One of the advocates of the Virgin Mary is in the image of the Virgin of Copacabana, patron saint of Bolivia, we invite you to follow us and learn more about the prayer to the Virgin of Copacabana.

Our Lady of Copacabana, Patroness of Bolivia
An indigenous man called Yupanqui, who lived in the colonial village of Copacabana near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, wanted to make an image of the Virgin Mary so that the other indigenous people there, who still believed in their local traditions, would embrace the Christian faith.

Procession of the Virgin of Copacabana
Yupanqui went to Potosi to see the sculptures there and then to La Paz where he found a Spanish sculptor to help him make his image.
The priest of Copacabana, while in La Paz, saw the image and liked it so much that he brought it to the town to be placed in the church. This was in 1583, and the people received it with great joy, taking it in procession to the church, where the first mass in its honour was celebrated on 2 February 1583.
Get to know the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Copacabana in Bolivia through this video:
Prayer to Our Lady of Copacabana to ask for the impossible
This prayer to Our Lady of Copacabana should be said for three consecutive days, and even a novena can be made if the request is very impossible and urgent. It is worth mentioning that she is also known as the Virgin of the Candelaria of Copacabana.

Prayer to Our Lady of Copacabana for difficult cases
O most holy Queen, Virgin of Copacabana, adored Mother, who from your glorious altar and your blessed image makes us enjoy your serene beauty, protect us and light our way, cover us with motherly love and give us the consolation we need to face all the tasks and difficulties of life.

Prayer to Our Lady of Copacabana protects us from above
O beloved and sweet Lady of the Candelaria of Copacabana, do not abandon me, give me strength and above all protect me so that my soul may be filled with your words of love, for with your great goodness and protection you remove from me all pain and suffering.
O dear Lady of Copacabana, who is so merciful and helps us promptly, cover us with your blessings and miracles for all those who invoke you and ask you to be merciful, you who help us with confidence when we ask you.
For the glory of God our Lord and yours, and for my own good, I ask you to pray to the Lord to remove all darkness and to give me the way out of my problems, I ask you to pray to the Mother of God to be blessed.
O beloved Virgin of miracles! Miraculous of all that is impossible, by the gift that God the Father has given you, I ask you to be the mediator so that this difficult favour may be granted to me, and for this I place all my trust in your generous hands. (Say your petition here).

Our Lady of Copacabana Pray for us
O sweet and beloved Virgin Mary, You who have mercy, O divine Virgin Mary, I ask You to be merciful to me in all my needs, You who give peace to my troubles and encourage me in adversity, please deign, beloved Mother, to hear my petitions.
Take me into Your Heart, which is full of blessings, remove me from all danger and evil, show me how to be a better person every day, let me imitate Your humble way of being so that I may be closer to Heaven in full faculty of my mind to receive the blessings of Your Son Jesus Christ.
Who is with God the Father in his kingdom with the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen. The Hail Mary, the Our Father, the Ave Maria and the Glory Be are prayed.
Another prayer you can pray for difficult cases is the prayer to the Virgin of Juquila.
The Virgin of Copacabana is beautifully honoured in this video, which we leave you as an example:
Prayer to Our Lady of Copacabana by Pope Francis
This prayer to Our Lady of Copacabana was made by Pope Francis during his visit to Bolivia in 2015.

Pope Francis decorates Our Lady of Copacabana
Mother of the Redeemer and our Mother, Queen of Bolivia, from the summit of your Shrine in Copacabana, hear and protect the prayers and difficulties of your children, especially the poorest and most abandoned.

Take care of us Virgin of Copacabana
Receive, as a gift from the heart of Bolivia and as a sign of my filial affection, these symbols of closeness and warmth which President Evo Morales, in the name of the Bolivian people, has given me with warm and generous affection on the occasion of this apostolic journey which I have entrusted to your solicitous intercession.
I pray that these tributes which I leave at your feet here in Bolivia, which recall the noble flight of the condor in the skies of the Andes and of the venerable Father Luis Espinal, may be a sign of the eternal love and the abiding gratitude of the Bolivian people for your caring and intense tenderness.
At this moment, Mother, I place in your heart my prayers for all the many petitions of your children that I have received in these days: I ask you to listen to them, to give them your encouragement and protection, and to show to all Bolivia your tenderness as a woman and as the Mother of God who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Another invocation of the Virgin Mary that was prayed to by a Pope was the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal, to whom Pope John Paul II prayed.
Here is a song in honour of the patron saint of Bolivia, the Virgin of Copacabana: