Prayers in the Catholic religion are conversations that people should have with God. All the Catholic Virgins and Saints have prayers, including the prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe, but there is not just one prayer, there are many, because for every circumstance a person has, one of them can be used.
Short prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe
Short prayers are those that are said every day because they are the easiest to remember, such as the prayers to the Virgin Mary. The short prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe is as follows
Our Lady of Guadalupe, intercede for the Holy Catholic Church, protect the Supreme Pontiff, give help to all who call upon You in their need, and, being the Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God, Your Most Holy Son, grant us the grace to fill our faith with sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, with ardent charity and the precious gift of definitive perseverance.
Praying an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father
You can listen to another short prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe in the following video
Petitions to the Virgin of Guadalupe
We speak of petitions to the Virgin when a person prays for other people, either for their health, for work, for lost friendships, etc., but the main condition is that it is for other people. This creates what is called solidarity in prayer, which means having feelings of charity and tenderness, which is why prayers have an unstoppable force when they are made in petition, especially when they are made to the Virgin of Guadalupe or to the Virgin of Coromoto in Venezuela.
Dear Lady! Fruitful Mother of Holiness, teach me your ways of gentleness and strength. Hear my prayer
(Indicate here the petition you wish to make for this person) O Mary, conceived without sin, I come to your throne of grace to share the fervent devotion of your faithful Mexican children, who call you under the glorious title of “Guadalupe”, the Virgin who crushed the serpent.
Queen of Martyrs, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by seven swords of pain, help me to walk courageously among the sharp thorns scattered along my path. Invite the Holy Spirit of Wisdom to strengthen my will to frequent the Sacraments so that, enlightened and strengthened, I may prefer God to all creatures.
and avoid every occasion of sin.
Help me, as a living branch of the vine that is Jesus Christ, to exemplify His divine charity by always seeking the good of others. Queen of Apostles, help me to win souls through the Sacred Heart of my Saviour. Keep my apostolate fearless, dynamic and eloquent, to proclaim the loving solitude of our Father in heaven, so that the erring may hear His plea and obtain forgiveness through the merits of Your merciful Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Seven Hail Marys, Our Father and Glory Be are said. The prayer should be said for three consecutive days or more if deemed necessary.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe on her feast day
Remember, O merciful Virgin of Guadalupe, that in your heavenly apparitions on Mount Tepeyac you promised to show your compassion and mercy to all those who love and trust you, who seek your help and call upon you in their needs and afflictions.
You promised to hear our supplications, dry our tears and give us comfort and consolation. Never has anyone who has fled from your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, whether for the common good or in personal distress, been left without your help.
It is with this confidence that we come to you, O Mary, Mother of the True God. Suffering under the burden of our sins, we bow before your sublime presence, confident that you will fulfil your promises. Filled with hope because we are covered by your mantle and protection, nothing shall trouble or afflict us, nor shall we fear sickness, misfortune or any other pain.
You who have chosen to remain among us through your wonderful image, you who are our Mother, our health and our life. If we place ourselves under your motherly gaze and turn to you for all our needs, we need do no more. O Holy Mother of God, do not despise our petitions, but in Your mercy hear us and answer us.
(Mention your petition here.)
Five Hail Marys are said.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe for Love
This prayer, by doing it with faith, can make you get the intercession of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, it should be done for three to nine days in a row. You can also pray the Miraculous Prayer for Prosperity and Love.
O dear Mother, Virgin of Guadalupe, may our hearts be united in your holy name. We ask you to be in our love, to defend it, to preserve it and to make it grow. Remove from our love every obstacle that stands in the way, every jealousy or doubt that tries to put an end to our love.
Remove from us the selfishness that can hinder true love, free us from the banal things that can endanger our souls. Open our hearts so that we may find the true God in each other, make us work together to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves, give us health when we fall ill and deliver us from any sickness.
Maintain and strengthen our union, and if for any reason anyone should try to separate us, help us to have reconciliation in our lives. Help us not to lack anything material, neither financially nor in our work, remove from our lives any difficulty, lack or misery so that we lack nothing to live with dignity.
May the illusion of having our own home, with our own children conceived by our love, become a reality and may it be the means to reach Your Heart. Beautiful Virgin of Guadalupe, we pray that in our union there will always be love, and that you will not allow anything to separate us, and that you will watch over us with your holy presence.
Pray three Hail Marys and three Ave Marias.
Watch the next video to hear the prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for love between couples, to keep away quarrels and problems.
Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe to ask for a miracle
Often people in great need want the Virgin to grant them a miracle and so they decide to pray to her. Just as the Virgin of Mount Carmel has her prayer to ask for a miracle, so does the Virgin of Guadalupe:
O Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the most tender and compassionate of Mothers, the hope of the afflicted soul, your mercy and kindness to the needy and the one who is always ready to give us her love and help, you who are so united to the Sun of Divinity and who, with grace and charity, never cease to remember us in all the moments of our life and especially today, when we look at you with devotion and tenderness.
Your beautiful, pure and humble image. Do not fail to send a ray of light into our lives, Most Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, who appeared on the hills of Tepeyac to reconcile humanity with God. From there you undertook to show us your love and mercy, your compassion and help to those who came to you and asked you for help in their needs, sorrows and pains. Pray for us before Almighty God!
Your Mother, who never ceases to intercede for us with your loving and healing hands, and you are the one who consoles us. Pray for us before your Most Holy Son, who always wants to favour us, whatever our class or condition, receive today my special affection and devotion, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Pray to the Holy Spirit for our souls, to Your Heart that is all love and goodness I go, and before Your Image that inspires love I ask You for my difficulties, needs and problems, for everything that is impossible for me to change and that I know that You, my Mother Guadalupana, can help me to solve immediately, because for You there are no impossibilities (make your petition here with great faith), dear Virgin of Guadalupe, when you appeared, you said: “I am the ever virgin Mary, Mother of the true God”, and you wear a crown as Queen of the Universe, by all the power that Our Almighty Lord has given you for the good of your children on earth, grant me, my Lady, an urgent solution to what I have asked with so much faith, I trust completely in your goodness and I know that all my problems will be resolved in a favourable way. For this, I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart and, finally, I ask you, my beloved Virgin, to enrich me with the precious gifts of an ardent and fervent charity, of a profound humility and of a ready obedience to the Lord. Through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord. Amen.
Say seven Hail Marys, one Our Father and one Glory Be.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe for protection
O Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the one God and of the Church! From where you are able to give us a sign of your mercy and compassion for all those who need your protection, hear our prayer, which we offer to you faithfully, and commend it to your Son Jesus, our Redeemer.
Mother of mercy, teach us the power of sacrifice for you, who seek to meet sinners, we lift up to you this day our being and our love. We offer you our lives, our work, our joys, our sicknesses and our sorrows.
Grant us peace, justice and prosperity for our peoples; all that we are and all that we have, we entrust to your care and protection, our Lady. We want to be all yours, so that we may walk the path of fidelity to Jesus, your Son, the Christ and the Church, never letting go of your loving hand.
Pray to the Holy Spirit for our souls, to Your Heart that is all love and goodness I go, and before Your Image that inspires love I ask You for my difficulties, needs and problems, for everything that is impossible for me to change and that I know that You, my Mother Guadalupana, can help me to solve immediately, because for You there are no impossibilities (make your petition here with great faith), dear Virgin of Guadalupe, when you appeared, you said: “I am the ever virgin Mary, Mother of the true God”, and you wear a crown as Queen of the Universe, by all the power that Our Almighty Lord has given you for the good of your children on earth, grant me, my Lady, an urgent solution to what I have asked with so much faith, I trust completely in your goodness and I know that all my problems will be resolved in a favourable way. For this, I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart and, finally, I ask you, my beloved Virgin, to enrich me with the precious gifts of an ardent and fervent charity, of a profound humility and of a ready obedience to the Lord. Through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord. Amen.
Say seven Hail Marys, one Our Father and one Glory Be.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe for protection
O Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the one God and of the Church! From where you are able to give us a sign of your mercy and compassion for all those who need your protection, hear our prayer, which we offer to you faithfully, and commend it to your Son Jesus, our Redeemer.
Mother of mercy, teach us the power of sacrifice for you, who seek to meet sinners, we lift up to you this day our being and our love. We offer you our lives, our work, our joys, our sicknesses and our sorrows.
Grant us peace, justice and prosperity for our peoples; all that we are and all that we have, we entrust to your care and protection, our Lady. We want to be all yours, so that we may walk the path of fidelity to Jesus, your Son, the Christ and the Church, never letting go of your loving hand.
Grant to our homes the gift of loving and respecting the life that is beginning, with the same love with which you conceived your divine Son. Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of just love, protect our families, may they always be united, and bless our children who are studying.
You are our hope, give us your compassion, show us the way to reach Jesus your Son, and if at any time we should fall, give us your help to rise again and find Jesus, through the confession of our sins and guilt where we do penance to bring peace to our soul. Through our petitions we ask You to give us the great love for the Holy Sacraments that Your Son left us as a legacy on earth.
Most beloved Mother, with a conscience at peace with God, free our hearts from all evil and hatred, so that we may obtain the true joy and peace that can only come from your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with God the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
You can also pray to the Lord of Miracles, who protects people from all evil.
