Learn and use Santa Muerte’s spells and effective love bindings that will ensure they never leave your side and never stop loving you.

Hechizos y Amarres de Amor Efectivos de la Santa Muerte

Effective Love Spells and Bindings of the Santa Muerte, Incantation

This is an ideal spell to bind the person you love to your side, it is one of the most efficient of the Santa Muerte spells and effective love bindings, because it usually takes effect after three days, and you will know this because you will notice some changes in their attitude towards you, such as paying more attention to you, seeking more of your company and having more common interests, such as caring more about your family, especially the in-laws.

Remember that Santa Muerte is considered a friend who accompanies us since we are born and that her cult is spreading from North America to the South because she is very effective, you should not offer her anything that cannot be fulfilled because the spell can be reversed, but even so it is better to offer something that can be fulfilled, she will take it into account and will do, along with your faith that this spell is quick and accurate.

The first thing to do in these spells and effective love spells of Santa Muerte is to prepare an altar, not too high, to place the images of Santa Muerte, yours, the person to be bewitched, a garment of that person if it is an intimate garment or a lock of hair.


A red string or ribbon, the redder the better, a few candles to symbolise your love, a white candle for the purity of that love, a few red roses, a transparent hermetically sealed bag, you can also light coconut incense, cherry, cayenne or roses.

On the altar with the images, lit candles, incense and other elements, you will recite this incantation four times around midnight or 3.30 a.m. on a Friday.


I invoke the Red Santa Muerte and I ask that the person I love with passion will not leave my heart, will always have me in his mind, will not stop wanting me, because with these spells and effective love bindings of Santa Muerte I make a bond to bind us in this life until the time of our departure.

Then pray an Our Father and three Hail Marys, put the three images in the transparent bag that was tied before, the image of the Red Santa Muerte should be behind the person under the spell, then take the intimate garment or the lock of hair and put it also in the same bag in front of the three images, leave the candles and incense lit.



Then you take this bag and at dawn you bury it under a plant of your liking, if it is a rose bush better, and you will see, if you have faith, the effects will begin to manifest after three days and leave it there until you see consolidated your loving union, at that time you burn a whole noon. This is a spell among the Spells and Effective Love Bindings of Santa Muerte, based on white magic and is designed to strengthen those unions that are beginning or declining.

Effective love spells and unions of Santa Muerte, conjure


Prepare these love spells or spells and effective love ties of Santa Muerte, with three photos or pictures; 1 of the person you love, 1 picture of yourself and 1 picture of Santa Muerte, light red candles and incense of roses, dress in red tones mostly combined with white and gold, also use your special cologne that you always use and will use at least daily for a month.

By the Holy, the Most Holy Death, from today you will desire to have me and from your mind you will never take me away, because the Holy Death will bless our union, your heart I will dominate and only in my eyes you will see passion and from your work you will go to my house every day, your love will calm in me its ardour, my arms will dominate you and no other person you will desire.


By the holy, holy death that will bind us with these spells and effective love bindings of Santa Muerte from today and forever, I conjure this love so that we live the same destiny and walk the same path until the end of our lives.

Oh, Santa Muerte, I implore you so that this being that I love does not turn his mind away from me and his carnal desires are only to love me, Santa Muerte you who are my friend forever, help me to have him so that we both are united in this life and the next and through you our love is blessed. Amen.