Saint Cyprian, or better known as the unofficial patron saint of all pagans or those dedicated to witchcraft, was removed from the Catholic calendar of saints, but despite this he continues to have thousands of followers and believers with faithful devotion, here we teach you the prayer to Saint Cyprian in different cases.
Prayer to St Cyprian for love
If you have problems in love, you are in the right place, a prayer to St Cyprian is the solution to this problem that affects your love life, you can make a prayer to St Mark of Leon.
O blessed Saint Cyprian, you who were bishop and martyr of this great field, I ask you to free me from curses and from all evil, your power is so great and our God gave it to you that I am sure that with your help evil will not come near me, no one will perish or die for this cause.
Saint Cyprian, you who promised to help all those who need it, heal those who are under a spell in the shortest possible time, and grant freedom to those who are unhappy and imprisoned. You are the only consolation for the sad and afflicted, you are the stairway to heaven when someone comes to help.
St. Cyprian, you always protect the helpless, you accompany those who walk, and you are a great and sure consolation to those who seek you and always acclaim you. For those who trust in you always pray to you, they seek you in their troubles and with faith they will call on you to alleviate their pain.
You, who are the shelter, by your pleasing virtue, protect all those who seek you, who implore you, who implore and ask you with supplications. Holy Blessed One, come to me, for I need you at this hour. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian for the return of a loved one
That special person in our lives often goes away and we do not understand why or what the reasons were, we only know that we love him and we want him to return, with this prayer you can achieve this request that both yearn, St Jude Thaddeus can also make a prayer.
I ask you for the powers of Saint Cyprian and the 3 souls who always watch over Saint Cyprian, (say the name of the person) will come after me at this moment, (repeat the name of the person) he will come dragging and very much in love, full of immense love, full of desire, he will come back and ask me for forgiveness for being a liar and he will ask me to be his bride and then he will ask me to be his wife as soon as possible.
Holy Saint Cyprian, use this great power to leave every woman who is in his thoughts for life and once and for all and come back to me and say so for all to witness.
Saint Cyprian, I ask you to keep him away from (say the name of the person) any woman, may I always be the one he is looking for, always and at all times, now and today, may he always want to be with me.
May he be sure that I am his ideal woman, that (say the person’s name) can never be or live without me, and that (say the person’s name) will always have me in his thoughts, at every moment,
I ask that now, wherever he is and whoever he is with, he leaves everything to look for me because I am in his thoughts, that when he goes to bed he always dreams only of me and when he wakes up I am his first desire, that when he eats he thinks of me, that when he takes every step he thinks of me, that at every moment of his life his thoughts are based only on me.

St Cyprian I thank you for the work you are doing for me and I will be the spokesman of your holy name in payment for the taming (say the name of the person) and attract him to me me meek, in love, loving, devoted, full of desire Amen, pray this prayer for three days in a row and say it in three different places. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian to call me back
These prayers are with the purpose that you can recover the love that was, to recover everything beautiful that unites them, this time we present a prayer to St. Cyprian to call you, you can make a prayer to St. Valentine.
You are going to call me now, right now, immediately, at this moment, wherever you are, (say person’s name), at this moment your concentration is only on me, as well as your thoughts, (say person’s name) you cannot live or breathe without me, at this moment your pride disappears.
At this moment you are about to call me, at this moment you are thinking of me, do you think you can resist, you won’t, if you
(say person’s name) at this moment you can’t resist me.
(Say person’s name) at this moment you don’t call me, you will call me later, but you will, you are sure you will.
You understand that you are deeply in love with me and you cannot be alone without my presence.
It is at this moment that you are thinking of me, (say the name of the person) I now call upon the three angels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael to enlighten your beautiful heart so that they can remove any doubts that exist, Michael will remove the spirit of evil from you.
Gabriel will come because he will announce my name to you so that he will always whisper my name in your ear and blow words of love to you so that you will always remember me.
The angel Raphael will come to apply his balm that heals and heal all the mistrust that may have been created in your heart and so he will keep open the scar of love in your heart and the desire that does not let you breathe towards me, amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian for dominion
Prayers always have their effect, as long as we do them with faith and devotion, the prayer to St Cyprian can make you dominate anything, including people, emphasising the delicacy of this prayer, because we have no right to want to dominate anyone, the effects can be reversed, so be careful; we can also raise a prayer to Holy Death to dominate what you want.
