Blessed Barbara, whose real name is Barbara of Nicomedia because she was born in the city of Nicomedia, was born in the first half of the third century, without knowing an exact date. Find out more about this martyr saint who is celebrated in December.

History and life of Saint Barbara the Blessed

The great saint Blessed Barbara was born in the course of the 3rd century with no known date. She was the daughter of Dióscoro, a cruel and heartless man who kept her captive for a long time in order to prevent her from being married off at an early age. During her imprisonment, her father gave her an excellent education, especially in literature and philosophy.

The saint took advantage of the fact that her father always left her alone to strengthen her desire for Christianity. She also used it to send messages to her friends, among whom was Origen, one of the most intelligent men of the time and venerated by the Church. Saint Barbara ordered the construction of a third threshold in her bedroom to demonstrate the presence of the Holy Trinity.

Dióscoro returned to the castle where he had imprisoned the Blessed Barbara to marry her off. The father had already found a husband for his daughter, who was in great distress. The young woman insisted that her only husband and love was Christ, our Lord. Dióscoro loses his mind and tries to kill his daughter to sacrifice her to the pagan gods.

Saint Barbara, blessed as she was, managed to escape certain death at the hands of her father. Amidst screams and grief, she was taken to a mountain where she could hide from her father’s wrath.

Her peace was short-lived, for her father found her and made her a martyr. First he tied her to a horse and dragged her everywhere, then he burned her with cast iron. Diocorus sent his daughter to the judge to decide her fate, and she was sentenced to be beheaded by her own father.

Diocorus complied with the judge’s order and beheaded his daughter; a moment later, a bolt of lightning struck Diocorus’ humanity, killing him as well. According to the testimony of a Carmelite priest named Claudio de San José, the funeral of Saint Barbara Bendita was very well attended. At the same ceremony, the faithful noted that Santa Bárbara Bendita had granted them amazing miracles.

There is a reason for the 4th of December, as it seems to have been the date on which Dióscoro beheaded Saint Barbara Bendita. On that day, the saint was dressed in white with a red tunic. In Christian tradition, this colour represents the love and martyrdom suffered by all saints.

Saint Barbara Bendita is invoked by her followers in the face of sudden death, because her death was instantaneous, like that of her evil father. For this reason, the saint is attributed with the saving gift of death in many specific cases. Blessed Barbara was chosen from a very select list of auxiliary saints.

Although the great saint experienced real martyrdom and persecution, her faithful followers adopted her as the patron saint of festivals and the burning of gunpowder, so much so that in Europe fireworks are named after Saint Barbara. Some theologians claim that these celebrations are preceded by the lightning that killed Barbara’s father. The fire, flash, power and impact of lightning are similar to the functions of gunpowder.

Santa Barbara Bendita is often venerated by miners, firemen, policemen and partygoers. During heavy storms and tropical depressions, the parishioners go to her to ask for the natural phenomena to stop.

The legend of Santa Barbara Bendita

According to legend, the great Saint Barbara was born near the Sea of Marmara in the 3rd century. She was the daughter of an important man from Nicomedia called Diopsychorus, who was known for being cruel and vengeful towards his enemies. He was also a wealthy man who abused his power to commit military and civil crimes.

The paternal yoke and authoritarianism made Santa Bárbara Bendita a very unhappy young woman who spent most of her life in captivity. Dióscoro already had plans for his daughter’s future: to marry her off to a man of high social status. When his daughter refused, he decided to imprison her in one of his castles, with the clear aim of perpetuating his power through descendants who would carry on the family name.

For military reasons, Dioscoro went on a journey, leaving his daughter alone and without constant supervision. Barbara was 9 years old at the time, and although she was a very young girl, she had already had several suitors, all of whom were rejected by her father with displeased eyes.

Dióscoro protected his daughter not only from those poor men with no surname, but also from God, because he believed that it was a false doctrine and that the Most High did not exist. Nevertheless, Saint Barbara managed to learn various trades, such as sewing and handicrafts, and to acquire new knowledge of literature and philosophy.

The tower in which she was imprisoned had two large windows, which allowed her to admire a beautiful panorama and to benefit from ventilation. She ordered the construction of a third window so that she could have a representation of the Holy Trinity in her chamber. Although the practice of Christianity was condemned by Nicodemus, Saint Barbara never gave up her desire to serve God.

As the years went by, Blessed Barbara was already a cultured and learned woman, with the necessary knowledge of everything related to the Word of God. Dióscoro’s return was inevitable, and Barbara could no longer hide her Christian faith from her authoritarian father.

Diocorus was furious to hear from his daughter that she wanted to serve God, and threatened to disinherit her. The young girl managed to escape her father’s yoke for a time by fleeing to a remote mountain. But there was no place where Dióscoro’s wrath did not reach, and so he found her. The father tried to make his daughter understand that her devotion would lead to her death; when she refused, he handed her over to the law.

Saint Barbara was subjected to cruel punishments such as being dragged on a horse, whipped and burned with hot irons. In the face of all these brutal acts, the saint lost her physical strength, while her spiritual strength was greater than ever. For the second time, they tried to persuade the young woman to change her behaviour and thoughts, but it was in vain, Barbara again professed her fidelity to God, so the punishments continued.

During her imprisonment, Saint Barbara appeared to the image of Jesus Christ, who helped to heal her wounds. When the guards entered the dungeon, they thought the girl had died, but to their surprise she received them standing up, without any physical abuse reflected on her skin. This was not enough for the woman, who was beheaded by her own father and killed by lightning at the same time.


Prayer to Santa Barbara Bendita

Santa Barbara Bendita has thousands of devotees around the world, including Santeria fanatics. It is important that everyone knows her prayer.

-O majestic Santa Barbara Bendita, who in the face of all opposition never gave up believing in God, Lord and Giver of Life. O my saint, who fought against all odds to maintain the purity of your heart in the face of the warnings of the tyrant diocese. You now enjoy the privileges obtained in heaven for your faithfulness to God on earth. Benigna Barbara, you who reign with happiness before your most fervent followers, we honour you with this prayer.

Saint of my heart, who suffered the greatest tortures to keep the faith alive in your heart, we ask you to remember all those of your faithful who are suffering on earth from the most terrible calamities. Fill them with great strength and power to face the adversities of daily life with a better attitude. Show us your sincere mercy so that we may know that you have heard this beautiful prayer. Amen.

Prayer to Blessed Barbara for the Return of a Loved One

-Blessed Barbara, on this occasion I come to you for a favour of love, so that (name of your loved one) may be united to me in body and soul. Protect our love as it was born one day without either of us being aware of it. Make him understand that his pride hurts me. I implore his speedy return so that his rebellious heart may understand that I love and respect him. O mighty, holy, righteous One, this is what I ask through this prayer. Amen.

Prayer to Blessed Barbara for protection from storms and tempests

-O blessed Saint Barbara, whose martyrdom was sponsored by the tyrant Dioscorus, yet you showed your best angelic face in spite of your suffering. On this day I ask for your intercession to protect us from evil winds, rains, storms, tempests and lightning. I also ask you to banish from my life all kinds of sorcery, heresy and instant death. Protect me from my enemies who simulate the power of deadly lightning.

Solve all problems of love, so that with Your sword we may protect ourselves from all evil and temptations of the devil, so that slander, insults and gossip may not reach us with their evil tongues. Amen.

Santa Bárbara Bendita Song and Lyrics

Here is one of the most famous songs dedicated to this powerful saint. It was written by Celina and Reutilio:

For you, my blessed Saint Barbara, for you my lyre sounds. For you, my blessed Saint Barbara, for your sake my lyre sounds. With great emotion we sing to you before your beautiful image. Long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, forever Changó.

From the depths of my heart, from the depths of my heart, this wonderful expression comes from you, so that from heaven you may send us your consolation and we may count on your blessing. Long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, forever Changó.

Virgin praised most pure, great Santa Bárbara Bendita. Virgen alabada purísima, grandiosa Santa Bárbara Bendita Take us to the heights of heaven with this beautiful song. Long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, forever Changó.

With much joy and emotion, we hope to count on your great blessing. You who illuminate everything with your sword and divine cup. Long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, forever Changó.

I pray to you for my homeland, Blessed Barbara, I pray to you for my homeland. We hope to count on your holy blessing. Long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, long live Changó, forever Changó.

Novena to Blessed Barbara

The novena to Blessed Barbara consists of a series of consecutive prayers for nine consecutive days. The novena in honour of the saint begins on 26 November and ends on 4 December, her feast day.

Opening prayer

O blessed Barbara, saint and martyr, in spite of the sacrifices you made in your life, you managed to reach the heavenly vault to share gifts with Almighty God. You suffered hunger, thirst and many tortures at the hands of your tyrannical father Dióscoro. Help me to endure so many vicissitudes of life as you endured these injustices in silence.

I ask for the intercession of Almighty God so that I may enter the gates of heaven at the moment of my departure from this earth. I wish to be your most faithful servant, accepting these sufferings with great humility and decency. At the moment of my death, I wish to have the greatest tranquillity, cadence and fullness in the company of the whole army of angels under the mighty sword of St Michael the Archangel. Amen.

