If you know a woman who cannot conceive, pray to Oshun for fertility and you will see her family begin to grow, more quickly than immediately.
oracion a oshun para la fertilidad

To complement this reading, I recommend our article Wonderful and Powerful Prayers for Love According to the Bible.

The most beautiful thing that can happen to a woman who wants to be a mother is to become pregnant.

This means that in a few months she will be the mother of a child.

But until that happens, women are often frustrated once a month when they see their dream fade away with their period.

For this reason, many women pray to Oshun for fertility so that they can become pregnant.

Although in many cases infertility can also be caused by the man.

Sadly, many couples have been denied fertility for one reason or another, but not the opportunity to become parents, as they can always adopt a child.

What happens is that some women want the experience of being pregnant.

To feel and know that a baby is growing in their womb and to have the expectations that all mothers have.

And that is why they pray to Oshun for fertility, to really know what it is like to conceive a child.

I recommend our article on Bible passages to encourage you when your faith has waned.

But who is Oshun that people attribute the power to conceive children to?

History of Oshun

Her name is actually spelt Ósun and she is one of the goddesses of the Yoruba religion.

She is named after a river in Niejeria in Ijesá and Ijebu.

She is popularly known as Oshún, but her name is also transliterated as Oxum or Ochun.

An old legend says that the Orisá came to this land thousands of years ago.

They held important meetings that women were not allowed to attend.

Oshun, a very advanced woman for her time, felt rejected and excluded.

So she decided to make all women sterile.

She also cast a spell so that no plan of the men would work for them.

The complaint

Faced with this situation, the orisá went to Olodumare with their grievances.

They told him that things were going very badly in the country and that they needed his help.

Olodumare asked them why they had not asked Oshun for help, and they replied that they had not included him in their meetings.

He told them that they had made a grave mistake in not considering her because she had too much power.

Oldumare reminded them of Oshun’s power over fertility and all that she intended.

She told them to apologise to her.

Returning to earth, the Orisá asked the goddess Oshun to forgive them and to attend her meetings from now on.

At first the goddess ignored them, but after so much begging she accepted their apology.

It is said that from then on things went well and the women became pregnant again.

For this reason, the goddess Oshun is worshipped and all women pray to Oshun for fertility.

Discover the goddess prayers for protection from enemies by clicking on this link.

The powers of the goddess

Oshun is called Ìyálóòde (Iyalode), which means “the most important of all the women of the city”.

She is the queen of the rivers of the world and therefore has power over life.

Her power is given to her by the stones at the bottom of all these rivers.

She is known as “the great sorceress” because she knows many spells and is said to be infallible in whatever she sets her mind to.

For this reason, many followers of this religion place their hopes in this goddess to grant them the miracle of having a child.

Prayer to Oshun for fertility

Yoruba worshippers turn to the goddess Oshun not only for fertility, but also for love problems.

For prayers to Oshun to be effective, those who pray to her must take into account her favourite colours.

She prefers warm colours, from pale yellow to gold.

She also likes pale reds through to a subtle orange.

If you have an altar at home, you should dress it in these colours to please her.

Above all, pray with a lot of faith.


O blessed goddess Oshun

Goddess of the waters of all rivers

Revered for the power you have in life

We come to you to honour and bless you

Blessed mother of mine

Today I come before you

That you may have mercy on me and allow me to be a mother

I beg you, my dear Goddess

To fill my womb with life

To bring light into my life and into my family.

Give me the blessing of being a mother

Of the fruit of my womb

As you allowed the women of the Orisá to conceive

Allow me to conceive a beloved child.

I know that whatever you set your mind to, you achieve.

That is why I come to you

To find a little consolation for my life

I promise you, Holy Mother

That the fruit of my womb that I shall bear

Will be for you

And I will consecrate it to your devotion and adoration

As we do to your faithful servants

I thank you, blessed Oshun

For you hear our prayers

And because I know that not one of your faithful has gone unanswered.

If you enjoyed this reading, I recommend our article Praying for the Family in the Bible.

The Bible is the Word of God, so we can find everything we need in it.

Only God can give you everything you ask for if you do it according to His will.

God bless you.