Novena to the Virgin of Guadalupe
Novenas are prayers that are said for nine consecutive days to ask for the intercession of a Virgin or Saint for any problem that a person may have. There are many novenas to the Virgin Mary, such as that to the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal. The novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe is like this:
Our Lady of Guadalupe, according to your message left in Mexico, I venerate you as “the Virgin Mother of the true God through whom we live, Creator of the whole world, Creator of heaven and earth. “I kneel in spirit before your most holy image, which you miraculously imprinted on the mantle of the Indian Juan Diego, and with the faith of countless pilgrims who visit your Shrine, I ask you this favour: (Say your petition here).
Remember, O Immaculate Virgin, the words you spoke to your devoted client: “I am a merciful Mother to you and to all her people who love me, trust me and invoke my help. I hear their lamentations and console all their sorrows and sufferings. I ask you to be a merciful mother to me, for I love you sincerely and trust you.
I invoke your help. I ask you, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to grant my petition, if it is God’s will,
so that I may bear witness to your love and mercy. I ask for your help and protection. Do not abandon me in my need. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us (Hail Mary 3 times).
1st day Dear Lady of Guadalupe, fertile mother of sanctity, teach me with your sweetness and strength. Hear my humble prayer, which I offer with sincere trust to ask this favour (state your request).
1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Second day: O Mary, conceived without sin, I come to your throne of grace to share the fervent devotion of your faithful Mexican children, who call you by the glorious Aztec title of Guadalupe. Grant me a living faith, may the holy will of your Son be done always, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Pray: 1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Third day: O Mary, whose immaculate Heart was pierced by seven swords of sorrow, help me to walk courageously through the sharp thorns of my path. Give me the strength to follow in your footsteps, this I ask of you, my dear Mother.
1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Fourth day: Dear Mother of Guadalupe, I pray for a strengthened will to imitate the love of your divine Son,
and always seek the good of others in their time of need. Grant me this, which I humbly ask of you.
Pray: 1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Fifth day: O Most Holy Mother, I ask You to forgive me all my sins, grant me the grace to serve Your Son faithfully from now on, and finally the grace to praise Him with You forever in Heaven.
Pray: 1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Sixth day: Mary, Mother of Vocations, multiply priestly vocations and fill the earth with churches that will be light and warmth for the world, security in stormy nights. Ask your Son to send us every priest. This we ask of you, O Mother.
1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Seventh day: O Lady of Guadalupe, we pray that you will give parents good health, a holy life and a Christian upbringing for their children; that the children will obey and follow their parents’ instructions; that all members of the family will pray and worship together. This we ask of you, O Mother.
1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Eighth day: With my heart full of the most sincere devotion, I prostrate myself before You, O Mother, to ask You to obtain for me the grace to fulfil the duties of my life with fidelity and constancy.
1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Ninth day: O God, You have been pleased to grant us unceasing favours by placing us under the special protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Grant us, your humble servants, who rejoice in honouring her today on earth, the happiness of seeing her face to face in heaven.
Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
We invite you to watch the video of the novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for children
Every mother wants her children to be protected and for this she always prays to the Virgin, as did the Virgin of Candelaria. This prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe is made to entrust an unborn child to her protection.
Dear Mary,
Your message of love and care on the hills of Tepeyac floated like a lullaby in the cool golden dawn. Softly you called Juan Diego, one of your children, a man of middle age, but good and faithful in spirit. Through him, You invited all Your children to come to You, the ever-virgin Mother of God, to look upon You as a mother who only wanted to show motherly love. You would give them everything they needed, help and protection, strength and consolation. As a lasting proof of this, you have left us your beautiful holy picture, unpainted by any human hand.
Today we bring you Our Son ___________ (not yet born). May this little one always know and love you as Saint Mary, Mother of the true God, in whom we live and have our being. May this new soul, which came from the Creator and gives life to the body, be like the soul of Juan Diego, simple, pure and good.
Dear Lady of Guadulupe, touch this petal of our heart with the winter roses of Tepeyac, so that fragrant joy and peace may spread along its path in earthly life, reminding people of your presence and sweetly drawing their waiting heart.
Accept this child as your own. Lovely and modest Lady, wrapped in the mantle of your care, until the day when in a new earth all your children will join you, merciful Mother, unceasingly giving praise and thanks to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe for the return of my husband
This prayer should be said with faith and devotion for three consecutive days.