By the holy powers that you possess, Saint Cyprian, and by the three souls that always watch over me, Saint Cyprian, I know that (say the name of the person) will come behind me at this moment, he will come to me dragging and full of immense love for me, full of the desire to come back and ask me for forgiveness for having lied to me and he will ask me to be his bride and groom and also without much time passing he will also
ask me to marry him.
He will also ask me to marry him.
San Cipriano, give him such great power that he will forget any woman who may be in his thoughts, that I am the One who is today, tomorrow and always away from any woman who wants or intends to approach him, that it is only me that he will always seek.
May he be fully assured that I am the woman he needs and the love of his life.
That his thoughts are only of me, that wherever he is at this moment he only thinks of me and looks for me, that when he goes to bed he is always with me, that when he wakes up he thinks of me and desires me. That he wants to see me, feel my presence, hear my sweet voice. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian to dominate a man
This specific prayer to dominate a man can be said when you feel that you want to take absolute control over your loved one.
Be careful as the previous prayer tells you that no one has the right to take possession of another person, you can also pray to St Michael the Archangel.
O blessed and holy Saint Cyprian, I ask you, I beg you, I beseech you, that with your power you can make the spirit of (say the man’s name) to yield, to bend, to come to me, meek, already defeated, very humble.
St Cyprian, I ask you to help me, with your great power, to subdue this man, to completely control his senses and also his strength and will.
St Cyprian, I ask that (say the man’s name) come and be bound to me, that he be obedient to my wishes and will, that he never say otherwise and always be at my feet. Amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian in despair
The prayer to Saint Cyprian has worked very well for more than one person, his devotees travel the world hoping that he will grant them his favours, in this article we will teach you different kinds of prayers to favour your professional and sentimental life, so that you can also make prayers to the holy black death.
To begin this prayer, it is advisable to use a white candle, which you should light before starting to say it.
O glorious and powerful Saint Cyprian, you are a great example that we should all follow, you are a great protector of all the faithful and a great friend of those who ask for your favours, I ask you to be the one to make (say the name of the person) desperate, to make him totally impatient for my love, to make him angry and sad, to make his only longing be to see me.
I pray to you, St Cyprian, that his heart will always beat for me and will never calm down if he is not by my side, that he will never feel love for another woman and will never lose hope if he is not with me. Great St Cyprian, let me give you this candle as an offering, it is part of a light in my heart that I give you from today and forever, because it belongs to you. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian to make a man despair
In this prayer we ask St Cyprian that the man we love may despair, that he may not think or breathe without thinking of us. When you pray this prayer, you must put all your faith in it, just as you do when you pray a prayer to St Anthony of Padua.
First of all, I must ask the permission of my Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of my life, and I also ask the permission of the Holy Spirit, that the two of them together form one God, at this time I ask Your permission and also Your blessing, so that my requests will be heard and granted, so that You protect us and do not allow evil forces to enter my home, which is light, much less approach this place.
In this hour and in this moment I ask the permission of the divine and holy guardian angel who always accompanies the person I love, I ask for his protection, defence and also his blessing, by the great power that you possess, Saint Ciprianoy of those three souls who always watch over (say the name of the person) will now come to look for me, he will come very much in love, full of much love, I wish that he returns well tired and asking for forgiveness, repenting of everything.
Blessed Saint Cyprian, your power is great and is given by the Almighty, I ask you to keep away from (say the name of the person) anyone who wants to approach him with any pretext to make him fall in love.
I want and will be the only woman in his life, his thoughts and actions will always be about me.
May my beloved (say the name of the person, look for any excuse to always look for me and be by my side, may he desire it with all his strength, may he never doubt that I am the person he loves, needs and the love of his life forever, may my image always be present in his thoughts.
I ask you, St Cyprian, that whoever he is with at this time or wherever he is, may he only think of me, may his life revolve around me. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian for separation
This prayer to St Cyprian is for separation, we hope we can help you with what you are looking for, St Cyprian is the great helper in these cases you can also pray to St Francis of Assisi.
Blessed, blessed and most glorious Saint Cyprian, you who are a most faithful servant of our heavenly Father, you have been highly praised and venerated for many centuries for your great power and for being a great intercessor with our Father, and you also provide us with help in our remarkable sorrows and problems.
You, Saint Cyprian, who have been endowed with great gifts, among which understanding and mercy, you protect us from all evil and suffering, and you give us your good protection every day, because you are blessed by heaven, Saint Cyprian, you who are a great man with great power from heaven, who with the same is our main helper in matters of love, today and on this day I come to you to ask you, by the power that the Holy Trinity has and by the prayers that all the angels and saints who accompany you make, to use your virtues and for that great glory in which you now share.
San Cipriano, for your virtues and for that great glory of which you are now a part, I ask you to use your goodness and power with me and to intercede for me and for the problems and difficulties that my partner and I are going through at this moment, to take them to the throne of God, the Father of Mercy, so that He may have mercy on us and on our hearts, which are very bad because of the suffering we are going through and because of not having (say the name of the person) by my side.
San Cipriano, I ask you to pray for us to God, our God, our Lord, our God, for all my problems, for this great loneliness that I feel, I ask you to be you, to attract that reconciliation that I long for so much, at this moment I come to you, you who have suffered for injustices and much understanding, and always our God has given you the gift of patience and forgiveness, today I ask you with all my being, with all confidence and with a humble spirit.
I ask you to bring back the love of my life, so that together we can forgive each other for every hurt we have caused each other and have a healthy communication and start over, so that we can correct the mistakes we have made in the past and avoid repeating them.
I ask you so that we can walk together again and have an excellent relationship that is beneficial to both of us, San Cipriano, you have the power to separate, I ask you for sweetness to soothe his pride.
I ask you to sweeten her good heart and mind, take away all kinds of doubts, reproaches and resentments, so that she will always want to be by my side.
San Cipriano, make him reflect and reconsider his actions and think of the good of our home that he has abandoned, now that he has returned, bring him here with me to this person that I love so much, bring him to my arms, for I can no longer control this suffering that I have.
You who are able to break all kinds of bonds with the great power that you have, I ask you to take away the people who want to separate us, remove from our lives the infidelities, the lies, the disloyalty, separate now the name of the person from the other name, so that our lives may be united again and become one, and thus recover that great love that we feel and that has always existed between us.
I ask that we never have a separation again, always be our guide, always be in our union and harmony, lead
us on the path of happiness and understanding.
Lead us on the path of happiness and understanding, let this path unite us forever and give us your healthy blessing so that this relationship may prosper, be strong and successful.
I beseech You that there may always be happiness, respect and fidelity between us, so that with all patience and perseverance we may build that perfect and restored family, Saint Cyprian.
I have full confidence in you, I know that you can work the miracle. Through your great powers, I ask for your intercession with our heavenly Father, so that my petitions may be granted for your glory and that of God. Amen. 7 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory be prayed for nine consecutive days.
Prayer to St Cyprian for the separation of a couple
The prayer to St Cyprian to separate a couple we teach you below, it is always recommended to use candles and let them burn and repeat the prayer for nine consecutive days, you can also make prayers to St Paul Nazarene.
Glorious and powerful Saint Cyprian, blessed and blessed man of God, you who are close to our Lord and you who are our intercessor and also our protector, because you are holy and full of virtues and you also grant the petitions of those who believe in you and seek you.
By this power that You have, I ask You to keep away all the bad things that may surround us,
I ask You today and I beg You to grant me as soon as possible what I ask You in this petition.
I ask you today and I beg you to grant me as soon as possible what I ask you in this prayer, and I ask you with hope and devotion.
Saint Cyprian, you who are pious, listen now to my petition, grant me your help so that I may obtain without delay what I so long for and truly need, Saint Cyprian.
I ask you to listen to my petition, I seek you, I invoke you, that you may drive away (say the name of the person), take her far away to a place where she will be forgotten, let her never again cross the path of (say the name of the person).
I ask you to consider my faith and as I seek you with all my heart and in your holy name, you are mighty Saint Cyprian, this prayer is for you, the damage that (say the name of the person) has caused me and continues to cause is great and you know it better than anyone, I ask you once and for all to put this person away forever and never to be united again, let alone see or speak to each other, to fight, never to love each other again, not even to share anything.
Look at me with eyes of mercy in this my suffering, see how I cry and grant me what I ask of you (ask for what you wish), thank you St Cyprian because I know that you will grant me this favour and I know that you are struggling to get it. Amen. Say 9 Hail Marys and Glory Be.