First day

Almighty God, known as the giver of life on earth. Loving and everlasting God, who had compassion on the sacrificed life of the martyr Blessed Barbara. Through her the Holy Trinity is praised, which she was able to build into a beautiful window. I pray to you, glorious saint, that we may be firm in our convictions, that we may know how to defend our views, just as you defended your love for God in the face of the injustices of Nicodemus. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day. There are many martyred saints in the Christian world, such as St Blaise, patron saint of the sick and animals.

Second day

Almighty God, you gave the martyr Saint Barbara the strength to endure all the cruel punishments of her evil father. I pray that I may have the courage and perseverance to persevere in my life, grant me well-being and stability in all areas of my life, so that I may succeed in every goal I set for myself.

Protect me from all those enemies who try to threaten my peace of mind. O Holy Trinity and Blessed Barbara, hear this novena with peace of mind. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day. There are saints who specialise in helping their followers against their enemies, such as San Marcos or San Marcos de León.

Third day

O Most Holy Trinity, who were reflected in the stained glass window of the castle where Saint Barbara, Blessed, faithful follower of the holy designs of Our Lord Jesus Christ, remained in seclusion. I ask You, through Your heavenly mediation, to forgive my sins and the burning fire of my failures, pride and temptations in which I have been involved. I wish to live in an atmosphere of complete healing, both physically and spiritually. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day. If you are going through a difficult time in your life and you do not find a solution, remember that the power of San Expedito is very strong and you should not give up the possibility of invoking him.

Fourth day

O Almighty God, when you saw Blessed Barbara suffering on earth, you gave her a place of refuge so that she could find the peace she so desperately needed. Fleeing from her father’s yoke, she was martyred with greater hardship. I ask You to soften our hard hearts, that we may be more humble in our actions, that we may accept penance as honestly as possible. May the will of the Almighty be done so that we may be worthy to enjoy eternal glory. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day. Sometimes we need a lot of restraint and discernment.

We say 3 Our Fathers at the end of each day. Sometimes we need a lot of moderation and discernment to do things the right way, so St Jerome can help you as he is the most prudent and wise saint in Christianity.

Fifth day

O Almighty God, who delivered the great Saint Blessed Barbara from all the sufferings she endured at the hands of her malevolent Father, from whose virginal humanity the blessed blood flowed for the sake of her martyrdom at the Judgement.

Today I ask You to cleanse my path of all those sinful temptations that lead to sin and dishonour; may the sign of the cross be the key to watch over our conduct on the earthly plane and to remedy those acts that lead to vice and wickedness. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day. There are also other devotions that are not part of the Christian canon, but are still important in some countries, such as Mexico, such as the worship of Santa Muerte.

Sixth day

Almighty God, who is the cause of joy for all of us children who live in Christendom, grant that I may imitate the gifts of the saint and martyr Barbara with the greatest possible joy. I ask You to remove from my life the blasphemies against me and the insults that cover the whole world in order to sow discord.

I pray that my heart will always be free from any resentment, hatred or envy that would poison it in the face of the most beautiful feelings. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day. There are saints who take care of their children with a very preached rosary, as in the case of the novena to Saint Charbel.

Seventh day

Lord Jesus, only-begotten Son of God and of the Virgin Mary, you praised all the virtues of the glorious Saint Barbara, even as you observed her contempt and shame for Diocorus on her deathbed. Her clothes were as red as the blood that covered her, and her mantle was as white as the pure snow of Nicodemus.

I beseech you that at the moment of my death, it will not be painful and slow. I long to attain the glory of Almighty God and to share in the choir of angels and archangels who reign in heaven. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day.

Eighth day

Almighty God, who especially admired the beautiful legacy left on earth by the great saint, Blessed Barbara, I ask you to protect the whole of humanity from storms, earthquakes, endless downpours and withering lightning. Let it also be known that there is the fear of God for those sinners who do not correct their behaviour. I hope that this novena will be heard with the most loving attention. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day.

Ninth Day

Holy One of my heart, who suffered the greatest tortures to keep the faith alive in your heart, we ask you to remember all those of your faithful who are suffering on earth from the most terrible calamities. Fill them with great strength and power to face the adversities of daily life with a better attitude. Show us your sincere mercy so that we may know that you have heard this beautiful prayer. Amen.

Three Our Fathers are said at the end of each day.

Closing prayer

I thank you, O virginal Blessed Barbara, for having listened to this holy novena with firm attention. Pray for us that we may enter the Kingdom of Heaven without the stain of original sin. Amen.

