St Michael the Archangel is considered the great protector of the Catholic Church. Learn the novena to St Michael the Archangel for love, work, health and more.

Catholic novena to St Michael the Archangel

The novena to Saint Michael the Archangel is very important in order to be protected from all evil and danger. This novena is the main weapon in the fight against the seductions that Satan offers us every day.

Before beginning the novena to Saint Michael the Archangel, it is necessary to make the sign of the cross as an initial act. This is followed by an act of contrition and then the opening or preparatory prayer.

Opening or preparatory prayer

O my beloved Saint Michael the Archangel, you are the most beloved prince of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. O great saint, you who enjoy the heavenly paradise, we come to you in this novena because I know of your graces infused by God. We pray to you, St Michael the Archangel, for the favours we have come to ask of you.

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We pray for your protection and deliverance from this sea of darkness in which we are immersed. Intercede with the great Queen, the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, that she may obtain for us her Son Jesus. Amen.

Concluding prayer

O St Michael, you have been entrusted with the care of the goods of the Catholic Church and of each one of us. We ask you to help us in the areas of our daily lives: that we may be better at our work and for our health. Protect us under your fatherly arm from all dangers, from our enemies and bad vibes.

We want to be free, so that we may honour You with greater dignity and enjoy the virtues of God, our Lord, to the full. Amen.

First day

O my great St Michael the Archangel, to you we entrust ourselves on this first day to be our shield. You who are the fighter against the seductions of Lucifer, grant that we may not fall into his evil temptations. Blessed Saint Michael, you who represent the true path of truth, justice, righteousness and goodness, in you we trust for the favours we ask in this novena.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession. In the same way, you can know the novena to St. Mark of Leon, which will help you to protect yourself from your enemies.

novena a San Miguel Arcángel

Second day

Glorious Saint Michael, you are the great patron of all the archangels of heaven. Have mercy on these noble spirits whom we invoke in this novena. O Prince, obtain for us your paternal protection against all the evils that pursue us daily. We come to you with the greatest dignity and honour. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession.

Third day

O Archangel Michael, to whom we entrust the protection of the Kingdom of Heaven, we pray that you will heal these troubled hearts, so that we may know that there is a solution to all our problems. I know that you will hear us and that you will not abandon this holy novena. We as Catholics will obey Your great laws. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession.

Fourth day

O Prince Michael, who in your power was able to fight the temptations of Satan with greater grace. Give us the courage that you had to face our problems and to get out of them. You are the joy of all the angels in heaven and of all men on earth. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession. To accompany this novena to St Michael the Archangel, it is necessary to know the novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is also very powerful.

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Fifth day

Most magnanimous Saint Michael the Archangel, we wish you to bestow your great love on us from now on. You are the instrument of the great miracles of the world. Therefore, in the name of Your infinite victories, we ask You to enable us to defeat evil influences, envy, hatred, resentment and other dark feelings that destroy the heart. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession.

Sixth day

O great St Michael, you who know how to govern, allow me to control the flames of passion that overflow my heart. O Prince of Heaven, grant that every grace offered in this novena may be fulfilled, so that I may adore you today, tomorrow and forever. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession. Just as St Michael the Archangel is able to rule, so you can also meet St Mark of Léon, who also tames and binds the enemies.

Novena a San Miguel Arcángel

Seventh Day

O most gracious St Michael, who rests in heaven at God’s side, let him intercede for us so that he may forgive us our past sins. From now on we promise to venerate you with the most fervent devotion. Oh, thank you, St Michael, for your willingness to listen to these prayers. We wish to obtain your blessing through this novena. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession.

Eighth day

O Supreme Prince, who by your valour overcame the obstacles placed by Satan, we ask you to grant us your great wisdom so that we may discern more clearly. We also ask you to fill the Holy Catholic Church with your wisdom, so that her lay ministers may make the best decisions and serve without reserve. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession.

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Ninth day

King of archangels, we thank you for hearing these prayers, we come to take our leave on this ninth day. Love all your servants as God loved each one of us, even to the point of giving his life for sinners. With all our hearts and souls we thank you for your great care. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for intercession.

