The prayer to the Virgin of the Road is made by her devotees to obtain prosperity, protection or happiness in the things that they undertake in life, asking her is the same as asking any other invocation of the Virgin, such as the Immaculate Virgin, the Virgin of Coromoto, the Virgin of Guadalupe, among others.
Main prayer to Our Lady of the Way
Oh my beautiful and beloved Virgin of the Way, your Lady our Advocate, take me under your protection and your protection, guide me and lead me on the right path, do not let me deviate from what is right, although I know that no road is easy, with you as my guide everything will be better, although the road is paved you will lead me so that I know where to go.
Help me that my enemies do not pursue me or entrap me, that they have eyes but do not see me, that they have hands but do not touch me, that they have feet but do not reach me, and that if they have thoughts, they are not in me.
O Mighty Virgin of the Way, who has influence with the Father God, I invoke your help through the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to be the light that illuminates my path, to give light and direction to my home and mine.
Cover me and fill me with Your mantle of blessed protection, fill me with grace, peace, tranquillity, prosperity, harmony and wisdom, take me by Your hand and lead me in the right direction and enlighten my understanding to make the right decisions for my future. Our Lady of the Way, pray for us. Amen.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Way for Prosperity
My beloved and most excellent Virgin of the Way, You who know all the directions that there are on earth, teach me to walk on the right side, be my guide and protector, I ask You to give peace, prosperity and tranquillity to my life and my soul, I ask You to give me the joy of being able to reach the Kingdom of Heaven to see You.
I hope that with this prayer, Virgin of the Way, you will help me and listen to my petitions, so that you give me prosperity, take care of me from my enemies and protect me from dangers, protective and beloved Mother, when you see that I am going to fall into temptation, help me not to do it, be my example to follow, so that I can live a full life where my only centre is you and God. Our Lady of the Way, pray for us. Amen.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Way for Happiness
This prayer to the Virgin of the Way is to ask her to stop bad luck.
oh my beautiful lady virgin of the road, today I come before you to ask you to help me with what is troubling me, your holy mother who can do everything, offer me your support and guide me so that the bad things that are happening to me will be transformed into good.
I ask you with all my heart to intercede with God so that my luck may change, so that I may find a job and economic stability, so that my family may not lack daily bread because of my bad luck, I ask you, Lady of the Road, to have mercy on me. Virgin of the street, pray for us. Amen.
Prayer to the Virgin of the Road for protection
O Mother Virgin of the Way, take me under your protection, guide me and lead me on the right path, so that my enemies do not persecute me or invent slander and that they do not cause me trouble. May it be impossible for them to harm me; please, beloved Mother, take care of me and mine.
O Mighty and Wonderful Virgin of the Way, I ask you to protect me with the help of my guardian angel, to guide my path, to make my path safe, to protect me from evil influences and the dangers of the world, so that my house is covered with your mantle, I ask you to give me your help to be the one who intercedes for me before God Almighty.
I dedicate the Holy Rosary to you so that my supplication may be stronger and that you may see that my devotion to you is as great as your power, may this prayer to the Virgin of the Way help me. Our Lady of the Way, pray for us. Amen.
In the following video you can see a prayer for protection and money