The prayer to San Marcos de León for impossible love could reach your loved one. Just invoke these prayers with great faith and devotion.

Oración a san marcos de León para el amor imposible

The life of St Mark of Leo

St Mark of Leo, or St Mark the Evangelist, was the author of the Gospel of St Mark, the first in the order of the Holy Scriptures.

St Mark appears several times in the Acts of the Apostles, when a young man covered with a blanket follows Jesus when he is arrested in the Garden of Olives. He was a great friend of St Paul and St Matthew, apostles and evangelists. His fidelity to Jesus is characteristic.

St Mark became the first bishop of the community of Alexandria in Egypt. This appointment was due to the many miracles he performed in this village: among other things, he improved the situation of the Church and built a Christian school where he taught catechism.

Oración a San Marcos de León para el amor imposible

As an adult, he became an evangelist with his cousin Joseph Barnabas in 44. His Gospel spread throughout the whole of Cyprus until it reached the nearest areas. In 67 St Peter and St Paul had already died, so St Mark of León went to Rome.

St Mark founded the first Christian school in Egypt and is known for performing many miracles in Egypt.

About his Gospel

Part of the New Testament, it is the first of the four gospels and the oldest. To find his Gospel, it is necessary to read the Bible in chronological order.

Some scholars and theologians agree that his Gospel dates from the late 1960s or early 1970s. The theory of its author is controversial, although it is claimed that it was St Mark himself.

Most of its verses are dedicated to St Matthew and St Luke, which is why there is talk of synoptic parallelism in the Gospels.

Oración a San Marcos de León para el amor imposible

Until 1830 the scholars Weisse and Wike rejected this idea of the similarity of the Gospel of Mark to that of Matthew, arguing that Matthew used Mark as a source of inspiration for writing his Gospel.

The Gospel is addressed to the Gentile-Christian community rather than to the Jewish-Christians as in the writings of St Matthew. St Mark of Leo took it upon himself to translate his Gospel because Hebrew and Aramaic were not sufficiently understood by his readers.

St Mark used the Greek translation of the Bible rather than the Hebrew version.

Oración a San Marcos de León para el amor imposible

Prayer to St Mark of Leon for impossible love

St Mark of Leon can help you not only with his prayer against enemies, but also to get the impossible love you long for. The only thing to remember about these prayers is to pray them with a lot of faith, in the hope that he will grant your requests.

Another specialist in impossible love is the Red Death with its prayer, novena and moorings.

oración a San Marcos de León contra el amor imposible

Note: at the end of the day, recite 3 creeds to St Mark of Leon

I believe in God the Father Almighty, who created heaven and earth, I also believe in Jesus, who is God our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the great Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and rose again from the dead on the third day.

He ascended from hell, was resurrected on the third day, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God Almighty. From there he is ready to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

Oración a San Marcos de León para el amor imposible

Prayer to St Mark of Leon for impossible love very powerful

() Name of impossible love

-Most holy Saint Mark of Leon, you who make the impossible possible, you who tamed the dragon and the lion. Make him see my feelings, my love, my sacrifice. I beseech you that his ungrateful heart may be infected with the passionate flames of love. When he awakes from his lethargy, I want him to think of me.

oración a San Marcos de León para el amor imposible

-O San Marcos de Leon, you who have unleashed and disarmed the most powerful beast, I ask you that my lover will listen to me, that he will come, that he will come, that no one will stop him, that my paths of love will cross with his, that he will love me with the same strength that I love and adore him.

For the thoughts that are in () I come to you, Saint Mark, so that in his dreams and reveries they may be in the name of God and for me, so that his love may be directed to my heart, so that I may be in his thoughts. Help me to heal this heart that has been wounded by his indifference and transform all my suffering into rewarded love. Amen.

At the end of the prayer to St Mark of Leon for impossible love, add 3 Hail Marys.

Oración a San Marcos de León para el amor imposible

Prayer to San Marcos de León to bind a love

In addition to the prayer to San Marcos de León for impossible love, you can also bind the person you love. You just have to remember that any kind of binding is very strong:

Another option, if this prayer does not work, is to pray to Saint Martha to dominate the person you love.

-Brave man, brave man, for before your birth there was the Son of God. I invoke Saint Mark of Leon to tame you by feet, hands and heart. ()

I call upon you vein by vein, nerve by nerve, so that () I cannot be with anyone else. With two I see you, with three I bind you, with the help of God the Father and the Holy Spirit.