Novena to St Michael the Archangel for Love

The novena to St Michael the Archangel for Love is very powerful in bringing back the one you long for. Remember that there are other ways, such as the Holy Red Death, to attract a love that has slipped through the cracks. Both the opening and closing prayers can be the same as those outlined above to open and close this novena.

First day

O blessed St. Michael the Archangel, you who love each of your cherubim who dwell in heaven, I ask you in this novena to reach again my beloved who reluctantly does not want to return to my side. O noble Prince, into your hands I entrust each of these words so that the love of my life may return to me repentant for having abandoned me. Amen.

Pray 3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory Be. You can also consult the prayer to the Holy Death for impossible love.

Second day

Great Saint Michael, at this moment I am not living in peace, my heart is in great pain. Let the evils and sorrows disappear with the coming of Love. Heavenly Prince, I wish you to listen to my prayers so that I may feel better spiritually. Unite my heart with the heart of (name of the person you love) so that he/she may love me immensely with the same strength with which I love him/her. Amen.

Say 3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Third day

O venerable St. Michael, who with your mighty wings conquered the evil power of the devil. I prostrate myself before you to intercede for me in my search for love, to find a faithful and good-hearted companion who will reciprocate in the same way. I want to turn my days of loneliness into hours of immense joy. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory be. Know also the powers of the Holy Red Death in matters of love.

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Fourth day

Prince St. Michael, you are the most beloved guardian of God, you are the great purity that reigns on the heavenly level. I wish that, with the help of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you may intervene in the feelings of (person’s name) so that he may return to me, although he is far from my heart. I hope that through the mediation of this novena he will think of me more, dream of me more and that his love will belong to me. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Fifth Day

O most beloved St Michael the Archangel, because my soul is afflicted as the Virgin once was when she saw her Son suffering on the Cross. I ask you with all the strength of my heart to enlighten my paths so that I may have the love of (name of person) with me. I long to be able to form with him/her a great family whose primary values we can foster with our infinite union. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory be. The virtues possessed by Saint Martha Dominatrix are very effective when you want to bind a love.

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Sixth day

O most holy St Michael the Archangel, at this moment I am devastated by this heartbreak. I hope that you will clear up the confusion that (name of person) is experiencing so that he can see that he will be happy with me forever. I want to be present in his thoughts from now on so that he can clarify his feelings and prefer me. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Seventh day

Heavenly Prince Michael, through your protective power against the devil, through the powers of the earth and the embracing fire, I come to ask you that the love of (name of person) may be turned to me, that his heart may belong only to me and beat with love for me. I hope that the many tears shed at this time will be transformed into drops of happiness. Draw his ungrateful love to my side forever. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory be.

Eighth day

O glorious Prince who clothes the heavens, so that I may feel safe under your protecting arm, I ask you never to let go of my hand when you hear this request, make (name of person) love me forever as soon as possible, to fulfil his or her duties as a bridegroom or bridegroom. At this moment my heart and soul are desolate for lack of love, so on this eighth day I come to you with the greatest devotion. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory be. You can know the prayer to St Michael the Archangel for love to strengthen the novena to St Michael the Archangel.

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Ninth day

O most divine Saint Michael the Archangel, who took it upon yourself to defeat the fury of Lucifer in the face of his absurd pretensions. In your great humility I come to you so that (name of person) may come to me in love and repentance for the harm I have caused. On this ninth day, I thank You for having listened to each of these petitions, in the hope that You will grant me what I have asked so much of You. Amen.

3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Novena to St Michael the Archangel for Work

If you are in trouble because you can’t get a job or you have been fired, you can solve this situation with the novena to St Michael the Archangel for work. Just pray this novena with great faith for immediate benefit. The opening and closing prayers can be used from the Catholic novena to St Michael the Archangel.

