If you are devoted to this saint of the Catholic Church, you must learn these prayers to Saint Michael the Archangel for love in couples, lost or to find it, he is a miraculous angel who will do you the favour of getting everything related to love if you ask him with faith.

Oración a san Miguel arcángel

Who was St Michael the Archangel?

The Archangel Michael is one of the chief angels of heaven, one of the right hands of God; his name comes from the fact that he was the battle cry of the good angels in the battle waged in heaven against the enemy, that is to say, against the Devil and his followers.

Oración a san Miguel arcángel

St Michael the Archangel has four main missions on earth: the first is to fight Satan; the second is to save the souls of the Catholic faithful who are in the power of the enemy, especially on the last day of their lives; the third is to be the champion of the people of Almighty God; and the fourth is to call down the souls of people on earth from heaven to bring them to the final judgement.

St. Michael is known as the defender of the people who believe in God and the Virgin Mary, he watches over the welfare of each believer, defending them especially from the things of the devil and those who follow him, he saves those who are accustomed to the evil being to convert them into believers of the Son of God and teach them what is good and what is evil.

In the following video you can see the complete story of St Michael the Archangel:

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel – Marian bond of love

The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, Marian bond of love, is related to the prayer of the Holy Rosary, that is, this prayer is made especially when the prayer that the Virgin Mary recommended to her followers is finished, that is why at the end of the mysteries and litanies a prayer is made to St. Michael the Archangel for protection.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us from the battle. Be our protection against all evil, against all dangers and against all threats that the devil wants to do to my life. Restrain him, O God, as we earnestly ask you, you who are the prince of the heavenly militia, armed with divine power.

You who have the power to dominate the enemy, condemn to hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam the world for the damnation of souls, be You who can save those lost souls who have been led astray or perhaps by certain ambitions, save them even at the moment of their death, teach them to fight against evil, St. Michael the Archangel, hear the prayers that we are making to You today. Amen.

In the following video you can see an encounter between St Michael the Archangel and the Marian Bonds:

The Rosary of St Michael the Archangel

The Rosary to St Michael, so that it would not be the same as that of the Blessed Virgin of Fatima, the Church agreed that each should consist of the recitation of an Our Father and three Hail Marys.

It was St Michael who promised that whoever honoured him in this way before Holy Communion would be accompanied to the Holy Table by an angel from each of the nine choirs. Therefore, those who prayed these nine invocations every day were assured of his help and that of the holy angels during their lifetime and that he would deliver them and their loved ones from Purgatory after their death, i.e. whoever is faithful and devout will have the protection of St. Michael the Archangel until after death.

The following is the correct way to pray the Rosary to St Michael:

Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of seraphim, may the Lord God make us worthy of the flame to have perfect charity (one Our Father and three Hail Marys). Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of Cherubim, may the Lord God Almighty grant us the joy of walking the path of Christian perfection (an Our Father and three Hail Marys).

Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of thrones, may the merciful Lord grant us the spirit of true humility (an Our Father and three Hail Marys). Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the Celestial Choir of the Dominations, may the Eternal Father grant us the grace to master our senses (an Our Father and three Hail Marys).

oración a san miguel arcángel

Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of the powers, may the Lord, the Father of Christ, protect us from falling into the deceptions and temptations of the devil that he puts in our way (one Our Father and three Hail Marys). Through the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly Choir of Virtues, may God grant us not to be defeated in the dangerous battle of temptation, may He give us the strength to overcome (an Our Father and three Hail Marys).

Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of the Principalities, may the Almighty grant us the spirit of true and sincere obedience (an Our Father and three Hail Marys). Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of the Archangels, may the King of Kings grant us the gift of perseverance in faith and good works (an Our Father and three Hail Marys).

Through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel and the heavenly choir of all the angels, may the Lord grant that these blessed spirits will always protect us, especially at the hour of our death (an Our Father and three Hail Marys).

An antiphon is sung: Glorious and beloved St Michael the Archangel, who is the first of all the angels, who is the defender of souls, who was and is the conqueror of the devil, who is next to the glory of God Almighty and after our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is our admirable protector, who is endowed with great excellence and strength. Grant us from God to be free from all evil and help us to be faithful every day in the service of the Creator.

oración a san miguel arcángel

V/ Pray for me and mine, O blessed Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Church of Christ. R/ That we may be worthy of the divine promises.

The rosary is then concluded with a prayer dedicated to St Michael the Archangel:

My beloved and Eternal God, who, out of Your goodness and mercy, chose the glorious Archangel St. Michael to be the Prince of Your Church, so that he may be useful to the faithful, since he is the one who helps for the salvation of souls.

We ask You, King of Kings, to make us worthy to see ourselves free, so that we do not fall into the hands of the evil one; by His beneficent protection we will protect ourselves from all our enemies, so that none of them will molest us in what is left of our life, much less in the hour of our death, so that this Archangel will lead us on the right path that will lead us to the presence of Your sublime and divine Majesty. Through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord, St Michael the Archangel, pray for us. Amen.