Prayer to St Cyprian to make him look for me
If you want your loved one to look for you, you are in the right place, here we teach you the prayer to St Cyprian.
To achieve this, you can also pray to St Mark.
San Cipriano, blessed by God, I ask you to intercede for me before the Lord our God, to grant me what I ask with great faith, that you may influence the feelings of (name of person).
And so that he may return to me and that when he is far away his thoughts may be only of me, that he may feel that he wants to look for me, that he may feel the great need to turn to me, I ask you to grant me this request that I have made with so much fervour.
Today I ask you to return, I implore you. That you show him the way and always let him know that his happiness depends on my presence in his life. amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian to get your loved one back
With this beautiful prayer and your faith in St Cyprian you can hope to get your loved one back,
you can also pray to St Clare of Assisi.
Pray also to St Clare of Assisi.
Saint Cyprian, blessed and glorious man, servant of the Lord, you have long been venerated and powerful to be an intercessor between God and man, you who can help us in our difficulties and in our anguish.
You who are full of understanding, you who protect us from the evil ones and always protect us, you worthy saint who always helps in matters of love, I ask you to intercede for me among all the angels and ask them for the problems I have at this time with my partner, I ask you to solve everything and that we never separate.
I ask you to intercede immediately before our great God for my problems and this great loneliness that afflicts me, bring Father peace and reconciliation with my partner. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian to bind a woman
This prayer should be done three days in a row with great faith and say it in three different places, good luck with this prayer, you can make a prayer to the holy death for love.
By the holy powers that the Lord our God has given you, San Cipriano (say the name of the person) will come running to me, (now say your name), she will come very much in love to ask me for forgiveness and to ask me to return that everything was a mistake on her part and that she cannot live without me.
She will ask that we be together again, that she wants to marry me as her ideal man and that she leaves the man she is with once and for all, that she gets bored and throws him away, so that she is only thinking of me and she will tell everyone that we are together again.
San Cipriano, I ask you to take with you the name of the person of any man who is always looking for me now
and always, who always longs to be with me.
He knows that I am his perfect and ideal man, that he cannot live without me, that my image is always in his thoughts at every moment.
I ask you to flood his thoughts with my presence wherever he is, that he has pleasant dreams about me and wants to look for me every moment, that he wants to see me and be with me, that he wants to be with me 24 hours a day. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian for protection
To protect us from all evil and danger there is a powerful prayer we can say to St Cyprian and he will be our protector, just as you can say a prayer to St Rose of Lima.
Oh good and glorious Saint Cyprian, you who have been a great defender against all evil spells against people and diabolical spirits, as well as snakes and all kinds of poisonous animals, I ask you to always protect me from all witchcraft, defend me, deliver me, always protect me from my enemies, from those who want to do me harm.
Blessed St Cyprian, I beseech you to be the one to deliver me from harm and damage, whether known or unknown, I implore you to protect me and my family from evil and danger wherever we may be, near or far, to take away the weapons of my enemies, may you always be the one to save me when I am persecuted, may you always intercede for me before God.
May your intercession be your influence with God, so that nothing evil, no spell, no witchcraft can affect or harm me, grant me now,
O mighty saint, the petition
grant me now, mighty saint, the request I make at this moment, so that I may proclaim Your wonders and continue to invoke You forever.
I ask you to always fill me with infinite peace, justice and also love in the midst of my problems and that one day we may all meet in the beloved Kingdom of Heaven, through our Lord, Amen.
Pray the Creed, three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, three Glory Be’s. Do this for three days in a row. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian against enemies
Saint Cyprian, in your holy name, you who are blessed, I pray and ask you today with all the faith in the world, trusting in the devotion that I feel towards you, I implore you to help me with your power and always protect me, always save me from all dangers and from the harm that my neighbour does, always save me from all that harms me, from all hardships and threats.
Deliver me also from venomous tongues, from evil spells, protect me, St. Cyprian, from all those who wish me harm, I ask you to put much security in my life. Put light on my path, keep away forever my enemies, those who betray me and also the envious, those who act with violence, I also ask you to keep away from me the temptations and harassments of which I may be a victim.
