If you are looking for work, consider the prayer to St Benedict for work as it is very powerful, this saint is considered very effective for this purpose, read on and learn all about this prayer.

Oración a San Benito para el trabajo

Who was Saint Benedict?

In the Catholic religion there are currently two saints called Saint Benedict, it is important to know how to differentiate them, the prayer to Saint Benedict for work is associated with Saint Benedict of Nursia, the father of western monasticism and brother of Scholastica, he is considered the patron saint of speleologists, on the other hand we have Saint Benedict of Palermo, a very popular saint in Latin America, he was an Italian of African descent, born near Messina, Italy of slave parents.

Oración a San Benito para el trabajo

Born in Nursia, Italy and educated in Rome, he was repelled by the vices of the city and fled around the year 500 to Enfide, thirty miles away. He chose the life of a hermit and settled in the mountains of Subiaco, where he lived in a cave for three years, fed by a monk called Romanus. Despite Benedict’s desire for solitude, his holiness and austerity became known and a community of monks in Vicovaro asked him to become their abbot.

Prayer to St Benedict for work

oracion a san benito para el trabajo

We have already talked a little about the life of St Benedict. Now we will contact God through this saint who was a master of prayer, it is advisable to find a suitable place every time you want to pray or meditate, it should be quiet and clean so that you can relax, if you are tired it is better to have a rosary in your hand or you can also have your hands empty.

The prayer that we recite below is based on the motto of St. Benedict, which is ora et labora, Latin words translated into English is pray and work, there are many saints who help you with work problems, including St. Benedict.

Prayer To Saint Benedict To Find Work

Oración a San Benito para el trabajo

Benedict, teacher of prayer for millions of people, make my prayer sincere, authentic and heavenly, following your example, O God! Remove every vain word from my lips; remove every negative, sad or false thought; remove every feeling or desire that does not come from the Holy Spirit. May my voice, my thoughts and my desires be in full communion with God’s mission on this planet.

St Benedict, who taught monks dedicated to meditation to work with their hands, teaches me to transform my daily work into prayer. O God, bless my hands that they may be filled with abundant results. Bless the working hands of men, whatever their work, then do it with enthusiasm, using intelligence, so that the result of their effort is useful, practical and a vehicle of brotherhood among men.

It drives away any work done with apathy, laziness or bad intentions. May all my actions be transformed into praise because they are well done, so that they may be blessed by God the Father and the Mother, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. May your example and your teaching, summed up in the phrase “ora et labora”, be the stimulus for building the universe as a temporary roof for the brothers and sisters who go to the house of the Mother and Father of God. Amen.

Here is a video with another prayer to St Benedict for work, don’t forget to watch it.

St. Benedict Prayer For Protection At Work

Oración a San Benito para el trabajo

If you have problems at work, if your colleagues do not work with you but against you, or if you have a superior who is not qualified and who limits your abilities, I leave you a prayer to St Benedict for protection, a work that will serve you well, do not forget to do it with much faith and to adapt it to your needs.

Please, St Benedict, help me to do your bidding to honour those in authority, I am struggling with an unethical boss who has set his sights on me and is working to undermine everything I do. Please help me to respect the authority You have given him.

Please surround me with peace, strength and truth to overcome deceitful and dishonest behaviour day in and day out. Help me and give me wisdom and strength to be your faithful servant. Please, dear St Benedict, hear my prayer. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Oración a San Benito para el trabajo

Another prayer to St Benedict of Palermo for work is the one below, which is also very powerful, as long as you do it with a lot of faith, you can use it whenever you need it.

St Benedict, I ask you through the blood of Jesus to remove the poisonous attacks from my colleagues that I am facing at work. Please give me strength, help me to do well and to know all aspects of my development.

I pray for them and I pray the Blood of Jesus against the demons working behind the scenes. I ask St Benedict to bless me with peace of mind, courage and faith in the future. I promise you, St Benedict, that I will continue to work in your service. Bless us with peace of mind and may our cup overflow and our barns be filled. Amen.