There are many prayers dedicated to St Michael the Archangel for protection and many more. The video below shows the rosary dedicated to the archangels, and those who pray it will be granted eternal protection by St Michael:

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel to attract love

oración a san miguel arcangel

This prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, miraculous for love, will help us to achieve emotional stability so that love is the one that gives happiness to our life, as it is known that love gives a radical change to our daily life to be in our life.

Hail glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, victorious and blessed, you who are favoured by God, today I come to you because I am desperate and my soul is sad, I have been looking for you with all my faith in you and I ask for your help and protection, you who have the power to defeat the devil, I ask you to destroy every dark energy that wants to harm my life.

oracion a dsan miguel arcangel

Cover me with your divine light and with your power that is effective and quick, intercede for me so that I can see my desires fulfilled, Archangel Michael, you who are the guardian of the gates of heaven, I ask you to help me to get love, because I am sad and lonely, I ask you to help me to make my soul and my heart happy again, help me to get the love and affection of a person who has family values and who is good to me.

Through this prayer to St Michael the Archangel, I ask you, God the Father and Jesus Christ, that through his intercession I may find the love of my life, who respects me and makes me feel good, so that this depression disappears and I no longer feel alone.

Blessed Saint Michael the Archangel, great warrior, the best of all the angels, you who honourably defended the rights of God, I come to you today to praise you and glorify your name.

Mighty Archangel Michael, you who are recognised for honouring your Creator, today I am here before you to ask you to help me and I have to recognise, glorious Archangel Michael, that because of my mistakes I lost the love of my life and I did not think of the damage I could do to him and today he no longer wants me in his life, but I have realised that I love him more than I thought and he is the one with whom I want to have my family.

That is why I come to you today to implore and beg you to help me recover and have (name of loved one) back in my life, you who have the great power to know everything, use as a tool this love that you know I have, that even if he does not want to be with me, he will come back and I will change.

But as you are the Prince who is with your people, surely you will find a way to convince him and show him that I am a good woman who loves him infinitely, make him forgive my mistakes and give me another chance if you grant me this wish, Saint Michael.

I promise you that I will not fail again as a couple, I know I make mistakes but I will look after my partner’s welfare. I promise to love and respect him/her until the end of my days.

I ask you to grant my wishes, which I make in this prayer to St Michael the Archangel. Amen In the following video you can listen to another prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel to attract love.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for the love of a partner

oración a san miguel arcangel

In this prayer to St Michael the Archangel, I ask you to help me so that the love between my partner and I remains strong and that nothing and no one can break it, so that we have strong bonds, so that what unites us today will always do so, I ask you, beloved St Michael the Archangel, to take care of me and my partner.

Father full of mercy, you are the one who will never abandon me, today I come to you and to Saint Michael to help me in my love life in relation to my partner, your glorious archangel who has the power to defeat the enemy, I ask you to protect the love between (name of the beloved) and me (name of the person making the request), help me so that no one gets in the way of our love and ends it.

We are where we are because we have put a lot of effort and dedication into it, we are a stable couple and we have fought many times for our love, so I ask you to keep away from both of us all envy, betrayal, jealousy, infidelity, neglect and abandonment to keep us apart, I do not want bad desires, bad intentions or people who want to see us apart and hurt us.

I ask you to help me so that no one can interfere in our relationship and our happiness, because we have built this love with effort and patience, every day that passes we try to be better to stay together. For this reason, I ask you to give us protection and guardianship so that no harm or bad intentions can come to us.

Remove all prejudice, resentment, envy and false friends from our lives, remove anger, pride, bad thoughts, on the contrary, fill us with respect, love, happiness, sharing, make the people around us feel good to see us together, fill us with much understanding and patience, You who are good and powerful, give us the joy of staying together and that stability is maintained.
(Now ask with much hope what you wish for).

oracion a san miguel arcángel

Since our love is as strong as the oak tree and no one can harm it, I beg You to give us peace and happiness, may our love grow day by day, may our feelings be sincere and mutual. May You, Jesus, who fulfilled the prophecies, be our centre and take us by the hand so that no one can separate us.

Give us the satisfaction of being in harmony and love, give us the fundamental values of affection and friendship, of complicity and respect, so that our home has strong walls, that we can support each other unconditionally, that our family is in prayer and under the protection of the Lord of Lords.

I trust in you Lord my God and in St Michael the Archangel with all my heart. Lead and guide us on the right paths, do not allow us to stray from You and Your love, which is the purest and most sincere, give us a strong heart and may Your commandments be the ones that govern our lives, we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel for finding love

oracion a san miguel arcangel

In this prayer to St Michael the Archangel for love, we will see how we can ask the Archangel to help us find someone who wants to love us and be in our lives to keep us company.

