If you are tired of losing at gambling, I recommend the prayer to St Jude Thaddeus for good luck.
oracion a san judas tadeo para la buena suerte

I recommend our article Praying to God for a Miracle as a supplement to this reading.

It is hard to find a person who has not prayed the prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus for luck.

Absolutely every person on this planet wants to be lucky in life.

There are those who believe that there is no such thing as luck and that they are the ones who make their own destiny.

In a way they are right, but you don’t need luck to make your own destiny.

No matter how much you make your own destiny, you are not going to get a $100 bill left on the sidewalk.

If that’s not luck, we don’t know what else to call it.
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Maybe you make a purchase and your card is the one that wins a prize.

This is also called being lucky or having a stroke of luck.

Of course, there are people who have not had a stroke of luck, but a whole round of luck.

But nobody can do without a bit of luck now and then, especially when you need it most.

That is why many people pray to St Jude Thaddeus for luck.

Because they need luck to make them smile at least once.

Not necessarily to get rich, because that is unlikely.

But at least to enjoy the pleasure of feeling lucky for a moment.

Discover the biblical passages of encouragement when your faith has faded, at this link.


Let’s see who Judas Thaddeus is, the owner of good luck in this game.

It is not surprising that the faithful followers of St. Jude ask him for favours, as his surname means “brave to spread his faith”.

And his name means “to praise God”.

Judas was the cousin of Jesus of Nazareth, as his mother was a close relative of Mary.

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Like most cousins, Judas and Jesus spent a lot of time together as children.

And when they reached adulthood, Jesus began his ministry and his cousin Judas followed him.

He worked hand in hand with his cousin, evangelising the Gentiles of the day.

And by his side he learned much of their teaching.

But when Jesus was arrested and crucified, he left that place to become a missionary in Mesopotamia.

He spent ten years of his life preaching the Word of God.

And wherever Judas went, he preached to whomever he met.

But when the Council of the Apostles was about to take place, he decided to return and stay.

Meeting Simon

In fact, while in his own country, Judas met Simon in Libya.

They both agreed to carry the good news as Jesus had asked.

And so they did, until one day both apostles were captured and imprisoned in the city of Persia.

This was a time when the early Christians were being persecuted by the emperors.

Judas and Simon lived a long martyrdom in prison.

Not content with this, they were murdered and beheaded so that the other Christians would give up their faith.

According to historians, the body of Judas was taken to Rome and now rests in St Peter’s Basilica.

Here his faithful followers worship him daily, visit his remains and pay homage to him.

Judas is also known for writing a book of the New Testament that bears his name.

In it, he gives a detailed account of the heresies that existed in his day.

He urges Christians to keep the faith and to beware of false doctrines.

You can also check this information in our article How many books are in the New Testament of the King James Bible.

When Judas chose to follow Jesus, he showed the immense love he had for his cousin.

But when he put his life on the line to preach his word, he showed not only love, but also deep obedience.

But this behaviour of St. Jude won the admiration of many people.

That is why many people began to pray to St Jude.

prayer to saint jude thaddeus for good luck

Because of the love, obedience and courage that St. Jude Thaddeus always showed, he managed to gain a large number of followers.

He is invoked for impossible favours, for protection and for cases of love.

St Jude Thaddeus is also prayed for by people who invest in gambling.

That is why we bring this prayer today to please our readers.


O blessed St Jude

You who belong to God’s holy family

Who by your courage showed the love you have for him

We humbly come to you and offer you our worship.

For you are a man worthy of admiration

For your devotion and courage

O St Jude Thaddeus

You who are at the right hand of God

Who at the cost of your life

You brought the good news of his word

I ask you, holy beloved

To intercede for me before His blessed face

That he may find grace in me

And grant me the petition I bring before you today.

Blessed St Jude Thaddeus

Now that I am going through a terrible situation

I ask you with my heart in my hand

Give me your blessing

Make happiness smile on me and let me move on with my life.

For there are so many debts that I cannot pay.

And if you give me luck, maybe I can earn

A little extra money to help me pay off

The debts that torture me and do not let me live in peace.

That’s why I ask you, my dear saint

To give me your blessing

And with a little bit of your happiness I can solve my situation.

I also recommend our article because the Word of God is alive and effective.

May God bless you.