Learn about Nuwaubianism, the sect that sought to establish the superiority of the black race. Read about its history, beliefs and founder.


About Nuwaubianism

Nuwaubianism was a religious sect of American origin that sought to impose black supremacy on the United States and the world.

It was characterised by the promotion of such diverse aspects as black racial claims, extraterrestrials, cryptozoology to prove the existence of extinct animals, UFOs, pederasty, white supremacy, Egyptian art, etc., which characterised this extravagant sect.

It was a movement that derived its precepts mainly from the Nation of Islam, a religious and socio-political organisation that sought to revive the spiritual, mental, social and economic consciousness of the African-American population, and from the Black Muslims, a religious-nationalist movement of the black American community.

The sect also showed signs of being influenced by Shaverism, the conspiracy theory propounded by the writer Richard Sharpe Shaver, which posited the existence of a mutated, high-tech humanoid race living underground and committing atrocities against humanity. In Catholic Church and Cults, it is possible to explore the characteristics of cults.


Similarly, Nuwaubianism shares some of the beliefs of so-called UFO sects or religions that claim to have had contact with alleged extraterrestrials.

The story of Dwight York and Nuwaubianism

The founder of Nuwaubianism was Malachi Dwight York, an African-American musician, writer and nationalist leader whose story is best known for the news events surrounding his trial and conviction for child sexual abuse and possession of illegal substances.

York was born in Boston, Massachusetts on 26 June 1935, although others report that he was born in 1945. In addition, York himself reportedly claimed that he was born in Sudan, the son of a Sudanese royal prince, and that his mother was Egyptian.

York said that he had once travelled to Egypt with his father to study Islam, as he was supposedly a preacher of Islam among the Nubian tribes, the ethno-linguistic group of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. York was to take part in this preaching.

Later, as a teenager, he returned to the United States, to the state of New Jersey. He began his ministry in the late 1960s and from 1967 preached in a group in Brooklyn that he called Pan-African, whose members were called Nubians, a reference to African Americans.

He founded Nuwaubianism in 1967 in New York City, where he introduced concepts such as the world being dominated by a series of reptilian-like mutant beings, the black race being of extraterrestrial origin, and the white race being a failed genetic experiment. You can read more about this kind of movement in Kadampa Buddhism.

In 1964, York made headlines when he was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl, to which he pleaded guilty and was granted probation.

However, he soon violated his parole when he was found in possession of a gun and drugs, and was jailed for three years.

After serving this sentence, he joined the Black Panther movement, a revolutionary, socialist, black nationalist political organisation active in the United States between 1966 and 1982.


York is said to have legally changed his name on several occasions and also to have used aliases, depending on the circumstances. Among the names he adopted were Malachi Z. York, Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi or Imaam Isa Abdullah, with which he founded the movement initially known as the “Science of Nuwaubianism”, which he preached primarily among Nubians and was also part of the Black Israelite phenomenon.

He also spent a period of his life as a hip-hop singer, recording several songs.


Again in 2004, York was convicted of multiple counts of sexual abuse of children as young as four, most of whom were members of his sect.

In his defence, York claimed that as a descendant of the Annunaki, a group of Sumerian and Akkadian Asian deities, he had the right to have multiple wives, regardless of their age, and that this allowed paedophilia in his sect. This argument was not accepted.

He then claimed that he was a Native American of Cherokee origin, an indigenous group of the south-eastern United States, and should therefore be judged by autonomous Cherokee laws. This was noted as a contradiction in his testimony, as he had previously stated that he was Egyptian-Sudanese.

As this claim was also rejected, he then claimed that he was a Liberian diplomat and therefore had diplomatic immunity.

This last plea was also rejected, and in 2002 he was sentenced to 135 years in prison for more than 100 cases of sexual abuse, including dozens of cases involving children.

York is serving his sentence as inmate number 17911/054 at ADX Florence, a maximum security federal prison in Fremont County, near the town of Florence, Colorado.


Beliefs of this sect

Among the beliefs that sustained this sect, we can mention that they mixed dogmas from different trends and movements, such as Rastafarism, the socio-cultural and religious movement that considers the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, as an incarnation of God; New Age, a philosophical and spiritualist current of Eastern and Western traditions; Ufology, the study of UFOs and encounters with extraterrestrials; and science fiction.

