The prayer to the anima sola for despair is designed by all its followers to drive a person mad until he or she returns to his or her side. The anima sola is capable of destroying, despairing and even causing a person to lose their mind. You can read more about the prayer to the Anima Sola of Despair here.

oración al ánima sola para desesperar

Anima sola despair ritual

The anima sola can be used to make a person desperate. The following ritual can be thought of from a binding perspective. The ritual must be accompanied by the prayer to the anima sola to despair. This prayer must be said with the utmost unwavering faith (see: Prayer of Faith).

The ritual is part of white magic. Therefore, it is not necessary to cause great harm to the other person. It is simply an attempt to make that special person you love desperate until he or she returns to you. Other experts on the subject, such as the Red Death Saint, can also make your job easier, as she deals with love affairs. Without further ado, let us proceed with the ritual:

oración al ánima sola para desesperar

  • A photo of the person you want to see in despair (important).
  • One or more red candles.
  • A room suitable for the ritual to be performed.
  • A portrait of the Anima alone. A printed image will make the work easier.
  • A medium sized vessel or glass.

The procedure

Fill the glass with water until it reaches the middle. Find a needle and prick your middle finger with it. You will drop drops of blood into the glass of water.

As soon as the water turns red because of the blood, the preamble of the prayer to the Anima Alone to Despair with the following invocations is made:

oración al ánima sola para desesperar

By the power of the blood, my blood that loves you, and in the company of the mighty anima sola, I conjure you (person’s name) to despair and to go mad for me.

Now light the red candle or candles to invoke the prayer to the anima sola to despair:

O most wise anima sola, my great companion of this day. I come to you with great fervour to despair the soul of (name of the person you wish to despair) to such an extent that he/she will go mad with love for me. Draw him/her to My presence like a meek little lamb. I hope his or her mind will always be busy thinking about how to make me happy day after day.

The next step is to take the picture of the person you want to make unlovable and place it in the glass of water (which should already be reddish in colour). Then keep the glass together with the picture of the anima alone and the person to despair of in a secret place. The idea is to dominate and despair the person until he/she becomes a docile lamb (see: Prayer of the Meek Lamb).

oración al ánima sola para desesperar

Prayer to the soul alone to drive an enemy mad

By praying to the soul alone, you will be able to drive your enemies completely insane. The devotee will always consider the power granted by the novena to San Marcos de León as a second strategy.

-O great single soul who, thanks to your surrounding fire, illuminates every step I take. Today I come before your holy image to make the following request. I ask you to drive all my enemies mad and desperate. As they seek my uncontrollability, I wish for them total despair. May their days never have a drop of peace. May all their nights be shrouded in the fog of total insomnia.

oración al ánima sola para desesperar

I hope that all their evil plans against me will come to nothing. May all evil intentions vanish like the wind through the trees. I wish their minds to remain disturbed forever, so that they will not find their place on earth. So be it.

Thus end the prayer to the anima alone to despair an enemy. Remember that with the help of the prayer to Santa Marta de Caramanchel to subdue enemies, you will be able to support the anima sola, in case you need another powerful support to consider.

oración al ánima sola para desesperar

Prayer to the lonely soul in despair

-O my great friend, my lonely soul. At this time I ask for your intercession to drive (name of person) to despair because he has been very bad to me. Make him/her completely mad until he/she comes to me willing to forgive him/her. Make his mind completely clouded so that he does not know how to make decisions. I want him to become dependent on me so that I can manipulate him.

Turn this creature into the most docile of lambs. Let his desperation and judgement depend only on me. I hope I can make him desperate until I take that power away myself.