First day

My Saint Michael the Archangel, you are the prince of the heavens and the king of the angels who dwell there. In this novena I reaffirm my devotion to you with great humility, for you are God’s divine creation. On this occasion, I come to ask you to help me find a good job that will support me and my family. I want to use my job to help those in need with employment opportunities. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

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Second day

To you, dear St Michael, to whom God has given an infinitely beautiful heaven to reign at your pleasure with your archangels. My soul is unhappy to know that I am unemployed. I wish that my boss would appreciate my work qualities again and reconsider reinstating me in my job. I need money to support my family. O St Michael, do not abandon me in this great need. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Third day

O most gracious St Michael the Archangel, who is in the pleasant company of Our Lord Jesus Christ and among the choir of angels. On this day I come to implore You that I may never lack work, for many people besides myself depend on it. I only hope that I can count on Your blessing today, tomorrow and always, so that my work may flourish and produce the best results. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Or you could say the Holy White Death, patron saint of all workers in need.

novena a San Miguel Arcángel

Fourth day

Saint Michael, I pray to you for the greatest benefit under your divine grace. I hope that you will solve this situation that is overwhelming me, this economic and financial rut that can only be solved with a decent job. Have mercy on me as God has had mercy on all the sinners of the world. I praise, glorify, adore and worship You for You are the forerunner of the devil’s collapse before his cruel intentions. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Fifth day

Blessed St Michael, you who helped to free us from the evil clutches of the devil. On this occasion I ask for your intercession to improve my situation. I am in a moment of spiritual and financial ruin. O glorious St Michael, bring me out of this financial predicament with a job. I urgently need a job that will meet my needs. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Sixth day

Almighty God, who together with St. Michael the Archangel delivered the lost souls from purgatory, I pray that my work will be prosperous at all times as it has been so far. I wish to provide help with sources of employment, as I will feel satisfied with myself when I see that my employees enjoy their work as much as I do. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us and hear these words. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Seventh day

Most Glorious St. Michael the Archangel, you are recognised as God’s most faithful guard in heaven. I ask you to combat the misery that afflicts me at this time. I long for you to intercede with the virtue of God, so that with his Son, I may be given the infinite blessing. O great prince, as you fought against the forces of evil, give me the strength to fight against my unemployment. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. The prayer to Saint Martin Knight for luck and love is effective, if you wish to pray it.

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Eighth day

My holy Archangel Michael, I thank you for hearing my petitions on this eighth day. I wish to increase my devotion to you, for you are the great protector of Mother Church and all her ministers. My words seem to reach you, for I feel empowered to do my best work. Amen.

Say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Ninth day

Glorious St Michael the Archangel, I thank you for the favours you have given me, for not abandoning me and my family. On this occasion I take my leave of you, without any other thanks than to thank you for your intercession before God. Amen.

Novena to St Michael the Archangel for health

The novena to St Michael the Archangel can be used to pray for the health and speedy recovery of a sick relative. The only task of the speaker is to pray this rosary for 9 consecutive days. The opening and closing prayers can be used in the same way as the Catholic novena to St Michael the Archangel.

Novena a san miguel arcángel

First day

Blessed are you, St Michael the Archangel, I come to you through the mediation of God and the Virgin Mary to heal our brother (or sister) (the name of the sick person is given) of all curable and incurable diseases. May the Lord wrap him/her in His holy mantle and grant him/her healing. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

Second day

O venerable St Michael the Archangel, through the intercession of God and the Virgin Mary, we ask you to heal (person’s name) from all wounds in his heart and soul, from hatred and resentment. Free him from all these evil feelings and grant him lasting health. May the Lord wrap him in His holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

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Third day

O Archangel Michael, we ask you to help (name of person) to recover his/her health and thus eradicate the pretensions of this illness. May this illness cause him/her to reflect on the important fact of living, enjoying and loving. Prepare his heart and soul to endure this strange illness. We also pray for the forgiveness of his sins.

May the Lord wrap His holy mantle around our brother and sister. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

Fourth day

Lord Jesus, you are known as the Giver of life and death, through the mediation of St Michael the Archangel, we come to ask you for (name of person) whom we love dearly. We wish that he/she be relieved of all the pains that make him/her suffer, that he/she be relieved of all the sorrows that are in his/her soul and therefore make his/her heart sick. May his sufferings be less and his health increase. May the Lord embrace him (her) in his (her) holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

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Fifth day

Lord Jesus, who gave your life on the cross, have mercy on us and on (name of person) who is sick and in need of physical, spiritual and moral healing. May he/she regain the strength and vigorous health that characterise him/her. May the Lord wrap him/her in His holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

Sixth day

Lord, you are just as merciful as St Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of the heavens. Both are able to cure the most acute illness and to deliver the most needy from their troubles. We implore you with our hearts in our hands for the health of (name of person). We come to you with the greatest possible faith to obtain a miracle for the health of our loved one. May the Lord receive him or her into His holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

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Seventh Day

Our Prince, Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven, O most wise Saint Michael, who is the most loving guardian of the whole heavenly plane. We kneel before you to pray for the speedy recovery of (name of person), so that he may regain the vigorous health he has always had. May the Lord grant him protection under your holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

Eighth day

God the Father, the Giver of Wisdom, help us to know what to do in this moment of illness that is afflicting our brother (a), help us to give him the spiritual strength he so desperately needs to feel better, as well as the optimism to bring him (a) out of this depression and illness as soon as possible. May the Lord, through the mediation of St Michael the Archangel, wrap him in His holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

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Ninth day

We thank God and St Michael the Archangel for answering our prayers for the health of (name of person). We are convinced of your infinite power and therefore trust in a speedy recovery. May the Lord continue to protect him under his holy mantle. Amen.

Say the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

Novena to St Michael the Archangel for protection

Thanks to the novena to St Michael the Archangel for protection, you can feel safe from any temptation sponsored by Satan. You can also invoke it for the care of your family and friends.

First day

O my great St Michael the Archangel, to you we entrust ourselves on this first day to be our shield. You who are the fighter against the seductions of Lucifer, do not let us fall into his evil temptations. Blessed Saint Michael, you who represent the true path of truth, justice, righteousness and goodness, in you we trust for the favours we ask in this novena.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

Second day

Glorious St Michael, you are the great patron of all the archangels of heaven. Have mercy on these noble spirits whom we invoke in this novena. O Prince, obtain for us your paternal protection against all the evils that pursue us daily. We come to you with the greatest dignity and honour. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

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Third day

O Archangel Michael, to whom we entrust the protection of the Kingdom of Heaven, we ask you to heal these troubled hearts, so that we may know that there is a solution to all our problems. I know that you will hear us and that you will not abandon this holy novena. We as Catholics will obey Your great laws. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

Fourth day

O Prince Michael, who in your power was able to fight the temptations of Satan with greater grace. Give us the courage that you had to face our problems, so that we may come out of them with the strength that you had to face them. You are the joy of all the angels in heaven as well as of all people on earth. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

Fifth day

Magnanimous St Michael the Archangel, we wish that from now on you will give us your great love. You are the instrument of the great miracles of the world. Therefore, in the name of your infinite victories, we ask you to enable us to defeat evil influences, envy, hatred, resentment and other dark feelings that destroy the heart. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

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Sixth day

O great St Michael, you who know how to govern, control the flames of passion that overflow my heart. O Prince of Heaven, grant that every grace offered in this novena may be fulfilled, so that I may worship you today, tomorrow and forever. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

Seventh Day

O most gracious St. Michael, who rests in heaven at God’s side, may He Himself intercede for us and forgive us our past sins. From now on we promise to venerate you with the most fervent devotion. Oh, thank you, St Michael, for your willingness to listen to these prayers. We wish to obtain your blessing through this novena. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

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Eighth day

O Supreme Prince, who by your valour overcame the obstacles placed by Satan, we ask you to grant us your great wisdom so that we may discern with greater clarity. We also ask you to fill the Holy Catholic Church with your wisdom, so that her lay ministers may make the best decisions and serve without reserve. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection. You can protect yourself not only with the novena to St Michael the Archangel, but also with the prayer of protection contained in Psalm 91.

Ninth day

King of the Archangels, we thank you for listening to these prayers, we come to bid you farewell on this ninth day. Love all your servants as God has loved each one of us, even to the point of giving his life for sinners. With all our hearts and souls we thank you for your great care. Amen.