It also included the racist theories of black nationalism, influenced by the likes of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, David Icke and the literature of Richard Sharpe Shaver.

Its core beliefs include

Referring to its founder Dwight York

Among these we can point out that

  • He was considered to be the living God in whom Melchisedec, the Archangel Gabriel and Jesus, among others, were reincarnated.
  • He was said to be the Mahdi, the being chosen and expected by Islam to establish justice and brotherhood.
  • He claimed to be from the planet Rizq and to have arrived on Earth in 1952 in a spacecraft called Nibiru, which the whites believed to be the comet Bennett.


Related to race

Beliefs related to race indicated that

  • The blacks had been bewitched by the whites with the “spell of Leviathan” or Satan to keep them in ignorance so that they would not reveal themselves.
  • The Nubians, or black caste, were the superior race, while the whites and mongoloids were inferior, having degenerated from the blacks, especially the whites, who were genetically the lowest.
  • The whites were an artificial creation as a kind of violent warrior-slaves whose task was to protect and defend the black nations and kingdoms from enemies.
  • White women wanted to share sex with blacks because the white man’s penis would have become smaller and less satisfying.
  • This would have been advantageous as it would have made it easier to enslave the whites, but the whites eventually revolted and seized world power.
  • The Blacks were descended from the Annunaki, alien beings with green skin due to the magnesium in their blood, but when they came to Earth, as they passed through the atmosphere, the magnesium turned to iron and caused their skin to turn black.
  • The whites would have been a mixture between mandrill and orangutan, and the pygmies between chimpanzee and gibbon or small monkey.
  • The sexual relationship that would have occurred between women and the Caucasian jackal gave rise to the domestic dog race, from which the proverb is derived: “The dog is man’s best friend.
  • The whites would be responsible for extracting the blood of the blacks to use as food to cure their blood deficiency, which was the cause of the whiteness of their skin.
  • The alcoholic drinks would have been deliberately marketed at low prices for the benefit of the whites so that the blacks would consume them in large quantities so that their organs would be better preserved and could then be used in transplants for the whites.
  • Hitler was a black albino, as was the Egyptian civilisation.
  • The Nuwaubians sometimes called themselves the Yamasee because they were the true Native American Yamasee of African origin.


About extraterrestrials

Regarding extraterrestrials, the Nuwaubians believed that

  • Extraterrestrials from the Andromeda Galaxy came to Earth in 1952 and met with President Harry Truman.
  • There were more than 17 species of reptiloid-like beings on Earth, whose fetuses looked human at birth, but if aborted would retain their alien appearance.
  • In Hollywood cinematography, real scenes were shown in alien films, but disguises were used so as not to reveal the identity of those who knew the truth.
  • The reptilian aliens bred the Caucasians for meat to be harvested by the raptors at the coming of Christ.
  • The obese were genetically descended from the Deros, elephant-nosed monsters, as Richard Sharpe Shaver pointed out in his accounts.
  • Extraterrestrials from Venus were the Latvian-American occultist sculptor Edward Leedskalnin and the Serbian electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.
  • Genetic experiments on Mars created Homo sapiens from Homo erectus.



The sect’s various beliefs include the following:

  • Aborted fetuses that survived were raised in sewers, where they were prepared to take over and dominate the world.
  • Science fiction showed the reality of the world, but distracted and easily manipulated people could not grasp it.
  • Disco music conveyed evil and tended to damn the souls of black people.
  • On a Sabbath that brought together members of the political elite of the Illuminati, the Catholic Pope, the Bilderberg Group of the 130 most influential people in the world and the kings of England, a ceremony was held to worship the devil and sacrifice a black man, and on this Sabbath the Antichrist was conceived through the body of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Egyptian constructions

To honour its creator, the sect managed to build Tama Re, an Egyptian village in terms of buildings and facilities, with the capacity to house around a hundred followers who could live there according to Egyptian customs.


It was built on a site in Putnam County, Georgia, where several buildings with typical and peculiar Egyptian architectural features had been erected. These included a pair of twelve metre high pyramids, one black and one gold.

There were also obelisks, pharaonic statues of theriomorphic gods, which are figures of a man transformed into another animal, and a sphinx.

To access the village, a road was built with ram’s heads at the entrance, imitating the avenue linking the temples of Amun at Luxor and Karnak in Egypt itself.