If you didn’t know, there is a prayer to bless money, and it’s very good that you can do it, so that you can get the money from your work.

oracion para bendecir el dinero

Prayer to bless money

Many people don’t understand why the money they earn honestly by working doesn’t work for them.

One of the reasons is that the money has not been fully blessed by God.

God, for that to happen, they must pray the prayer to bless the money, but only if the money was earned.

If the money was earned from completely healthy sources, that is, it is not money earned by doing bad things, because for that to happen you have to pray to bless the money, but only if the money was earned by doing bad things.

Money earned by doing bad things, because for those things there is no one to bless the money.

It is better to earn money by doing the right things than to earn money by doing things that God does not like.

That’s why working honestly is the best way to get money.

is the best way to get money, there is no excuse for those people who say that money is hard to get, because money is hard to get.

There is no excuse for those people who say that money is hard to get, because no, it is everywhere, you just have to find a way to earn it.

God wants you to earn it, no matter what your job is, no matter if you are in the

It doesn’t matter what your job is, it doesn’t matter if you’re sweeping the streets or working in the office of very wealthy people.

office of very wealthy people, the ideal is that you do it honestly so that all the prayers you make can be heard.

The prayers you make can always be heard, if for some reason a person offers you money that you know will not be heard.

If for any reason a person offers you money that you know has not been earned with good, it is best not to accept it, because, as they say, ill-gotten money

as they say, ill-gotten money does not last, and it is better to have things with sacrifice and a lot of love.

sacrifice and much love, than to have it easily with a dishonest work.

if for some reason you want to pray, but you do not know how to do it, here is a short example, but first

I leave you with a brief example, but first I invite you to click on the following link

Prayer of serenity and calmness for daily life.

oracion para bendecir el dinero


Eternal Father, at this moment I would like to thank you

for all that You give me, for I know that You are the One

who is responsible for all the blessings that come into my life, Lord.

I thank You at this moment for the work that You have given me, because You give me the understanding and the patience that is needed to

I thank you, Father, because you never leave me alone at any moment.

you never leave me alone at any time and when i need you the most you are there always listening to my prayers, thank you father

always, thank you father, because even though I am not the best person and I make mistakes like every human being

like every human being you never let me down because you pick me up when I fall and when I need you you are there for me.

You are there for me, now Eternal Father, I want to thank you for allowing me to earn my money honestly, in an honest way.

I want to thank you for allowing me to earn my money honestly, in a job that is a blessing for me and my whole family,

Now, Eternal Father, I ask You to be Your blessing on all the money that comes into my house.

To be able to meet all the needs of my family, Eternal Father, this is Your work.

May there never be a shortage of money in my house and may there never be a shortage of work so that we can live as completely prosperous people.

wealthy people, Father, I ask You to bless the money that I earn by working, and that it be a blessing for everyone

And may it be a blessing for all the people who touch it with their hands, I thank you again, Eternal Father.

once again I thank you, eternal Father, because thanks to you I lack nothing, thank you for listening to me and never leaving me alone

never leave me alone in spite of everything, Lord Jesus, amen.

I invite you to go to the following link and make the following prayer,

Prayer to start the day with prosperity and joy.

oracion para bendecir el dinero

You must tithe

If you want to be a fully prosperous person, you must not only pray for the blessing of money.

You must not only pray for the blessing of money, but you must also pray for the blessing of money.

If you are a good Christian and you read the Bible every day, you should know that in order for your

know that in order for your money to multiply, you must tithe,

But not with the intention of getting something, you have to do it with all the love in the world.

Do it with all the love in the world and you will see things come into your life that you never imagined,

That is why you must always do things the way the Bible says, so that life will always go well for you, and so that you will always be happy.

and so that you can be surprised by all the things that God has prepared for your life.

Don’t miss these things by turning away from God because you are in the world.

That the life the world gives you is only good for a few seconds, but the life God gives you is good for eternity.

God is good for all eternity, so it is good that you start to live the way He wants you to live, and a very good way to start is to get away from the world.

and a very good way to start is to pray and to tithe and of course to preach His word and to be an example,

preaching his word and being an example to many people in your life, especially if you call yourself a religious person.

especially if you consider yourself a fully religious person.

I invite you to go to the following link and pray to the Holy Spirit for prosperity.

oracion para bendecir el dinero

To conclude

You must do all the things that God wants you to do

as the Bible says, because that is how he wants us to live, so that it will be well with you.

If you want to live well, you must do it.

If you want to be a successful person, the best thing you can do is to surrender your life to God.

The best thing you can do is to give your life to God.

and always pray for everything to go well for you, and don’t forget that.

And don’t forget to pray for everything in the world, to bless the money, you will realise that when you put all your money in God’s hands, you will be blessed.

If you put your money in God’s hands, you’ll do much better than if you don’t, you won’t waste a minute of your life.

You don’t waste a minute of your life doing it, it’s good to be very grateful with all the things that come into your life.

Everything you have is only thanks to the Creator of the Universe, so don’t waste a minute more and close your eyes to ask for it.

And close your eyes and ask God for many things, remember that He always listens to you and that He has a purpose.

He always listens to you and that He has a purpose for your life, better than you think,

I invite you to click on the following link to pray for my unconverted husband to seek God.