Saint Alejo is a saint with the power of intercession to help us in cases where we need to separate a person who is uncomfortable in our lives, this man was a servant of the Lord while he was on earth, he did not skimp on helping those most in need, here we teach you the prayer to Saint Alejo to separate and drive away lovers forever.
Oración a San Alejo para separar y alejar amantes para siempre

Prayer to Saint Alejo to separate and expel lovers forever.

This is a special prayer for cases in which it is necessary to separate lovers, those people who come to disrupt marriages and take over our lives making them unbearable, by praying to Saint Alejo to separate lovers and drive them away forever we can achieve the desired goal. You can also pray to Saint Alejo to drive away third parties.

Oración a San Alejo para separar y alejar amantes para siempre

Glorious and powerful Saint Alejo, you are a blessed man who was at the service of the Lord and you are very close to the throne of God and you are also a powerful intercessor between man and God, you are a saint full of virtues who grants countless favours to those who truly believe in you, you have the necessary power to keep away those who harm us, I ask you to grant me this favour that I ask you so much, as soon as possible Saint Alejo, I ask you with my heart in my hand, have mercy on me.

Blessed Saint Alejo, you are very pious, I ask you at this hour and at this moment to listen to my pleas, give me your help to get what I need and I ask you, I need to get without delay what I want today and I also need, blessed are you Saint Alejo, you will help me with the favour I ask you.

Oración a San Alejo para separar y alejar amantes para siempre

Saint Alejo, Saint Alejo, on this day I invoke you, my Saint, I ask you to take (say the name of the person) far, far away, please take her to the region that has no address, that is forgotten, I ask that she never crosses our path again, that where my husband (say the name of the person) does not pass (say the name of the person) and so they cannot even see each other.

I ask you to listen to me and do not despise what I am asking you, because I am asking you with all my heart, I do not want more interruptions in my marriage and less from people who only want to hurt me, in your holy name I ask you that everything ends, that he goes away and never comes back, that I have a journey without return, I ask you Saint Alejo have mercy and listen to me, because this person is causing us enormous damage.

Oración a San Alejo para separar y alejar amantes para siempre

I ask you to remove this person forever from the life of (say name), you know that he is causing me great harm, you know it well, remove this person and make them never want to be together, much less see each other or talk to each other more than (say name of person and (say the other name), never want to see each other again, that they fight, that they get bored and hate each other, that they can never be together and much less share, that their separation be forever.

You are good and merciful, intercede, good Saint, before the throne of grace, before that Supreme Being called God, who encourages us, sustains us and knows what our needs are, blessed are you, we want to receive this divine love as the Virgin Mary gave it to her Son, so that her suffering was not in vain, she could see him resurrected and ascended to heaven.

In the same way I ask you, Saint Alejo, have mercy on me and help me in this terrible problem that I am going through today, allow me to see the light at the end of the road, come and help me, give me hope, be my helper, my intercessor, so that I can live fully and in complete serenity.

Oración a San Alejo para separar y alejar amantes para siempre

I ask you to look at me with compassion for what I am suffering and what I am going through, look at my suffering, look at my tears that I have shed because of this problem, I ask you to grant me what I am asking you today, I ask you to grant me.

Grant me, Saint Alejo, what I ask of you today is for the good of my family, my children and myself, have mercy on me, help me and I will make Your goodness known in infinite gratitude for Your favours.

Thank you, Saint Alejo, for the favours you give me, because I am sure that you are working for my benefit, you have always helped me in my troubles, I know that you will grant me what I ask of you, blessed are you, great Saint Alejo, Amen. You should pray 9 Hail Marys and a Glory Be for about 9 days in a row. Watch this video of the prayer to Saint Alejo to separate and drive away lovers forever.