Saint Barbara Patron saint of miners

The great Santa Bárbara Bendita is the patron saint of workers who handle fireworks or other explosives. In the province of León, where the Virgin of the Way is also the patron saint, there are miners who praise Barbara. In the mines or tunnels, the miners are responsible for building small altars in honour of Santa Bárbara Bendita, as this is the way to feel protected while working in such places.

Who is Santa Bárbara Bendita in Santería?

Santa Bárbara Bendita has often been associated with Changó (who represents storms and lightning), in other words, she is in parallel her namesake for Santeros. However, the saint cannot be compared to Changó because he comes from the Yoruba cult. He is the son of Yemaya and Orugán. In the santero world, Changó is a womanising and partying orsha who has committed an infinite number of incest and crimes.

Although it is true that Saint Bárbara and Changó share the same gift of fighting storms and tempests, the Christian world refuses to make any connection between the two, because Bárbara died a virgin and was whipped by her own father, while Changó committed incest by getting involved with his two sisters.

However, in a Santeria-practising country like Cuba, they establish the relationship between Santa Bárbara Bendita and Changó, and even celebrate both with great ceremonies in their santoral on 4 December.

Santa Bárbara Bendita Day in Venezuela

Throughout Venezuela, Santa Bárbara Bendita is celebrated on the 4th of December. On this day, the saint is honoured with wine, apples, ripe cambures, grapes and other allegorical fruits whose colours represent joy. Santa Bára Bendita is danced outside Venezuelan churches at the end of the Eucharist.

There are also sales, raffles or food sales to raise funds, in most cases sponsored by the local administrators. It should be noted that Santeria sympathisers also commemorate Changó, the orsha associated with Santa Bárbara as the god of fire, storms and lightning. The state of Anzoátegui is one of the Venezuelan states with the strongest adherence to Santeria.

Sayings of Saint Barbara

Here are the most significant sayings of the martyr Saint Barbara:

  • “God protects all children, because from Him they receive the purest and most perfect innocence.
  • “It is necessary to raise a cry of conversion so that prayer may be heard as it has never been heard before”.
  • “Only through the Rosary and many sacrifices can mankind be saved from sin.
  • “Those souls who venerate the virtues of St Joseph and the Virgin Mary will be able to experience eternal purification.

Prayer to Saint Barbara for the union of spouses

O Blessed Barbara, on this occasion I come to you to ask a favour of love, so that (name of your beloved) may unite with me in body and soul. Protect our love, just as one day it was born without either of us being aware of it. Make him understand that his pride hurts me. I implore his speedy return so that his rebellious heart may understand that I love and respect him. O mighty, holy, righteous One, this is what I ask through this prayer. Amen.

santa bárbara bendita

Rituals of Santa Barbara Bendita

To drive away the storms

To begin the ritual of Saint Barbara to drive away storms, it is necessary to invoke this short prayer:

O Saint Barbara, blessed forever, blessed are you in heaven and on the cross of death. Drive away these storms and bring peace to heaven.

The prayer should be repeated three times, or if the speaker wishes to do it a fourth or fifth time, there is no problem. During the above step, a white candle is wrapped in a white cloth and sprinkled with holy water. Then place the covered candle in the window and you will see that the rain begins to decrease in intensity.

You can also do energetic cleansing or energetic baths with the following elements

  • Coconut oil
  • Red candle or apple-shaped candle
  • aromatic incense
  • Gold, honey and silver essence

During the aromatic bath, the little prayer above is invoked to ask for the cessation of storms; in other cases, personal petitions are made to bring peace and harmony both in the home and in the individuality of the speaker. There are other very good rituals, such as the rituals of the Holy Death, which are often invoked to obtain any favour.

Rosary to Saint Barbara

The novena or rosary of Santa Barbara Bendita begins on 26 November and ends on 4 December. There are even situations in which the Rosary is prayed in its entirety on the evening of 3 December throughout Venezuela.

Dreaming of Santa Barbara Bendita

-If Santa Barbara appears in your dream wearing the clothes of Changó, it means that you have not completely purified your spirituality and that you need to meditate.

-If Santa Barbara appears in your dream next to a tray of fruit, it means that you should make an offering to the saint so that she can help you with whatever you need.

Santa Bárbara Bendita and Changó

Santa Bárbara and Changó are praised by the Santero world on the 4th of December. She resembles Changó, an orsha who is the patron of storms, fire and the sun.

Although it is true that Santa Bárbara and Changó have the same gift of fighting storms and tempests, the Christian world refuses to establish any links between the two, because Bárbara died a virgin and was whipped by her own father, while Changó committed incest by getting involved with his two sisters.