Pray 9 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias for protection.

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Prayer decree to St Michael the Archangel

St Michael the Archangel is also known for his famous and powerful decree, which was delivered by the saint himself on 15 October. The decree is as follows:

“I shine with light because I am a saint with divine grace. Nothing and no one can harm, hurt or injure me because these energies do not affect me at all. I have no fear because I trust in God’s blessing. The blood of Christ flows through my blue sword and with it I cut away the bad vibrations.

I am who I am, son of the Creator of the face of the earth, under Him I am forever. I am the insatiable flame that nothing and no one can extinguish, for as long as I am on this plane I will always be the Light, the Light!

Novena a San Miguel Arcángel

I will always be forward and backward, on every plane and in every dimension I am, I am that I am! I am Archangel Michael.

How to make a novena to Saint Michael the Archangel?

In order to make the novenas described in this article, it is essential that the speaker has true faith, an optimistic spirit that everything will work out and, above all, trust that Saint Michael the Archangel will listen to each of these novenas.

As a suggestion in the case of the novena to Saint Michael the Archangel for love, the person praying can place a small altar with red flowers next to the photo of the person he or she wishes to attract. If this procedure is followed, the novena will be more than effective; therefore, St. Michael the Archangel will have received every favour requested.

It is not necessary to set a timetable for the novena to St Michael the Archangel. It is only necessary to have a comfortable place where one can pray.

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How is the novena to Saint Michael the Archangel prayed?

First of all, the speaker must make the sign of the cross, which formally begins the novena to Saint Michael the Archangel.

This is followed by an act of contrition to confirm that we are sinners and that we are seeking forgiveness for our sins. This is followed by the daily opening prayer.

At the end of each day’s prayer, the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be should be said. In some cases the number of Our Fathers and Hail Marys may vary.

At the end of the novena to St Michael the Archangel, the final prayer plus the Sign of the Cross is recited again as the culminating rite.

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When does the novena to Saint Michael the Archangel begin?

The novena to St Michael the Archangel usually begins on the 20th of September, so that the ninth day is on his feast day, i.e. the 29th of September. The novenas listed in this article can be prayed during this week, with the exception of the novena to St Michael the Archangel for health, which can be prayed at any time.

Novena to St Michael the Archangel with joys

The novena to St Michael the Archangel can also include the singing of his well-known gozos. They are usually sung on the ninth day, 29 September. The following are the joys of St Michael the Archangel:

For in heaven you rejoice with your great gifts; give consolation to every heart. You are the leader of the chief militia, for you defeated Luzbel in a pitched battle and threw his evil plans to the ground. Give comfort to every heart.

You have banished the man who insulted God. Give comfort to every heart. You who went to the people of Israel and returned victorious. Grant comfort to every heart.

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When Christ was sad in the garden, he said his prayer. From heaven you brought his healing. Give consolation to every heart. Advocate and protector of all Catholic goods, you who welcome the needy with help and protection. Give consolation to every heart.

Novena to St Michael the Archangel Crown

The novena to St Michael the Archangel can also be accompanied by his crown of angels or rosary of angels. The crown begins with the sign of the cross and a Gloria.

Note: At the end of each Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.

novena a san miguel arcángel

  1. Through the mediation of St Michael and the army of seraphim, that God may receive you with His blessing. Amen.
  2. Through the intercession of St Michael and all his cherubim, that he may remove sin from the world. Amen.
  3. Through the intercession of St Michael and the chorus of thrones, that he may teach us the value of humility. Amen.
  4. Through the mediation of St Michael the Archangel and the Choir of Powers, that he may help us to control our impulses. Amen.
  5. Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and his virtues, that we may not fall into the temptations of Lucifer. Amen.
  6. Through the help of St Michael, the prince of heaven, that we may be faithful followers in the world. Amen.
  7. Through the mediation of all the archangels of St Michael, that faith may prevail in our hearts. Amen.
  8. Through St Michael and all his beautiful angels, that he may watch over us on the earthly plane. Amen.