Blessed and mighty Saint Cyprian, today, tomorrow and forever, I place myself in your mighty hands so that you may intercede for me before God and grant me the favour I ask of you today, this favour I ask of you today because I believe in your power and ability to obtain it before the throne of God and also because of what you swore in life to be a defender against those evils and all the dangers that harass, tempt and always surround man.
I beseech you, Saint Cyprian, that I may always be under your protection, your guardianship, help me, bless me, so that I may always emerge victorious and triumphant from every situation of conflict that afflicts me and causes me discomfort.
Blessed and glorious Saint, I ask you to intercede for me before the living God, so that His mercy may protect me and keep me away from evil, the enemy and danger; may He always be with me to show me the path of light to salvation.
I want to live the will of God, I want to find the beatitude after this life, three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, three Glory Be’s, three Glories. This is repeated three days in a row.
Prayer to St Cyprian to drive away enemies
Here is a prayer of St Cyprian to ward off your enemies, do it with faith and devotion to see positive results, you can also pray to St George.
Lord and my God, I ask You to grant me the intercession of St Cyprian, a glorious martyr of Our Lord,
so that I may be completely delivered from all evil and danger.
Grant that I may be totally delivered from all evil and danger, or from any accident or evil that my enemies may wish to cause, from any evil spell or power that the evil one may have.
I ask through the holy name of the Lord that any evil deeds or evil works and words of anyone who wishes to harm me be completely cast out and set free.
In the name of Jesus I invoke St Cyprian and I pray and ask with faith and devotion, I ask you to deliver me from all evil and from any danger or harm that my neighbour wants to cause me, deliver me St Cyprian from all evil and also from any rabid and poisonous animal.
St. Cyprian, I ask you to free me from destructive tongues and spells, may you always lead me with happiness and guide me so that my foot does not slip, may you be the one to light my way wherever I go. Keep me from all temptation. Amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian for work
An effective prayer to attract money into your life, here we teach you how to make it, first of all you must be devoted or believe in St Cyprian and his power to intercede with God to be granted favours, another way is to invoke prayers to St Helena.
Saint Cyprian, faithful protector of all his faithful, today I prostrate myself before you and I come to place myself in your hands to ask you for a favour that I need, Saint Cyprian, I ask you to take away from me the bad friends, the people who always want to hurt me a lot.
San Cipriano, I ask you for all the debts I have, help me, I ask you to find a way to pay them, help me to find a decent job so that I can earn honest money.
San Cipriano, I ask you to help me in all my days so that my income increases more and more every day, help me San Cipriano that the job I am in is good so that I can live from the good I do, San Cipriano, you who know me and the injustices that surround me, grant me the miracle of finding a job so that I can have a decent income. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Cyprian for money
Saint Cyprian, blessed and martyred of the Lord, you who know everything, I am a faithful follower of you, a faithful servant of you, I come to you to ask a favour for me, Saint Cyprian, I want my money to grow so that I can help my family, I ask you to help me to increase my income.
Saint Cyprian, you have always promised to help all those who believe in you and we need you, you who are the protector of men and women, I ask you at this time to help me get out of this cage, I ask that none of my enemies have a chance to see me fall, you Saint Cyprian who is just and sees everything that happens, Saint Cyprian help me to earn more money. Amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian for good luck
If what you want is to get good luck, with this powerful prayer you can get it, then we teach you how to do it, as you can also pray to St Elizabeth.
Mighty and Most High Lord, You who are the Owner of all that breathes, the Creator of all that exists on earth, whom everyone respects from the humblest to the archangels and whom the seraphim and the saints adore, I praise and adore You as the centre of perfection, the Author of the inexhaustible fountain of holiness.
I give you eternal thanks, O Lord, for your love and mercy, for the gifts, for the nature and for the grace you gave to Saint Cyprian in his life, we give you our most sincere thanks, O protector, for so many favours granted, which come directly from heaven through your intercession, I offer you, my advocate, adoration and honour, I ask you that I, Saint Cyprian, may obtain the grace that I ask of you today. (Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian against spells and curses
Prayer to St Cyprian against evil spells and curses, which helps to protect you, say it with faith and light the candles until they are burnt out and then throw the remains in the rubbish.