Oh, your beautiful and beloved archangel St Michael, you who are the celestial prince, my guardian angel and guide! I am here to ask you to humbly listen to my voice so that my heart can have peace and tranquillity, help me to find love so that I am no longer alone and sad, I need company and only you can help me.

Help me to find a good person who is willing to move forward with me, who fights for stability and a good future, who loves me, appreciates me and respects me, as I am I cannot live in peace of mind and my soul is full of restlessness. Only you can heal my suffering and sadness.

You can help me by giving me the love of (name of the beloved person), so that he is only in love with me and has only eyes for me (name of the person making the request). O beloved and admired archangel Michael, you are the heavenly prince of heaven and you are my guardian angel, I ask you to listen to my voice. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the following video you can see a powerful prayer of love offered to St Michael the Archangel:

prayer to saint michael the archangel to regain love

oración a san miguel arcángel

This prayer to St Michael the Archangel for the return of love will help us to find the right words to ask the Archangel to help us to bring back the love that has gone and to be happy by our side.

Oh, beautiful and glorious Archangel! Saint Michael, you who are the eternal Prince of Heaven and who will be my guardian angel and that of all humanity! I humbly and clearly ask you today to hear my voice and please place in my heart the sweet peace and tranquillity that I so much desire and need. I cannot live in tranquillity and my soul is full of restlessness, my soul is anxious and cannot find peace.

I am sure that only You can heal my ills, my sadness, my loneliness, and take away my worries, that You can get the love of (here we say the name and surname of the person we want to love us), that His love is only and exclusively for me (name and surname of the person making the request), that You can give us the joy of being happy and sharing together for the rest of the days we have left in life.

Oh beautiful and beloved Archangel Michael, heavenly prince of heaven and earth, my guardian angel, hear my voice! In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit, hear this prayer, which I pray to you in Latin with all my faith and devotion: In lauden et honourem Dei ae proximi utilitatem. Dominum hon invocaverumt illie trepidaverum timore, ubi non erat timor. Amen.

O exalted and divine Trinity of the Creator Father, the Redeemer Son and the glorifying Holy Spirit, Alpha and Omega, O mighty Adonai, I commend myself to you and to all the saints, to the angels and archangels, so that their infinite goodness may come and humbly prostrate this creature (name and surname of the person making the request), (pronounce the name and surname of the person we wish to love us) to love me always and be happy by my side, not to find happiness with anyone else but with me.

Jahel, Ismael, Rosael, oh mighty angels of love, help me and St. Michael the Archangel so that my desires for love are fulfilled, I ask you to be jealous of my beloved and make his soul generous only with me and his heart beat with love only for me. Jahel, Ismael, Rosael, listen to me and help me. So be it.

Then say nine Our Fathers and nine Hail Marys, so that the prayer may have more strength and power.

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel for dominion

Oh my beautiful, beloved and glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, today I come to you to ask you to give me your help to be able to dominate and have power over the life of (name of the person to be dominated), you who are a warrior and could dominate the devil, you who are also the guardian of heaven.

Help me to have power over the life, the heart and the thoughts of (name of the person to be controlled), so that he/she does everything I want and desire, so that his/her thoughts are only for me, so that when he/she wakes up he/she thinks of me, so that when he/she eats he/she thinks of me, so that when he/she walks he/she thinks of me, so that when he/she is with another person he/she feels uncomfortable because he/she is not with me.

oracion a san miguel arcangelThat he has no eyes or desires for another woman who is not me, that when he is given the opportunity to be with someone else he cannot, that his thoughts of me do not leave him alone until he comes to me to ask me to be his and to be with him until the day he dies.

Saint Michael the Archangel, I ask you to bring me humbly and meekly before my feet and on my knees to (name of the person you wish to dominate) so that he/she may ask me for forgiveness if he/she has ever offended me, that he/she may ask me to be by his/her side and that he/she may show all the love he/she feels for me.

Through this prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, I ask that the thoughts and dreams of (name of the person to be dominated) be dedicated only to me (name of the person making the request), that this person be bound with chains and handcuffs of filial love, so that wherever he is and with whomever he is, he will think of me, that he will not take pleasure or delight in another person, with two I see you, with three I bind you, from the back I see you, from the front I greet you as Christ for the world. amen.

Saint Michael the Archangel, I ask you to influence the feelings of (name of the person to be dominated) so that he comes to my side, so that even when he is far away he thinks of me and feels the need to come to me, your dominating archangel, help me and give me your strength to be able to control (name of the person to be dominated) so that I and I alone am the owner of his life and his heart.

You, my dear and glorious St Michael the Archangel, overcome and dominate the heart of (name of person to be dominated) as you were able to dominate the devil and his followers, so that I may have the joy of having my loved one by my side forever. Amen.

In the following video there is another prayer of dominion: