Many people are not aware of the number of books in the Jehovah’s Witness Bible, so today we are going to talk about it and its history.
how many books are in the jehovah’s witness bible?
In fulfilling the mission of proclaiming the kingdom of God, Jehovah’s Witnesses have published hundreds of books, millions of copies of which have been distributed.
Hundreds of books, millions of copies of which have been distributed, but one in particular stands out.
It is a work with a long history, the culmination of many years of study, and it is the New World Translation of the New Testament.
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures contains the holy writings that come from God, and it can be considered one of the most important.
It contains the sacred writings of God and can be considered one of the best translations of the Bible ever produced,
But what is its real history?
In the mid-19th century, it was very easy to obtain translations of the Bible in English.
The Bible Society, now known as the Watchtower, used various Bibles in its research and recommended some to its readers.
In 1884, Russell and others who wanted to promote biblical education founded the
Zion’s Watch Tower, for the benefit of his readers.
began to distribute Bibles and took a special interest in various study Bibles, buying in bulk to get good prices.
They bought large quantities in order to get good prices and to be able to distribute them at a much reduced cost.
Bible students were able to buy the King James Version, for example,
and some of the famous Teachers’ Bibles, which were editions of the King James, with concordances,
maps and marginal notes.
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We continue with its history.
The Emphatic Diaglott, is an interlinear translation from Greek into English, the Lesser translation which placed the English text alongside the Hebrew, the Newberry which had marginal notes.
which placed the English text alongside the Hebrew, the Newberry, which had marginal notes pointing to the places
the places where the divine name appears, in the original language, and the New
Tischendorf’s New Testament, which included notes explaining the variations in the ancient Greek biblical manuscripts.
Greek biblical manuscripts, the Zion’s Society also commissioned a special printing of Rotherham’s New Testament, which was published as the
Rotherham’s New Testament, the first Bible to bear the name of the legal entity.
In 1966 the word Bible was added to the Society’s legal name, at which time your organisation did not print Bibles.
At that time, the organisation did not print Bibles, but commissioned private companies to do so.
It can still be said that it was a Bible translation publishing organisation,
Eventually the organisation took on the task of printing translations and in December 1926 The Empathic Diaglott was produced,
The Empathic Diaglott was produced, and in 1942 it printed a complete King James Bible,
Although these editions were very useful, the organisation was determined to pass on the Word of God in the Bible.
determined to communicate the Word of God in the best possible way.
In 1950 it was announced to the 200,075 present that something very special had been achieved,
The Bible research of recent years had borne fruit.
Bible research could continue to prepare the Hebrew Scriptures for the New World Translation.
The New World Translation was published in parts over a period of 11 years, and in 1961 the complete Bible was published in one volume.
was published in a single volume, the Bible could be purchased for as little as one dollar.
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Finishing the story
Bible lovers finally had a reliable translation that included
66 books that Jehovah’s Witnesses can read with confidence.
Now that we know exactly how many books are in the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Bible, we can talk a little more about its great history.
We can go on to talk a little more about its great history.
There is no doubt that the best thing that has been done in the translation is the effort that has been made to put the name of God Jehovah back where it belongs.
the name of God Jehovah back to where it was in the original writings, the New World translation was not the best.
The New World Translation was not the first in which the name of God appeared,
but perhaps for the people who believe in it, it was the first to maintain coherence by putting it both in the scriptures
In both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, there are people who criticise because in the translation of the Greek
in the translation of the Greek scriptures, they use the name of God.
Jesus’ disciples probably followed the Jewish superstition of not using it, but the truth is that in other translations of the Bible, it is also used.
translations of the Bible, the name Jehovah also appears in the Greek Scriptures, and there is a good reason for this.
There is a good reason for that.
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The end
Now that we really know how many books there are in the Jehovah’s Witness Bible, we are fully aware that there are 66 of them.
We are fully aware that there are 66 books of them, to many people this may seem like something totally unimportant, but it is really good to know everything.
Totally unimportant, but it is really good to know everything about the religions, to be able to instruct ourselves in everything that is necessary.
to instruct ourselves in all that is necessary, so that we do not remain as people who know nothing.
When we talk about religions, it should be noted that not all people believe in the translation of the New World,
Because each religion has its own beliefs about things, but that does not mean that we should get into an argument because someone does not read the same Bible as someone else.
Because someone does not read the same Bible as we do, we should just respect each other so that we can please God in the best possible way.
When we talk about pleasing God in the best possible way, let’s remember that respecting others not only makes us completely different from others, but also speaks to us.
It also speaks well of us as the good religious people that we are, if you don’t really believe in this Bible, then just don’t believe in this Bible.
If you don’t really believe in this Bible, just don’t read it, and only God knows who really does the right thing all the time.
The right thing all the time, I hope you liked the subject of how many books the Jehovah’s Witness Bible has, and what is really its history.
and what its history really is.
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