Great and powerful God, who always manifests Your works, You who are Lord of all creation and You who are respected by all the angels, You who obey the submissive archangels and I pay tribute to You all the saints, I worship You Lord. You who are the author of all good, who are holy, I thank you for so many miracles and virtues that fill this world, as well as for the fidelity of St Cyprian and the favours he was able to obtain through his intercession before God.
O powerful and blessed Saint Cyprian, at this moment we thank you, you who protect us, you who grant us favours that only come with the approval of heaven, you who are virtuous, I ask you to free me from the attacks that often come from my enemies, from visible or invisible beings, always free me from any harm or evil that may come near me.
I ask you to stop them, take away all their weapons, take them away from me, keep them from attacking me, save me from sudden death, from fire or any misfortune, keep me away from evil meetings, from attacking tongues, from jealousy and gossip.
Deliver me and protect me from witchcraft, evil spells and black magic, so that I do not fall under any spell, bandage or evil eye.
If I am imprisoned, I ask You to comfort me and help me to come out with all honour, with my head held high, cover me with Your holy mantle, amen.
Pray three Credos and Gloria, lighting a brown or dark blue or dark green candle.
Do this prayer for five consecutive days. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian against evil spells and curses
O my almighty God, you who are holy and worthy, I ask and beseech You, through the intercession of St Cyprian, that all bad things that have been said to harm me disappear and be erased, and that all satanic acts and evil spells that have been cast against me be cancelled.
Deliver me and protect me from all evils and dangers, from winds, stones, storms, lightning and thunderbolts that may strike me.
San Cipriano, you who are my protector, free me from ghosts and visions, from ambushes that my enemies may set for me and from betrayal, from daggers and everything that is not good and wants to harm me, I ask for the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian for spells
Eternal Father, St. Cyprian is my powerful intercessor, at this time I ask You to be the one who takes control of this situation and that all those who are bound by bondage or sorcery, evil spells, black magic or who are possessed by the devil for a bad reason, may it be with Your power that You can untie them, that You free them so that evil does not come near them and has no power (at this moment say the name of the person), may everything be freed, broken and untied through the intercession of St. Cyprian.
Saint Cyprian, man of virtues, I ask you to always intercede for us and deliver us from the evil that wants to stalk us, free us from bondage, spells, spells, spells, spells that want to run against me, always take care of my word, thought (say the name of the person) that anyone who wants to attempt against my body, mind, life are confused and away from me. amen, pray three our father, 1 creed, 3 ave mary, 1 glory.
Prayer to St Cyprian against all evil
This prayer is powerful and helps you to get rid of any evil that wants to touch you, you will be full of protection and you can cover yourself with a heavenly mantle and nothing will touch you, here we teach you how to do it, you can also pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe.
San Cipriano, you who are the great Bishop, free us and protect us from spells and the evil one, your power is great because God gave it to you so that no one could die in the hands of the evil one, you who promised to protect us, especially those who are in need, I ask you to heal those who are under spells as soon as possible, and to help and give freedom to those who are imprisoned.
Help and protect all those who are in distress, You are the heavenly consolation of all those who come to You, You protect and care for those who are helpless in every hour and minute that passes and above all care for those who always seek You, when You are invoked You are a sweet invocation against lightning and tremors, whoever venerates You will never be in prison.
I ask you to throw to the ground every temptation that the devil may raise to harm me, to free me from the lying and destructive tongue and from the false testimonies that they may raise against me. When we pray to you we will be delivered from evil and you will be with us always, we will be free from persecution. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian for purification
In your mighty and holy name, St Cyprian, I pray and call upon you now with all my devotion, deliver me, keep me from all evil and danger or harm that my neighbour wants to do to me
protect me from all evil, from animals that are rabid or that contain poison.
from rabid or poisonous animals.
Free me from bad comments, free me from curses or evil spells that want to destroy me, lead me to happiness and security in everything I do, be light in my daily walk.
I ask you to keep me away from all the dangers that may approach me, from the temptations that I may face, so that although I have a tongue I may not speak what I should not, I ask this favour because of your holiness and because when you were alive you swore to be a defender and to protect whoever calls on you, amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian and St Justina
O merciful and glorious St Cyprian, you, who were the servant of Satan, heard of our one true God
through this saint called Justina and devoted yourself to his service and worship.
and devoted yourself to his service and worship, you were tortured in his name for his true love of our Lord.