Oración para el esposo a la Virgen de Guadalupe
O My Lady of Guadalupe, I ask You to have mercy on me and give me the peace that I so much need, I ask You to have mercy on me and give me the peace that I so much need; I believe and trust in You blindly, since You have always showered me with favours and never abandoned me, I know that Your goodness and mercy are infinite and even more so in times of need and pain, I come before You in my great despair and with all my heart, I (state your name here) kneel before You with great humility, with faith, so that You may help me with the person I love so much, so that You may break the bonds that imprison him and cause us so much harm.
My beautiful Virgin of Guadalupe, with love and kindness I ask You to strengthen the gifts and virtues that (name of husband) received from the Holy Spirit when he received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, so that he can get out of his bad situation and separate from the person he is with, I am not asking anything against that person, just give him Your blessing and lead him to another path where he cannot hurt anyone, let (name of husband) return to his home with his family, to be who he was before and to continue with his life. May she find her lost way and values, may she realise her mistake and not hurt my feelings, may she return to her home and get rid of the sadness she caused us by leaving, may she remember the great love we once felt and come to her senses so that we can make up for lost time and start again with more trust and love, leaving the suffering behind and giving the relationship a new chance for us and for us to continue our relationship for us and our family.
Beloved Virgin, do not forsake me and bless my family, help me to guide the steps of (say husband’s name) so that he may return very soon, forgive me my faults and mistakes that caused our separation. In you I trust, Virgin of Guadalupe, with my heart full of gratitude, knowing that you will hear my plea, so that you may receive all the praise and glory.
Blessed are you forever, my Virgin of Guadalupe!
I love you.
Finally, say three Hail Marys, Our Father and Glory Be.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe to grant me a Miracle
Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe to become pregnant
O Blessed Virgin, you were the Mother of Christ and were privileged by God to carry our Divine Saviour. You who experienced the joys and challenges of motherhood. Your life was blessed with watching Jesus grow from infancy and into your adult years, teaching a ministry, accompanied by St Joseph, creating a home, a family to love and share together.
I ask you from the bottom of my heart to intercede with the God of all life that (insert the names of the couple who wish to have a child here) may conceive and raise healthy children with whom they can share the good gifts of the Lord.
May their children honour you and God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the ways of virtue and concern for others. May their home be holy and their family be blessed with health, happiness and enduring love.
You can also pray to Our Lady of the Sweet Waiting.
How do I pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe?
To make a prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the person can kneel down, sit in a chair, be very quiet if possible in front of the image of the Virgin, look into her eyes and imagine that she is alive.
To feel that she is looking at us, like a mother looking at her child, a mother who loves and protects, to feel that sweet, tender, humble and simple look, as if she was caressing our face with love.
The Virgin of Guadalupe inspires confidence, security and strength just by looking at her, and we should experience an inner peace when we pray to her, feeling her presence and not thinking that she is just a stamped image, because we should do it as an act of faith.
Praying to Our Lady of Guadalupe for the sick
In most cases, people ask for the intercession of the Virgin of Guadalupe for a sick person, just as they pray to the Virgin of Lourdes for the sick.
Virgin of Guadalupe, my Lady, I am before you in prayer because I know that you hear me and see me. I am in your presence and I know that you are in front of me, I show you my sick body, you have knowledge of my suffering and I know that you are not happy to see your children suffering.

Haciendo la Oración a la Virgen de Guadalupe con fe para sanar enfermos
I ask you, beloved Virgin of Guadalupe, to help me overcome this moment of suffering, I want to be your patient and for this reason I place before you my worries, my pains and my sufferings, because with this I know that I am worthy of you. Accept me, Holy Virgin, to suffer with Your Son Jesus, who gave His life on the Cross so that our sins might be forgiven. And I am the one who asks you now, Lady, to help doctors and nurses to have more patience and love for the sick.
Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe to ask for a favour
It is always good to pray to the Virgin when you need a favour from her, the Virgin of Guadalupe has her prayer for this purpose, as there is the prayer to the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal.
Virgin of Guadalupe, holy and beloved, receive under your holy mantle those of us who come to you with devotion to express our love, and we thank you for all that we have received from you. Just as you appeared to the Indian Juan Diego at Tepeyac and showed him your son Jesus and how we should worship him. You who are the protector of the poor and healer of the sick, you who are the refuge of those who seek your help.
Black eyes and brown skin of incomparable beauty, Immaculate Mother, who hears my prayer, I cry out to you in my grief, for you pour out the light and the balm of incomparable life. O my Virgin of Guadalupe, today I ask you to grant me this favour, which is my most urgent need; with all my love I will thank you for granting my request, for my devotion and my faith in you is great. Thank you, Mother, for allowing me to come to you with this prayer. Amen.
If your petition is granted, say three Hail Marys and one Ave Maria to Our Lady and offer her a white candle in thanksgiving.