfil the command of the Most High.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we beseech you, God our Lord.

Jaculatory: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 3: God offers us the best for our lives.

Read: -Luke 1:46-50

Reflection: Mary expressed to Elizabeth her immense joy at the wonders God had done for her, so that her name would be remembered forever as the one who would fulfil the promise made to Abraham for the benefit of his descendants.

Prayer: Holy Mary, teach us the gift of simplicity in order to open our hearts to faith, so that from our prayers may flow words of love and trust in God, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, and we may have moments of peace and happiness.

This is what we ask through the Blessed Virgin Mary, God our Lord.

Jocular: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers; Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Novena; Day 4: God grants the time of holy motherhood

Read: Luke 2:6-7

Reflection: Mary accepts God’s will to make her the Mother of the Redeemer through the action of the Holy Spirit in the grace of the Immaculate Conception and understands that God will always accompany her by blessing her with his Divine Providence.

Prayer: Holy Mary, Virgin of Sweet Waiting, guide our lives and help us to open our hearts to be nourished by Your goodness, hope and faith, to understand that Jesus Christ Your Son is our Saviour, to turn us away from sin and to trust that God will cover us with His Divine Providence.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we implore you, God our Lord.

In jaculation: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 5: The child is a plan of God, the only Father.


Read: -Lk 2:41-51-.

Reflection: Mary always trusted in God’s plan for her Son; she and Joseph raised Jesus on the basis of their knowledge of the Scriptures; as a child, Jesus was able to speak eloquently in public with people much older than himself; Mary was happy, without expressing it, because she knew that this precocious use of words was because Jesus was the Son of God.

Prayer: Holy Mary, by your grace, help us to understand the difficult situations that cause us many inconveniences and that test our faith in Jesus Christ, to understand in these circumstances the will of God that underlies them; God in whose divine plans we always trust.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we implore you, God our Lord.

Jaculatory: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 6: God, our Heavenly Father, knows our shortcomings.

Read: -Jn 2:1-5-.

Reflection: God, who knows all things, can do all things, it is to Him that we turn to seek His protection, asking for His help in our needs, through the teachings bequeathed to us by Jesus Christ we will know how to reach the Most High, we can also ask our Blessed Mother Mary to intercede for us before our Saviour, because she is the spokeswoman of the Word of God and of His Son, so the Blessed Virgin encourages us to fulfil the will of Jesus Christ.



Prayer: Holy Mary, we ask you to intercede for us, so that your beloved Son may help us in our need, and to strengthen us before God in his love in spite of our spiritual shortcomings, encouraging us by your teachings to obey the will of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and to know how to share with our fellow human beings, especially with women who are alone in their sweet expectation.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we implore you, God our Lord.

Jaculatory: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Awaiting. Amen.

Prayers: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 7: God gives a purpose to every soul.


Read: -Mt 12:46-50-.

Reflection: Holy Virgin Mary, by your example of love for Jesus Christ, your Son, our Saviour, lead us to do His will, which is the command of God, our only Heavenly Father; lead us along the Christian path which God showed you in His first-born, our Saviour, of whom you also became a disciple and faithful follower.

Let us pray: Holy Mary, Virgin of Sweet Waiting, we ask you never to abandon us, because through you and your Son Jesus Christ, our Saviour, we know the Word of God as divine food, we understand what perfect love is, and in this respect we know what it is to do the will of God, we ask you to help us in the purpose of conceiving a child, and also to help those people who ask to adopt a child, so that we may all be filled with joy with those voices that tell us: Mummy, Daddy, in advance we thank you for the blessing received.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we ask you, God our Lord.

Jaculatory: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 8: To God alone we are indebted.

Read: -Lk 11:27-28

Reflection: Blessed Virgin Mary, who knew how to care for, educate and nourish your holy Son Jesus, and who, thanks to him, listened to, observed, followed and, above all, practised the word of God, we thank you for giving us your example of how to follow the holy teachings and pass them on to our children, so that in our family the unfathomable bonds which God establishes with his followers may continue to be strengthened.


Prayer: Holy Mary, we beseech You, who from a simple young girl of Nazareth became the Universal Mother through our Redeemer, remove from our path everything that hinders us from following the Divine Word of the Lord, and may the teachings of God, Jesus Christ and Your own be the flower of our lips, so that we may become more conscious of them each day and that they may be handed down from generation to generation.

This we ask through the Blessed Virgin Mary, God our Lord.

Jaculatory: Prayer to Our Lady of the Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers; Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

Day 9: God makes Mary a Universal Mother


Read: -Jn 19:25-27-.

Reflection: God, in his promise of salvation, makes Mary the Mother of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, Jesus crucified, who returns in full glory to be one with the Eternal Father, and he acknowledges Mary as our universal Mother, Mother of all men and women who receive her in their homes, and even more so in their hearts, because it is through her, the only one found on earth with the spirituality worthy of the mission of being the Mother of our Saviour, that God shows us the way, the door, to his heavenly Kingdom.

Through the Blessed Virgin Mary, we implore you, God our Lord.

Jaculatory: Prayer to Our Lady of Sweet Waiting. Amen.

Prayers; Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory be.

The Angel of the Annunciation


According to the Holy Scriptures -Lk 1, 26-38-, he is the Archangel chosen by God to announce to Mary that she had been chosen to begin the predestined plan to show the world the way to Him, the Most High, through the salvation that His Son would grant as the Redeemer of the sins of His followers, For this reason, the Archangel Gabriel is historically known as the spokesman or messenger of God; he is also known as the Angel of the Annunciation and the patron saint of pregnant women, which is why he is included in the prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting.

The Angel Gabriel the Messenger of God


The Archangel Gabriel, or Angel Gabriel as he is called in the Catholic Bible, is considered to be the messenger of God because he was the one who revealed God’s plans to at least three characters of great importance in our biblical history. To the prophet Daniel, when he explained one of his visions, in -Dn 8:16-; to Zechariah, in -Lk; 1:19-, announcing the birth of the prophet John the Baptist, who would come to baptise the Son of God; and it was the archangel who announced to Mary, in -Lk; 1:31-, that she would give birth to a son: 31- to Mary that she would give birth to a son and that she would name him Jesus, is taken into account in the prayer to the Virgin of the Sweet Waiting, for its relation to the announcements of the birth of the Messiah.

The Archangel Gabriel enlightened by God


The Angel Gabriel is traditionally called Archangel, especially in the Book of Tobit, which is a term that denotes a high position in the hierarchy of angels, so it is one of the enlightened archangels of God to be before His presence, which is the light of the universe, are angels to whom God entrusts important missions among us, Gabriel is part of the power of God, -Dn 9: 21-, and he is the Archangel who knows the human spirit and therefore has the touch to transmit divine messages to us, so it is very important to include him in the prayer to the Virgin of sweet expectation, so effective and fruitful for life.