St. Cyprian, you who are blessed, I ask you from my heart to be my intercessor before our God, to destroy every bondage or spell that the devil casts against us to harm our body and soul.
I ask for strength and perseverance to follow and serve our God with love and joy until the end of our days, and thus attain eternal salvation.
Good and worthy Saint, grant me the favour that I ask for in this prayer, which is to praise Your Name, which is urgent, so that my problems, which afflict my body and soul and which do not allow me to progress because I am suffering, may You be the one who helps me to obtain the peace that I need, I am Your devotee, I will know how to thank You for what You grant me with much love and devotion. Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian and Justina
Glorious Saints Cyprian and Justina, faithful servants of the Lord and martyrs for his cause, I come to you today, your devotee, for the honour of this holy cross, to ask you to grant me a favour that I urgently need to solve my problem. I pray that all bad deeds be cancelled and discarded so that they never harm, let alone harm, the 72 tongues spread in different parts of the world.
I ask that anyone who does evil be excommunicated and that through the prayers of Your servant and devotee I be delivered, that my house, my family, my friends and the whole world be delivered from evil spells that can make bad women or men in the name of God.
May the Creator be the one who works and the devil has no art or part in anything, may this prayer always be protective and with it no one will harm you, amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Martha, St Cyprian and St Wenceslas
O mighty and glorious Saint Martha, you who are the Dominatrix of the serpents, you who were able to save from death a child wrapped in a snake, whom God delivered through your holy intercession, and by the sound of a trumpet or a horn they approached the child and always took away his healthy innocence.
In the same way I ask you, Saint Martha, through the good intercession of Saint Cyprian, to keep me and protect me from all evil and to keep away all those who approach me to do me harm, and to allow the snake to bite them until they repent and return to me on their knees asking for my forgiveness.
In the same prayer, with all my faith, I pray to St. Wanceslaus and St. Cyprian, that (say the name of the loved one) he may love me, that he may never abandon me in my need, that St. Martha may be the one to control him with the serpent, so that he may come meekly to my feet, amen, we must pray our Father, Ave Maria and Glory be.
Prayer to St Cyprian, Bishop of Corinth
In the name of our God, at this moment I invoke you, I seek you with the influence that only you have, St. Cyprian
the Magician, I pray to you and charge you with my absolute devotion, so that I may be successful in all that I undertake in business and other matters, and also to be free.
I pray to you and charge you with my absolute devotion that I may be successful in all that I undertake in business and other matters, and also that I may be free, keeping me from all difficulties that may come my way.
In You I have full confidence and I give You all my needs to give me all Your protection and so deliver me from all evil, I want to be in Your absolute company, I will always be delivered from all evil influences in Your Name Amen.
Prayer to St Cyprian for Volteo
In your holy name, Saint Cyprian, you are glorious, today I come to you and I pray to you, I invoke you, with all devotion, I turn to you today to free me from evil and danger that want to approach me, free me from evil, save my life,
free me from evil, save my life, free me from what they say bad about me without reason, save me from the attacks of the enemy of spells, evil spells, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft, witchcraft.
From the attacks of the enemy of spells, evil spells, witchcraft, witchcraft.
Guide me always to true happiness, that I may have security when I walk, when I travel, be light in all my ways, keep away from me all dangers and evil, also keep away temptations, holy Saint Cyprian, watch over my steps, what I hear, what I see, what I say, may it be that you always protect me in everything, if ever they look at me badly, your great power will take care of me.
You are good and kind and you will help me in what I ask you today with devotion, take care of everything I have earned with sacrifice and honesty, protect my family and friends so that no one dares to touch what God has given me.
May your grace, love and holiness be my shield, may you always be my defender and helper, Saint Cyprian, I ask you, my Saint, to be my intercessor before God and to obtain this favour that I ask of you, amen. Watch this video.
Prayer to St Cyprian for the Unity of Love
Most High and Mighty God, You have created all that exists on earth, Your power is infinite, You are good and merciful, all respect You and owe You obedience and submission, I glorify You and worship You because of Your power and greatness.
You are King of kings and Lord of lords, you are the author of all that happens, my Father, I thank you for your love, for life, for your mercy.
I ask you to be the one who attracts my love, who comes to me and we can settle our differences, you are unique and true, you are always by our side protecting us, I ask St Cyprian for his true intercession so that you work according to your holy will. amen.