We have all suffered for love. The one who loves the most is always the one who suffers the most. That is why we must have the prayer to Santa Marta at hand, so that my boyfriend calls me after a fight.

oracion a santa marta para que me llame

I also recommend our article Praying to the Almighty Heart of Jesus.

Being in love is the greatest feeling in the world.

Everything shines around us and we don’t see the things that are happening right under our noses.

It is all love, joy and happiness.

You know when people are in love because they spend their time drawing nonsense all over the place.
oracion a santa marta para que me llame-3

Besides, their faces are poems of sighs and complicit smiles.

When we’re in a relationship, we can’t wait to see our partner again.

The time we don’t spend with our beloved is eternal, and short when we are by their side.

In short, people who are in love live on another planet until the terrible moment of ending the relationship arrives.

It seems as if the whole world collapses at their feet.

When people end a relationship and are still in love, they feel a lot of grief.

And they don’t see a time when they can get the relationship back.

This is why many people pray to Santa Marta to call me so that they can resolve their situation.

Who was Saint Martha?

According to an old legend, Martha was born into a very wealthy family.

Her parents were dukes, and Martha inherited a fortune from them that allowed her to live very well.

Martha never married and devoted her life to serving Jesus until the day of his crucifixion.

After his death and because of the persecution that the early Christians were subjected to, Martha had to flee from that place.

Martha had to flee from this place. See the story of the first Christians who went with Jesus.

So they set out in a small boat, without sails or oars.

It is believed that it was the grace of God that brought them to the coast of Provence in the year 43.

Martha immediately began her work of evangelisation, characterised by faith, purity and charity.

Martha tames the dragon

One day, in the area where Martha was preaching, a dragon came out of the sea and ate a man.

Knowing the power of this woman’s faith, the people of the area prayed for her.

Legend has it that Martha held a cross in one hand and holy water in the other.

She tamed the dreaded dragon as if it were a little sheep.

She bound it with the girdle she wore, and the men killed it with their spears.

After this event, Martha stayed in the village.

She built a convent where she spent the rest of her days.

Even before she died, people worshipped Martha and prayed to Saint Martha to call me and many other prayers.

The 29th of July is the day

She is the patron saint of housewives and, because of her taming nature, is known as the one who tames unfaithful husbands.

prayer to saint martha to call me back

O blessed Saint Martha

I ask for your protection and for your defence

I surrender myself completely to you

That you may help me in my affliction

As a token of my affection

I offer you to spread your devotion

Which of course I do with infinite passion.

Holy Martha, my dearest

Comfort me in my grief and affliction

I ask you at this moment to bend hearts

You who welcomed the Saviour of the world into your home

I ask You to dwell in my heart

Please intercede for me and my family.

If you want to protect your family, click on this link to pray for the protection of your children.

That we may always keep God in our hearts.

That all our needs will be met.

Therefore I make this prayer to Saint Martha, who calls me

Blessed mother of mine

As you conquered the dragon at your feet

Bend the heart of (name the person) so that he may want to return.

Dear Santa Marta, Virgin of Caramanchel

By the flame of the candle I light in your name

I ask you to solve my needs

And take away the pain that I have because I cannot see him.

As you conquered the fierce wild beast

Grant that he may overcome all the difficulties

that prevent him from being by my side.

Holy Blessed Mother

Martha, most holy virgin

Grant that (name of person) will not be able to be still without me.

I ask you to make him meek like the dragon you have tamed.

Bring him to my feet so that I may calm my grief.

As you bound the wild beast with your ribbon

Bind also my beloved, that he may never escape again.
Blessed Virgin, most holy

You who have mastered all hearts

Help me master the heart of my beloved.

As you had the power to bind the dragon

With the same power I bind his heart

Let him think of nothing but me

Let him neither walk, nor sleep, nor speak

May the only thing he desires be to call me to speak

Dearest, dearest Virgin

By the power God has given you

Cause (name of person) to be tamed and bound to me.

I ask you, Saint Martha, to keep me present in his memory.

Dear Saint Martha

Please grant me the miracle of my love loving me again.

Please grant that our relationship be restored.

You who are almighty, let us be together again

And never separate us again and bind us together forever.

Thank you and amen.

If you liked this reading, I can also recommend our article Short Christian Prayer for Different Circumstances.

No matter what situation you are going through, God has a solution for every problem.

Don’t worry about the size of your problem, tell the problem how big your God is.