If you are unemployed and want to find a job, read our article on how to pray to San Onofre to get a job, which we know will help you in those moments of difficulty.

oracion a san onofre para conseguir empleo

The 12th of June is the feast day of Saint Onofre, a hermit who lived for more than sixty years in a cave in the desert of Thebes, Egypt, after learning the teachings of Jesus and Christianity.

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Trying to imitate the solitude and austerity of St John the Baptist, he lived on the fruits of a date tree and a palm tree that grew near the cave where he slept and lived.

He was very popular in the Middle Ages, first with monks and then with weavers in general, because he was depicted “dressed only with his abundant hair and a loincloth”. He died around 400 AD and was buried by Saint Panafcio, another hermit who found him and kept him.

St. Onofre told him that God had sent him to bury him as his death was near, which soon happened, and he dug a hole in the mountainside and laid him there.

Later, he tried to stay in the cave to live in imitation of Saint Onofre, but the date palm that fed him withered and dried up, so he decided to go to the monastery and spread the wonderful life of Saint Onofre.

If you want to know a ritual for San Onofre and get a job, watch this video:


Prayer to San Onofre to get a job (unemployed)

When you pray this prayer to San Onofre to get a job, you should light a candle in front of the image of the saint and pray it every day until you get a job.

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Saint Onofre, I come to you and put all my trust in you as I look for a new job. Guide me to the right job. I rest in your goodness and give you all that I have.

Help me to succeed in getting a job, testing and interviewing for each place I go. You know the job skills I have and the things I need. Lord, I ask for more than a paycheck. I ask for job stability.

Please help me to provide for myself and my family in these difficult times. Help me and teach me to be patient and to trust you. Ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to help me get the job that is right for me and to guide me along the way. I put all my trust in you. Amen.

Get to know Saint Onofre through this video:

Prayer to San Onofre for a decent job

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Blessed Saint Onofre! I humbly come to you as an intercessor before God, our Father, seeking your divine help and guidance in my search for suitable employment.

I need your wisdom to guide my steps on the right path and to help me find the right things to say and do in this search.

I want to use the knowledge and skills you have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment. Do not abandon me in this search, dear Saint Onofre, but grant me the favour I seek, so that I may return to you with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious help. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Watch this video to find out more about the Sanctuary of Saint Onofre and the place where his relics are kept:

Pray to San Onofre to get a job in 3 days

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oracion a san onofre para conseguir empleo-6Dear San Onofre, I come to you today with a heart full of regret for the past and fear for my future. I have no job and my financial resources are in great trouble. I have made many mistakes. Help me to forgive myself and others so that I can make amends to all concerned.

Give me peace of mind so that I can fill my life with Your goodness and grace. Guide me to a good job where I can fulfil my needs as a better and wiser person. Thank you, glorious saint, for listening to me and helping me today.

For being the one to bring my petition and my needs to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered and died the torment of the Passion for our sake (See: What Jesus Christ died for).

Life is not always easy, but I will try to remember that You are always there to help me, for You are right at this time. I would like you to grant this request within three days so that I can help my family in this time of need.

If it is Your will that I wait longer, let the

worries leave me and I can use this time to grow closer to You and to God.

Let me realise that there are other ways to achieve your kingdom on earth besides paid work, help me to make use of them for the time being so that I can continue to grow as a person for your greater glory. Amen.

Get to know the hermitages of San Onofre and San Juan in this documentary: