If you have lost the love of your life and you have the faith and hope to find him again, you can do so by praying to St Michael the Archangel. Here we present it to you.

Oraciones a San Miguel Arcángel para recuperar amor perdido

Who is Archangel Michael?

He is considered the most important of the archangels for the Christian religion in all its churches, such as the Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic and Anglican, as well as for the Islamic Jewish religion. Such is his importance that he is considered the first of the seven archangels.

Oraciones a San Miguel Arcángel para recuperar amor perdido

The meaning of his name is “Who is like God? Something that sounds of absolute importance when you consider that the Archangel Michael fulfils the function of head of God’s army, fighting and directly defeating the most fearsome figure known, as it is the fallen angel according to the scriptures, Satan.

The scriptures say that he will be one of those who will be present at the final judgement, so he carries a scale to weigh the souls, he is also assigned to cut and release the souls of this earth as they leave their carnal body, that is when they die, to accompany them to the resting place of the souls and to defend them on the way. It is always interesting to make some more prayers for love and something else to comfort the soul.

Oraciones a San Miguel Arcángel para recuperar amor perdido

The main attribute of the Archangel Michael is that of the Justice who protects the innocent and fights evil with his sword. He has become the judge who destroys it. He is the guardian of earth and heaven as he reigns in both worlds.

In addition to all these good qualities and some others attributed to him, he is also asked to bring back love through the prayer to St Michael the Archangel to restore lost love. This is explained below. And when it comes to the husband, there are also powerful prayers to help him.

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel to restore lost love

O glorious, victorious archangel St Michael, heavenly prince, my guardian angel! I come to you to ask for your mighty help. I humbly ask you to listen to my pleas and to give me the sweet peace I long for. Without the tranquillity I need to live, and with a soul that remains restless. I can only cure my ills and banish my sorrows by obtaining the love of …………. (name of the person you wish to be loved).

Oh Archangel Michael, Prince of Heaven, my beloved guardian angel, do not abandon me, listen to my voice, bring my …….. (name of the person you wish to be loved) to me as soon as possible, I need her to be with me, my heart suffers for not having her love. You who won the battle of heaven, help me to win this time. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it! So be it!

Say the following prayer with much hope and all faith that your desires will be fulfilled:

“In laud et honourem Dei ae proximi utilitatem. Diminum hon invocaverunt illie trepidaverum timore ubi non erat timor”.


Oraciones a San Miguel Arcángel para recuperar amor perdido

O exalted and divine Trinity of the Creator Father, the Redeemer Son and the Glorifying Holy Spirit!

Alpha and Omega! O mighty Adonai! Before Your infinite goodness, this creature (your name and surname) humbly prostrates itself and asks You with all its heart that … (name of the person you wish to receive) may always love Me and be happy at My side. Jahel, Ismael, Rosael, O mighty angels of love! Watch over my beloved and make his heart beat with love for me alone. Jahel, Ismael, Rosael, listen to me and help me, so be it!…. So be it!

Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glorias.

Pray the prayer with much faith, morning and evening

For three days in a row

Light a light blue candle each day.

Oraciones a San Miguel para encontrar amor perdido

To reinforce this prayer to St Michael the Archangel to regain the love you desire, you can also enjoy the following video.

The most powerful protector one can turn to is Archangel Michael.

We can think of Archangel Michael as the great protector of the inhabitants of the earth and their souls as they pass from this life to the next as he has the vengeance of being in both worlds covering the Creator’s plans as the head of his armies of angels and archangels. To keep in touch with him, we can also recite some other very effective and powerful prayers for every need.

Oraciones a San Miguel para encontrar amor perdido


Music is part of the nourishment of the soul, that is why when reciting the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel to recover lost love, there is no better company than good music that relaxes us and puts us at peace, here I leave it. Something special. Enjoy it.